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  2. Well, maybe we're not creating new trout streams, but we are creating waters that now support trout and cold, clean water by mitigating abandoned mine runoff. These are streams have been lifeless in some cases for over 100 years. There are hundreds of thousands of abandoned mines leaking acids and toxic metals throughout the country, and until a recent law was passed if an independent organization went in to clean these up, they could be held liable for any damages. The technology is there but the law prevented them from helping. With recent passage of a Good Samaritan law, a number of test cases will be established to prove that independent organizations can work to clean up these mines without legal risk. Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited, [41:35] walks us through what has been done and what can be done in the future to ensure cleaner water for fishing, drinking, and swimming. Chris is always an articulate and interesting guest and we know you'll enjoy this podcast. In the Fly Box this week, we have some great new questions and tips including: What is a good chair for fly tying? What is a good light for fly tying? How do you organize your tying desk? What setup should I use to fish streamers in a narrow, brushy piece of water? A piece broke off the jaws of my fly-tying vise. How can I prevent this from happening in the future? Why don't they make polarized sunglasses with clear magnifying inserts? A tip from a listener to always pack an extra pack with dry clothes in case you fall in. Should I recycle my hooks after all the dressing has fallen off a fly? I want a rod for pike and musky fishing. What is the difference between the 10-weight and 11-weight Clearwater rods? Is it bad a stretch a leader by hanging a pair of forceps on it? For small stream trout, should I get a Battenkill Disc or Battenkill spring-and-pawl reel? If I want to practice casting to my "off" side prior to a float trip, should I practice casting with my left hand or use my right hand to cast over my left shoulder? View the full article
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  4. What benefits do you get when you upgrade from a $40 box box store rod to a Clearwater or Encounter? How much better is a Recon rod and will you see and appreciate the performance improvements. And what are you missing out on by getting a Recon instead of a Helios? This is a common podcast question, and I've asked Shawn Combs [44:53], Orvis rod and reel designer, to walk us through the various price points of Orvis rod and how the rods differ. There is a true price/value equation in Orvis rod models, but is the difference important to you? We hope to guide you through those questions. In the Fly Box this week, we have some terrific questions. No phone calls this week so they are all e-mail questions, including: Which river types are richer in insect life, and does that affect your success with dry flies? Why is there so much shame about fishing around brown trout redds but not the same with brook, rainbow, and cutthroat trout? How do you set up your leaders for striper fishing? Why don't we go through the eye of the hook twice on every knot, as we do for the Trilene Knot? Why is there so much spot burning with social media? A listener who had a life-threatening experience in a kayak gives us some great tips on being safe on the water. Any thoughts on organizing fly boxes? A listener tells us that washing CDC feathers will not let them float properly but I respectfully beg to differ. A tip from a listener on how to lessen line tangles when fishing from a pedal kayak. What is meant by "nervous water"? View the full article
  5. Thanks. San Diego. Might be a good idea. Could maybe tie Disney Land in.
  6. Costa Rica or Belize could be an option, just go with a reputable service, and travel with them while 'in country' ( more in Belize ). Fish Tales could maybe help you out. Yucatan...bit dicey right now, even in the resorts. Baja is slated as a no go. I've also heard that San Diego, of all places, can solve the beach, kids and fishing all in one go. Just my 2 cents!
  7. Anyone out there that can recommend a winter vacation destination for a family. Not looking for much (LOL)-- fly fishing opportunity, sandy beach, some sightseeing/adventure/cultural events. Not looking for all-inclusive, but a rental for 6 adults and a 6 year old. If not near a beach, then a swimming pool. A direct flight would be preferable, but not a game changer. We are researching, but any suggestions greatly appreciated. First hand knowledge especially helpful. Thanks. Jerry
  8. Candycane soft hackle in Sz8. Phosphor floss body, pheasant rump tail/wing with red guinea fowl and a Schlappen front hackle with a Rudolph red nose. Merry Fishmas!
