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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Dang, some S.O.B done pilfered mah name!! Ain't right to steal sumthin' that's already bin stole once! (BTW, I lifted the name from Scot Baio's character on "Arrested Developement".)
  2. I've got 2 words for that 'bow: Jenny Craig... That is one fat fish, man!!! Thanks for the pics, Jeff.
  3. Nah, he's just been stirring up another forum. Be careful, Tako, them hunters is armed!!! Nice vids; thanks for postin'!!
  4. SteveM


    Yep. Mr.Google confirmed it; another rednecked Albertan!
  5. I believe Mr.Barnes is referring to using a "tube thingy", which I'm guessing is Newfanese for float-tube/belly boat. I, for one, would LOVE to see the results of attaching an electric motor to a belly boat...bet it would make a very loud "BANG" when he screwed the motor mount to the tube!!!
  6. Wow!!! Can't believe G-Spot turned 40 today; whatever you do, do not start acting your age! Hope you got out for a birthday fish; hope it was epic. Happy Birthday, bro'! Catch ya later, Steve
  7. Happy t'irty-first, ya young pup! Hope the river treated ya good today;not many better ways to spend your birthday... All the best, Steve
  8. That's a good one, man; very funny!!!
  9. I hear they're gonna change the name of the reservoir from Bullshead to "Beedhead Reservoir".The only problem is, they want it to be a surprise for you, Jeff; but, you never leave there long enough for 'em to change the danged sign!!! Some nice pics of some beautiful fish, my friend; keep 'em comin'! Later, Steve
  10. How'd ya like to get yer hands on dem tievin' sleveens, b'y? Lard tunderin', I lows ya could boot 'em half way to Capelin Cove! Seriously, that really sucks, man! Sorry to hear about it; hope you got good insurance with not too big a deductible. Good luck, me brudder! Later, Steve
  11. Another sweet set of pics, Clive. Well done! Hate to be picky, but you forgot to use the red-eye reduction in the Cinnamon Teal pic...
  12. If you were a true blonde, you would forget them 5 minutes after you read 'em; then, they'd be new jokes every time!
  13. SteveM

    A Few Pics

    The moose pic is real cool; nice job, mang!
  14. Used to icefish Eagle a bit, always had some luck. Haven't heard many good reports for a few years. Saw the guy next to me pull a fat 43 incher through the ice about 5 years ago.
  15. Never fished smallies, but made quite a few trips to Duck Lake for largemouths in the past. Definitely a blast, especially those heart-stopping topwater takes. That being said, I kinda hafta agree with Tako on the idea of stocking non-native fish being a bad thing. Tako, you & I can just stick to catching "native" brookies & browns, right? BTW, I checked out the BassfishingBC forum; very nice. Hopefully it grows & becomes as useful & entertaining as this forum. I know I'll use it when I'm getting ready to head out there; smallies are on my wish-list.
  16. HMMM... BBT's "hottest 80's chick".... For some reason, I was kinda expecting it to be Divine. Remember him/her?
  17. 440+ views, 57 measly votes???? WTF gives? Let's show these guys some appreciation for their art, y'all! Point-and-click, point-and-click... It ain't so difficult, is it? Danged Albertans and their voters' apathy...
  18. Tissue?? Do ya think he's gonna get that excited when the Flames win in double O.T???
  19. Huselius actually played with a little bit of an edge tonight. WTF? Lombardi is becoming a premier defensive player, especially on the PK; his shot-blocking is phenomenal! Hopefully, this is the version of the Flames that shows up in the Sharktank.
  20. Well, now I know what this thread was all about; just an excuse for Brian to remind us what a "Hawgstoppah" is! I carry a tape, very seldom pull it out. My new cradle is 24" and is marked for easy, accurate measurements. Now I only have to pull out my tape for the trout that hangs over the end of the cradle; I figure that tape should outlive me, 'cuz it ain't gonna see the light of day too frickin' often. One thing I've noticed- when I see a fish jump at the end of my line, I often underestimate the size. Many times I've guessed a jumping fish to be a 17-18 incher, only to realize it's much bigger when I bring it to hand. So, now, if I lose one after I've seen it fly, I just add 4" to what I think the size is! For the sake of fish stories, I prefer to lose the fish; they're bigger that way! -Steve-
  21. That Boot Camp sounds like a sweet deal; if I was just starting out I'd be all over that like white on rice! Then, the next thing I'd do is come on this forum & say, "Man, I've been out 6 times & haven't seen a fish; wish I had someone to show me the ins & outs of flyfishing the Bow/creeks/lakes..."( whichever you prefer). There's quite a few decent guys & gals on here who are happy to 'pay forward' the help they've received in the past. Good luck! Flyfishin' is frickin' awesome! -Steve-
  22. Hope you enjoy your new toy & the good karma that your donation brings to it, Mr. B! Awesome way to 'pay it forward'...
  23. Not sure what did the damage, but I can tell you he's still goin' strong 8 days later... I caught him yesterday, removed a BARBED SJW from his tail, & he swam away perfectly fine. PINCH YER BARBS, Y'ALL!!!
  24. Yet another in the series of great stories from our favorite Texican... An awesome story, well told. Hope tomorrow yields a great story as well. Pat McManus must be starting to get nervous; these stories should be published, my friend! Later, Steve
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