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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Take it easy, Castor! If Fishhead starts thinking some of us like him, he might just lose his only reason to exist. Then, he'll quit posting, & this forum will be less fun. After all, intentional or not, he's very amusing.
  2. "born in Calgary, on the Banks of the Bow" -How come you can never find a potato sack & a big rock when ya really need 'em? "Been this way my whole life..." -Not buying this one! If you were this way as a wee'un, surely yer folks woulda found a sack & a rock....KERSPLASH!!! "I try hard to accept every different permutation of ffing" -As long as it's streamer fishing from a jetboat... "Why would you feel like all I wanted to do was cause *hit..." -This is a rhetorical question, right? 'Cuz the "BRING IT ON" at the end of your diatribe is not exactly an olive branch, is it? Be sure to tune in later, folks, for more of "Being Fishhead";(not suitable for most audiences!). Thanks, Fishhead, for heating things up on these cold winter days; keep up the good work!
  3. Isn't the idea of Sharkskin this: less surface area=less friction? Shouldn't less friction=less wear?
  4. HOLY FRICK!!!!!!!!!! Un-frickin'-real!!!!!! Awesome shots !
  5. My sacrifices (so far) have been fairly minimal- forceps, many flies in bottom & fish, & one flybox full of terrestrials. If you're gonna lose a flybox, that's the one to lose; hoppers & stimmies are big, so a lot less of 'em than in my nymph box. Still sucks, though. Oh, I figured out Fishhead's secret! He doesn't catch more & bigger fish than me because of his jetboat, his streamers, or his skillz; it's all those dang sacrifices to the fishing gods! Gotta be some reward for all the goodies yer offering up, right?
  6. WARNING: DISTURBING CONTENT!!! Took a while, but, I finally figured out why Glenbow thought it was Rita McNeil. Oddly enough, "the cliffs of doom" was Glen's nickname for Rita's inner thighs, back when they were 'dating'!
  7. Alrighty then, I'll stop following the guides around. Can I follow you around, instead?
  8. Your friend's name wasn't George Carlin, was it? I was just checking out a few of his quotes, & he was busting your chops, Rick. Check this one out: "When you're born, you get a ticket to the freakshow. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat." Or how about: "You know the good thing about all those executions in Texas? Fewer Texans." Now, Rick, you know we all love ya; but, I don't think Mr. Carlin is feelin' ya. You can try engaging George in a chop-busting contest, but I'm pretty sure he's several weight classes above ya. Peace out! -Steve-
  9. SteveM

    Fish Photo

    Nice pics, Tako; thanks for sharing. Feel free to throw up some B.C. pics; we have no predjudice against B.C. fish( of course, we may have to pay an extra $20 per day just to look at 'em, if they're from classified waters!).
  10. Diggin' yer new avatar, Snakeman! It's awesome how you managed to cram all the Oilers' highlights from the past 10 years into one 7 second clip! Just ribbin' ya... definitely a purty goal.
  11. Actually, it's not the flies emitting that "EAT ME" sound; it's Glen!
  12. Amen, Brother Weedy! Thankfully, this time it was the scuzzbag perpetrators who ended up in hospital, instead of some unfortunate bystander (as usually seems to be the case). I wish much pain & suffering on them, plus permanent erectile dysfunction- just for good measure. Birchy, good luck dealing with those other scuzzbags- insurance companies... .Don't take any crap from them; push hard for what's coming to ya, 'cuz, they'll try to screw ya, fo sho'!!
  13. Perfect woman, my arse! What's with all the talking?
  14. And so Birchy's search for long-lost relatives begins....
  15. That's a lot nicer than most so-called "art"; thanks for sharing, AC.
  16. I would stay away from the round tube if I was buying one now. Get a 'toon-type or U-shaped tube that has an elevated seat. These move through the water better( only your feet in the water, as opposed to from the waist down; plus, the shape doesn't push as much water); you also stay warmer when your balls are not in the water on those early spring/late fall days- even with neoprenes on, you can get a chill after a few hours. The price of these types of tubes have dropped a lot the last coupla years. Don't know much about brand names; if your planning to pack it in on some hikes, definitely compare weights on different models. One more important thing- the raised seat makes casting a helluva lot easier. Just my 2 cents... Steve
  17. Wow! That's terribly insensitive... in case you didn't know, several of Clive's younger cousins were killed in that disaster.
  18. Cripes, Rick, ya brought a tear to my eye with this story. I read the condensed version in the other thread & teared up a little; read this one, & danged if it didn't get me again! Hope you're real nice to that woman of yourn! She sounds like a keeper, brother. Thanks for the story; keep'em coming. Later, Steve
  19. Thanks for posting this tutorial, DBT. I don't really tie(SJW's don't count, right?), but, I will try fishing the Goddard's I've been carrying around for years. If they're good enough for Dr. Bulltrout, they're good enough for Dr. Me!
  20. SteveM

    Fish Photo

    Nice fish, Dave! As Squiggy said to Carmine( 'The Big Ragu'),"Don't put yourself down; you're not worth it!"
  21. Yep, and I bet the bison were wishing they'd eff-off back to Asia & leave Alberta for them!
  22. Wow! Odd topic for a flyfishing forum... I notice there aren't a lot of replies/comments; probably bringing back some bad memories of drunken nights in a tent with fishing buddies, or long, lonely tours on a nuclear submarine. Or, maybe, because 1000 guys are busy PM'ing Polegrl...
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