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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. I've had one like that for as long as I can remember; I don't pull it out & use it as often as I'd like. Glen told me he fishes his right on the bottom. I can't seem to get mine that deep, so, I just bang the Hell outta the edges. I recommend fishing it with long, slow pulls at first; then, when you've got the fish's attention, go to short, quick yanks. Throw in a little side-to- side action with your rod-tip; this drives the fish crazy! One last tip: When using this fly on a river, stick to the big, deep holes. You can try fishing at the mouth(of the river), but you will get a lot of rejections. Good luck! Rev. Bob Loblaw
  2. Nice to see ya make an appearance here, PSFG! Here's hoping the '08 half of the winter is a little less stressful for you, brutha. All the best in the New Year. Later, Steve
  3. SteveM

    Ice Fishing

    That "red thing" is a polar thermal tip-up. It's insulated underneath to keep your hole from freezing up( insert generic 'freezing your hole off joke' here ). The spool of line stays underwater to prevent freezing; when the spool turns (when a fish grabs the bait), the flag is released, & the shitshow begins! YEEHAW!!!
  4. Nice to see you back in the Great White North, Glen! Thanks for taking us along on your adventure. Later, Steve
  5. My resolution is to get Weedy down here to fish the Bow for a day with Rickr & me; then I can referee the grudge/cage match after the fishin's done!
  6. And so Glen's DownUnder Adventure ends... Welcome back, brutha! Looking forward to hearing some stories firsthand. Now, I gotta get to bed, or Santa won't stop at my house! See ya soon, mang! -Steve- MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  7. Hate on ya???? Man, we just jealous 'cuz you got such a big one... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...Big Earl, that is!!! And the only list I wanna be on is your Christmas list; so, I guess I'll have to make it to next year's Solstice Fishout to get my gift. Peace out! -Steve-
  8. Naw, he ain't a legend; Dr.BT is just trying to cover up his true feelings for Dave under a veil of low-key hostility. It's actually a man-crush; not that there's anything wrong with that!
  9. Sorry for makin' ya homesick, me son; why don'tcha go get a cod tattoo to cheer yerself up?
  10. Hey, all! Reading an earlier thread about tattoos inspired me to compose this tale about a proud Newfie who gets a tattoo, but ends up regretting it. A couple notes: 1-"haddock" - an Atlantic fish , similar to a cod 2-"Jarge" - a common Newfie name, sometimes mispronounced as "George" 3-to my fellow Newfs: where you see the word "minnow", feel free to replace it with "capelin"; I felt "minnow" would conjure up the picture of something exceedingly small for the rest of the readers. Now that you're up to speed, read on: -THE COD TATTOO- He had a codfish tattoed on his backside; Or, it might have been a haddock, I don't know. I saw it once, the night Jarge got arrested; But, to tell the truth, I didn't get too close. He said he got that cod when he moved to Fort McMurray, But, he couldn't quite recall how it came to pass. He was at the bar, missing home and drinking, And he woke up in the morning with a codfish on his ass! He said,"I hate this town! Can't stand it here!" Then he pulled down his pants and his underwear; And he stood on the bar, and he yelled out loud, Saying," I'm a Newfoundlander, and I'm proud... Of my cod tattoo!" Well, the cops came and they took Jarge to the courthouse. He never thought that charge would ever stand. He told the cops, "You're wasting all our time here; 'Cuz that judge is a Newfie, and I know he'll understand!" So, he dropped his pants, and he showed the judge his codfish; The judge said,"Son, I'm givin' you 3 months! There's nothing wrong with showin' off your codfish; But, ya gotta cover up that 'minnow' in the front!" He said,"I hate it here; can't stand this jail!" Then he showed everyone the codfish on his tail; And, that's a big mistake...in prison life- Now, Jarge's cellmate has a brand new 'wife'... With a cod tattoo! He made it through his sentence, but, he's never been the same. Now, underneath his cod tattoo, he has his cellmate's name. And, he'd like to get that thing removed, but he can't afford the charge; So, now he has a cod tattoo that reads, "BIG JAKE LOVES JARGE"! He said, "I hate this thing; wish it would go away! But it's right there, behind me, everyday! If I could go back, I would change the past; Then I wouldn't have this codfish on my ass... This stupid cod tattoo... I HATE THIS COD TATTOO!" -THE END- P.S. Any resemblance to the song 'Blue Wing' is purely intentional. Later, Steve
  11. Merrrry Chrrrristmas, Gorrrrdon! Och, mon, that's ma best Scottish burrrr! Hope Father Christmas treats you well! -SteveM-
  12. If there's any Karma, Vick will be a receiver(doggie-style); definitely won't be a tight-end when he gets out!
  13. It is Christmas, Don; why not splurge on a nice present for yourself?
  14. Thought I'd take a moment to wish a happy, healthy Christmas to all forum members. Hope we all can get through the hustle, bustle and stress that comes with the season & just enjoy time with family & friends. Speaking of friends: thanks to FFC for the opportunity to make some new friends & fishin' buddies. 'Twas great meeting people like Glenbow, Rickr, Lonefisher, Max, Osprey, Toolman & Fishfreak this past year. Looking forward to meeting more of y'all in the future. All the best, Steve
  15. Hey, Taco, do you know the definition of "merkin"? Oddly enough, it's a "pubic wig for women"; can't really imagine that there's a high demand for those! "Y'know what would be great, honey? If it looked like you had Sideshow Bob's head between your legs; here, put this on!" And that's why I smile whenever someone refers to our Southern neighbours as "Merkins"!
  16. Y'know what your problem is? You're worthless and weak!!!
  17. Instinct? I think not. I think some wiseacre took a picture of some trout being dumped INTO a pond. Then he thought to himself," I wonder if anyone would be gullible enough to believe these fish are escaping from the pond by jumping up into this pipe?" Then Birchy saw the article & thought to himself," I wonder if anyone would be gullible enough to believe that I believe this?" Then I saw Birchy's posting & thought to myself," I don't believe anyone would believe that Birchy would believe that anyone would believe that Birchy believes this !" Unbelievable!!!
  18. My bad, Weedy; should have said "enjoyed". Or maybe he had a D-ring installed to help hold that thang up!
  19. Then there's the Jamaican who has "WENDY" tattoed on his thang, but when he gets excited, it reads : "WELCOME TO JAMAICA, MON, HOPE YOU ENJOYED YOUR STAY"
  20. Now, a coupla piercings, & you can hang your drying patch & forceps from your nipples!
  21. Weedy, I don't care what everybody else says about you- I think you're way too funny! Keep it up, my friend. Maybe you & Rusty could have a cooking section on the forum?
  22. "only 3/4th's of the original band" Wow! Can you imagine the coverage if they had somehow brought back the fourth member?
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