  9. Peter Laurelli [40:07] is a film-maker and fly fisher, and specializes in fly fishing from a paddleboard. And not in just any place—Peter fly fishes off the northeast coast for striped bass and false albacore, and if you can fish from a paddleboard in these conditions you can do it anywhere. Peter shares his tips on launching and landing a paddleboard, as well as tips for rigging a paddleboard for fly fishing, and of course approaching fish and playing and landing them. If you want to see a sample of his fishing and filming in salt water you can see it here: Surf & Inshore Fly Fishing - SIFF18: Four Years For Life It includes some spectacular drone footage of striped bass and false albacore schools feeding on baitfish. In the Fly Box this week we have some interesting questions, including the inevitable queries about what rod and reel to buy and how to handle issues with leaders. Questions include: Can I replace the tippet ring I use in my leader setup with a Perfection or Surgeon's Loop? Can I use 6X or even 7X when hanging a size 14 nymph from a larger dry fly? Can you recommend a quality reel for the fiberglass rod I own that won't break the bank? What is your take on fishing tandem streamer setups? I'm planning on taking my first tarpon fishing trip to Florida in June. Is a 10- or 11-weight rod suitable or do I need to go to a 12-weight? Can I use my Mirage LT IV for bonefish? I want a rod for midwest trout and bass. Can you help me pick one? I typically modify my knotless leader back and forth. But at what point should I replace my leader with a fresh one? What are your thoughts on glow-in-the-dark fly lines for striped bass at night? Which species does Tom always go barbless for, and which does he stick with a barbed hook? What is your take on the no-targeting regulation proposed for striped bass? View the full article
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  10. Had one of the best summers for dries this year ('24) and one of the best patterns for the great days was a Comparadun...in pink, no less! Sz14 traditional wet fly hook, preeeeeeemo Comparadun hair and the body was 'Dirty Bug Yarn' by SemperFli in the "Shrimp" colour. The Rainbows smashed the pinkies all day, switched to olive or gray...nothing. Scruff it up a bit to make it extra buggy and Sz16 might have done it too.
  11. Apparently there are times when Bow river genes make beautiful creatures. Still hunting those elusive bull trout
  12. What is that GMO trout doing in our pristine Bull Trout water? Don
  13. This episode was originally published on January 27th, 2022. This week, my guest is Orvis casting guru Pete Kutzer [47:31], and we talk about casts for difficult trout. Often you don't need great casting skills or special casts to catch trout, but there are times when a little razzle-dazzle will make the difference. Pete talks about those situations and what to do--and he also introduces a new way of making a Bow-and -Arrow cast that was new to me. I think anyone can benefit from Pete's advice. In the Fly Box this week, we have these great questions and tips from listeners: What do you think about tying on eyeless hooks and making eyes out of silk bead cord? What do you mean by the term "swinging flies"? Can I target grass carp on a fly? Can you ice fish with flies? How do I fish a lake for trout from my kayak? What do you think of the electric socks that are controlled by an app? A great tip from a listener on avoiding spooking trout in small streams. Can a figure-8 knot be used in fly fishing? What do you recommend for a rod for fishing larger eastern rivers? How can I correct a casting issue where my fly gets caught on my line-to-leader connection? Do I need to buy a specific saltwater outfit for Belize or will my current steelhead rod work? Do you recommend weed guards for fishing in Belize? How much do brown trout move in the fall? Do you think it's possible that a stocked tiger trout could have moved 30 miles from where it was stocked? Can I overline my 3-weight rod by two line sizes for really short casts? My wife has problems with glare on the water. Do you think there is something wrong with her eyes? Which precautions should I take releasing trout in subzero weather? View the full article
  14. I had run out of calf body hair, so I used white CDC for the gills on this chironomid. I'm sure there is an official name for this pattern, but I am calling it a Stoplight Chironomid. Sz 14 Klinkhammer hook, using three different colours of floss and a black tungsten slotted bead with a UV resin coating. .
  15. Haven't tried a Green Lacewing pattern yet, too busy tying smaller and smaller midges! Had to stop squinting at Sz20 hooks, so went for a big salmon pattern. McKenna's Freestyle Fall Favourite, on a Sz4 Daiichi 2139 - Bob Veverka's 'Classic Salmon Hook'. Hard to tell from my photo, but the steel is blued. The original calls for a 2441, but I liked the shape of this hook. Time to break out the tripod and big camera methinks! Tim Flagler also has a great tying demo for this pattern on his YT channel. Red holo-tinsel for the butt, silver mylar body (UV resin optional) and small orange arctic UV chenille wrapped for the underwing. Red guinea fowl for the throat with a fire orange arctic fox wing. Top sparkle is Senyo's barred Predator Wrap in Fluorescent orange & black. This is a joy to tie, and one of my favourite patterns. I'm also trying a few different styles to adapt the pattern to a tube fly. Cheers!
  16. Thanks for the heads up

    1. SilverDoctor


      Thanks for the heads up

  17. This week's show is a Backcast episode from January 8th, 2021. This week, we're continuing our series on winter fly fishing for trout. I interview Antonio Rodrigues [42:50] manager of Front Range Anglers in Boulder, Colorado, and he has a different take on winter fly fishing, and some different methods. I've found it fascinating to see how each guest approaches this differently and hope you pick up some tips as well. In the Fly Box this week, we have these questions and tips from listeners: What do you use for a fly box when surf fishing? I have not had good luck with guide trips and want to know what you recommend so I get a better trip next time. Are fly rods built on continuous blanks and then cut into sections, or is each section made separately? And are sections interchangeable from one rod to another? What is the purpose of adding flash to nymph patterns? A tip on using special flies for casting practice. What do I do about fishing places where lots of swimmers have been? Are wire bite guards worth it?Can I tie a 3X tippet to a 3mm tippet ring? Are all Orvis leader lengths built to the same basic taper or are they different? Another suggestion on where to donate flies you don't want. What uses do you have for magnets when fishing? What do I use huge streamer patterns like the Manbearpig for, and how should I fish them? View the full article
