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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. For Gregg's sake, I hope you have soft hands! -Tito the Fish-
  2. It took 11 variations of my nickname & my real name to find one that I liked; I am: "TITO THE FISH"
  3. Sounds like a good day, Don; throw in a couple hours fishin', & it's an awesome day. Since I got to punch 8 hours at work, I need to go for a walk with my kid & my dog to make this a good day for me. I swear, when I typed "walk", the dog ran to his leash...honest! Later, Steve
  4. "private investo-gator wuss" ???? Dude, did you just call Weedy a wuss?
  5. James, you never cease to amaze me! I mean, you can gather that I'm stupid & naive through my posts on the forum, but how the hell did you know that I'm poor as well? Oh, wait...it's 'cuz I don't own a $25,000 jetboat, isn't it? Dead give-away, right there. Now, you may return to kissing the butt of the man who has "no idea who Fishead is" two days after you sang his praises & offered him a day of fishing with you...maybe the two of you can discuss the relative merits of a sense of humour. You may have to Google it. Good luck! Have a nice day, Steve
  6. Don, I hope these guys aren't making you feel guilty about looking down on those who merely "assemble" flyrods; after all, there's probably some guy out there who grows his own bamboo & builds rods out of it. He's looking down on you because you're simply a "builder", while he's a "creator" of flyrods. BTW, the more I read your recent posts, the more I think that you & Fishead will get along famously on your jet & drift on the Bow. -Steve-
  7. I saw some tractor-trailer sized ice-floes go down the river today. I pity the fool who doesn't see those coming in time!
  8. Translation: At least until I can train a Lab to operate the vid cam...
  9. Now, if you can just train him to crap heart-shaped turds, it'll be like Valentine's several times a day for many years to come...
  10. Great-lookin' dog, Glen! Does that mean you don't need me to carry your gear anymore?
  11. Dude, you should definately go with the brown shock collar; it'll match yer corduroy fishin' jacket.
  12. Now, don't be too hard on yourself, son. Trout-bonking is NOT a mortal sin. You just have to say "Catch and Release" 100 times & make a small donation to Streamwatch, and all will be forgiven by the Fishing Gods. Go now, and bonk no more... -Rev. Bob-
  13. "Hijack off..." ??? Dude, I think yer on the wrong forum! Oh, and you accidentally put an "H" at the start of yer confession...
  14. So, you taking some fishing trips in the Brokeback Mountain area?
  15. Way to step up, Fishhead! Thanks a bunch!
  16. I'll be danged iffen that l'il moose weren't cuter than a spotted puppy under a Conestoga wagon, y'all!! When Moosie was cavorting in the little puddle.....AAAWWWWWWWW! Too funny!
  17. Yeah, we get kinda used to having our endings all tied up with a nice bow on 'em, don't we? Never read any of McCarthy's books, but I will. Any in particular that you'd recommend? Thanks, Steve BTW, breaking "GENERAL CHAT" into "Fishing Related" & "NFR" is a good move; nice work, admin!
  18. Saw this movie on the weekend; thought it was awesome. So, that's what it's like down in Texas? No wonder Rickr left! The movie's full of great performances, including an all-time great bad guy played by Javier Bardem. Some great action & graphic violence, but the best part of the movie for me was the dialogue- perfectly written, perfectly delivered by a phenomenal cast. I even found myself laughing more than I would have expected, given what I'd read about the movie before seeing it. Not quite sure what to make of the ending, & I think that applied to everyone in the theater; & that may be exactly what the film-makers were going for. Very interested to know what y'all thought of this flick- but don't give away the ending, for the benefit of those who may want to go see it.
  19. Happy B-day, ye olde bass-turd!! Now I know why y'all left Texas; like the movie says, it's "No Country For Old Men".
  20. Then you need Dr. Bulltrout or Bigbadbrent to tie you up one of them 18" bullie streamers & catch 'em! Just think of the bulltrout steaks! Yum-yum!!!
  21. He did eventually get up with the help of his hands; too bad he was alone at the time!
  22. Great angle on that pic; can't see the Adam's apple at all!
  23. Another great story, Rick. BTW, who's gonna play you in the movie version?
  24. I choose not to reply to you not replying to most of these replies.....
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