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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Good to know that it's not just us guys taking matters into our own hands.
  2. Any port in a storm, is that how it works? Remember: don't ask, don't tell!
  3. Rick, dude, you REALLY need to get fishin'!! Be careful, Glen; I think he's just interested in your "outback", if ya know what I mean, eh? Wink-wink, nudge-nudge.
  4. SWEEEEET!!!! Wicked broonie, Glen; good on ya, brutha!
  5. Naw, man, he done found a pretty sheep; if he can teach her to cook, he'll marry her!
  6. Just curious; didja hafta kill that sucka 9 times?
  7. BTW,Hawgstoppah, does BC refer to British Columbia, or "Before Christ"? I don't think there were any regs over 2000 years ago.
  8. In B.C., even Jesus Christ himself has to pay the $20 classified water fee!
  9. Sounds good to me, Brian. The "friendly" competition in the other thread is already leaning a little toward "not-so-friendly"; not really my cuppa tea(now, maybe if I didn't suck so bad.....).
  10. That is one purty 'bow, my friend! Enjoy every moment- I know you will. Looking forward to the screening of the vid, Glen. Looks phenomenal, so far! Give 'em hell for us all, bro'! Are ya having any trouble keeping the ice out of the eyes of your rod? Later, Steve
  11. Hey, Glen! Real shame that it took ya so long to get into some Kiwi fish, Brutha! Awesome! Hope it just keeps gettin' better. Looking forward to living vicariously through your posts. Keep'em coming! Later, mang!
  12. Thanks for posting the pic of your top-secret bulltrout bait.
  13. Glenbow: You, my friend, are thinking too much! Dr. Loblaw's prescription for you is this- some fresh New Zealand air & much brown trout therapy.
  14. You could have him dig his own grave, then bash his head in with a shovel; that would take care of gettin' dirty, fresh air, & the hard manual labour all at once. Plus, a lotta enjoyment for you!
  15. I would calmly walk into the room, unplug the computer, use the cord to strangle the little freak, and drop the corpse off at the dump..... No jokes.....
  16. And now we know why you make those 100' casts- just to find trout you haven't spooked yet!
  17. That looks like a decent accessory for your cat, but, the only accessories ya really need are a burlap sack & a nice, heavy rock. Meet me at the river & I'll show ya how to use them. . . . . . . . . Kidding! I don't even hate cats. And kittens.....aw, shucks..... they're kinda cute!
  18. We know you ain't hip, bro'. We've seen the corduroy fishin' jacket!
  19. Man, anybody who can read this(and, I mean REALLY read it) and not be moved by what these brave people went through must have no shred of humanity. It does not paint a pretty picture, does it? If I remember from Jr. High, the final line translates roughly to "It is good and proper(honorable?) to die for one's country". Maybe the IDEA of dying for one's country is good & proper, but the bitter REALITY of it is more like the scenario so gut-wrenchingly laid out above by Wilfred Owen. Thanks for posting this, Kritofr; I know for a fact I didn't appreciate the brilliant writing or the sacrifice of the subjects of the piece 30 years ago. Heartfelt thanks to all who serve or have served; keep a good thought for them- and not just this one day of the year. -Steve M-
  20. How did that happen? Let's see..... a beautiful day, fish aren't biting, a grassy bank, a knowing glance....and... BAM!...Dave's carrying BBT's love child. Dave, lay off the caffeine during your man-pregnancy!
  21. SWEEEEET!!! Gotta tell ya, I admire your patience & perserverance; I know you put in lots of casts between April & these steelies. Must be super-satisfying; give yerself a little pat on the back from your FFC cohorts( if your arm isn't too sore from all that casting). Kudos, m'lady! -Steve M-
  22. That was my brother. Did he leave you any fish?
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