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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Thanks for the story, Greg; I wouldn't denigrate your work by referring to it as a mere "report"! Looks like you put just about as much work into your narrative as you guys put into the fishing. Glad to see that you & Brian persevered & were rewarded. Thanks for taking us along on your adventure. The fish in the Bow have let down their guard while you were gone- go give them whatfor, brutha! Welcome back. -Steve M-
  2. ...and fools seldom differ. Of course, I kid!
  3. When you drown, can I have the $170 that you saved?
  4. "my goodness"??? Easy on the language, fella! This is a family friendly forum!!
  5. No, no, no!!! That won't do at all! If Flyangler sends Glen all her fishing gear for "proper disposal", then she won't be fishing anymore. This will free up lots of extra time to devote to tying flies...which she can send to me for "proper disposal". F'rinstance, yesterday, I disposed of 3 nymphs on one breakoff.
  6. That's OK, boys. Nobody's perfect.
  7. Tell the truth, Brent; you like damsels in distress, dat dress, but preferably no dress!
  8. My neighbor just informed me that Ribtor's having a "Going out of business sale". Not sure what they have for fishing gear, but, it's 60% off. Lots of good deal's on camping gear, etc., as well. Might be worth checking out?
  9. I'm all out of white poofy stuff; can I substitute white fluffy stuff? Is fluffy stuff good enough?
  10. You say you have a 14' boat? Get a 12' net- problem solved!
  11. I really liked Tiger as a player, back in the good old days of hockey. I saw him once here in Calgary, at a Humpty's at 2:30 in the morning. He was in town coaching a in-line hockey team from Vancouver, & had a few too many while celebrating a victory. At least, I hope he was drunk; I'd hate to think he's that loud, obnoxious, & rude to waitresses when he's sober!
  12. Anything by Pat McManus; gotta take a break from the serious side of fishing/reading now & then or you'll go krazee!
  13. Good on ya, man! Sweet coho! Plus, you win the award for fugliest waders!
  14. Yeah, I'm pretty sure paternity leave is like WCB ; they'll have an investigator out with a video camera checking up on you. If you're not changing diapers, doing laundry, etc. , they'll revoke your paternity leave & make you pay back any benefits you have received. DO NOT GO FISHING!!! Hopefully, by now you've already caught a couple bigguns! Tightlines, fellas!
  15. Thanks for the tip on the packing foam, Dryfly; definitely something I will use.
  16. Thanks for the decode, Albanyknickknackpaddywackkickbackkoolaid ; I was thinking LMFTO meant Laugh My Fancy Tam Off . Glad you cleared it up for me. Later! -Bob Loblaw-
  17. Just wanted to add a welcome to the FFC forum ; your input is much appreciated. BTW, what does your name mean-"Alabamachachigulagarchipelago"? ( I may have spelled it incorrectly... ?) Oh, don't let Rickr bother you with his shenanigans; as soon as the DNA tests come back, we're having him deported. It may be OK to marry your aunt in Redneckland , but here in Canada- not so much! On behalf of the Moral Majority, Rev. Bob Loblaw
  18. We've got a brand schtinkin' new overpass here in my end o' town (McKnight & Metis Trail); no $3000 fishies on that one! That don't seem fair. Now, where did I put those cans of spray paint?
  19. If you're gonna use a trolling motor, some sorta keel setup may be necessary. The keel would also help if you're rowing in the wind; I find I work real hard trying to keep mine tracking straight, even in a slight breeze.
  20. What kinda namby-pamby starts a story about fishing & never mentions how the fishing was? "WAAHHHH!!! I stuck a hook in my skull! WAAHHHH!!!" Get to the point, man! How was the fishing? Wussy! Personally, I've never done worse than a little prick in my finger ( insert joke here). Of course, now that I've made fun of you, Rick, I'm sure to get impaled next time out. Damned karma!
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