  18. Honestly, the whole guide debate is a tricky one.
  19. Originally posted February 5. 2012. In the fly box this week, we talk about where fly tying materials come from, getting wet flies to swing deeper, fishing logs, and fishing small flies under water. In the main topic, we discuss different kinds of trout and how to fish for them--hatchery vs. wild, and pressured trout streams vs. remote trout streams. We've had some great suggestions for podcast topics lately so keep them coming View the full article
  20. Lacewing. Must have been a good year for them as they were getting into my house every night all summer long and I've never noticed them before. I'm thinking of an extended body using green para-post foam with a sparse antron wing and a few turns of grizzly hackle over green dubbing for the thorax
  21. Hi folks! Looks like the topic is open, so here we go!! I watched many of these insects over the past 2024 summer ( lacewing / green Sally? ) and would like to tie a version. Any tips would be appreciated!
  22. Any kind of two-handed fishing is confusing for those of us who mostly fish with a single-handed rod. I asked the great Pete Kutzer [37:34]to simplify the selection of a rod, reel, line, leader, and tips for getting a start in swinging flies for trout and he then offers a number of tips for casting, attaching the leader, fly selection, and more. It's a great basic guide to getting started in this fun way to fish for trout. In the Fly Box, I thought we had some unusually interesting questions this week, including: Will weed guards on my flies help me from catching on oyster bars? If the tip of my hook gets bent over, should I try to put it back into shape? Can I catch striped bass in New England in the winter? What can you tell me about Orvis boron rods from the 1980s? Can I get one rod for tarpon, bonefish, pike, muskie, giant trevally, triggerfish, snook, redfish, and dorado? Why did you not mention the Davey Knot when you talked about knots a few weeks ago? How can I keep my yarn indicators floating? I am having trouble getting long downstream drifts with a dry fly. I keep moving the fly. What do you suggest? I can't seem to catch any fish on scuds. When, where, and how should I fish them? A tip from a listener on learning to fall safely. Can I use a Skagit or Scandi line on my 10-foot 8-weight? View the full article
  23. I frequently get questions from listeners traveling to Europe, curious about fly fishing opportunities in Italy, France, Austria, and Switzerland. I've never fished there and don't have any answers, so I reached out to Miha Ivanc [40:52] of Kyrka River Lodge in Slovenia, who has fished all through the Alps. In the podcast you'll learn where to fish, what species to expect (like their native marbled trout), how to fish for them, and where to get permission to fish. It should be an eye-opener to most of us. In the Fly Box this week, we have some particularly interesting questions, including: Can I use flies for ice fishing? I mostly fish lakes and am having problems on streams. With long casts I get drag and with shorter casts I worry about spooking fish. What should I do? Can I work downstream with a streamer and then work back up through the same water with a dry dropper? Is there a risk in tippet material breaking down in sunlight when it is on a tippet holder exposed to the sun? I see people catching trout on worms but I can't seem to fool them on flies. What am I doing wrong and do you have any tips? Is it legal to raise jungle cock for feathers in the US, and is anyone doing it? A listener corrects me on a statement I made regarding using molted feathers from songbirds to tie flies. Do you have any tips for traveling to Chile to fish at Magic Waters? If I see water striders and small baitfish in a pool, does that mean there won't be any larger trout there? How much life can I expect from a leader I made myself? Can I tell the difference between wild and hatchery trout by looking at them? I can't seem to catch more than two trout from any one pool. What am I doing wrong? View the full article
  24. Jessica Strickland [38:07] is Trout Unlimited's California Inland Trout director and is an expert on the historical and curent range of this rare trout species. Where do they live today as compared to their original range? Can you still fish for them, and do you need to hike for many miles or are they more acessible close to a trailhead? You'll learn the answer to these questions and many more in this interview. In the Fly Box this week we have some great questions, including: For Colorado and Oklahoma trout fishing, should I get a 5-weight, 4-weight, or 3-weight rod? Is there a rule for overlining a trout rod when it is longer than 9 feet? Can I Spey cast with a single-handed rod? The welded loop on my running line broke. What is the best way to make a new loop to attach it to my head? Do you have any tips for catching stocked rainbow trout after they have been in the river for a while? A great suggestion from a listener on how to educate other anglers from walking on trout redds. My felt soles have not been working well. Are there different grades of felt on wading boots? What are the guidelines for tipping a guide? When bushwacking should you carry your rod with the tip pointed forward or back? Can I leave the legs off small nymphs? I have trouble tying them in. Can I tie a small fly on a bigger hook? What are your tips for winter fishing in the Northeast? View the full article
  25. Fishing deep with leeches and bloodworms is the only way to go once the water gets cold
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