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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. From now on, he shall be known as "Kenbow".
  2. Geez, it's just gettin' worse!!! At least Rita's big enough to defend herself.... Although, I seem to remember Greg posting his fight record once( on FFA?), & it was impressive. Just so's ya know, Rick - don't go pokin' that grizzly b'ar with a stick!
  3. Gotta agree with Ladystrange ; I like the hi-vis of the red. That way it's easier to avoid all you yahoos on the water! Rickr can use any color he wants; we can see him 11 miles away when he's carrying that yellow light-sabre he calls a flyrod! (Even my Smilie needs sunglasses to protect his eyes from the yellow glare!)
  4. Tell me, Clive; does the NFR in your topic title stand for "not fishing related" or for "not f***ing right" ?
  5. Shakespeare is the dude that makes rods & reels, yes? Has he written some books, as well?
  6. I concur, Brian; the whole "until you yield and take me" sounds a trifle tawdry!
  7. Love the 2 pics of Noah snoozin', curled up in the blue pillow thingy. Handsome young fella ya got there, Ryan.
  8. Rick & Brian- sizism will not be tolerated on this forum! You have 24 hours to make your heartfelt apologies to Rita, or face her wrath.
  9. That's one gorgeous fish, man! Don't think I've ever seen one so purple- Awesome!!
  10. Yeah, I read your other post, & was gonna Google 'cuz I couldn't remember what a Pickpocket looked like; glad I read this & saved myself the trouble. Thanks, Brent. Nice lookin' ties, so far, y'all!
  11. Thank you, Rick, for clearing that up. You do realize why we don't use the metric system on this forum, don'tcha? It's just for you, brutha.
  12. My guess: Length- HOLY S__T!!! Girth - HOLY EFFIN' S__T!!!!!
  13. Well,let's see...just measured my hand & it's 5 1/2" in that position(from thumb to heel). My hand is not particularly big, and I believe LK2 to be a tall fella, leading me to believe that his hand may be larger than mine. The pinky side of his hand is just past the midway point of the trout's length. By accumulating, interpolating, mastur...oops! I mean extrapolating all available data, I can assure you that this fish is between 11" & 12" in length; to be precise, 11 11/16". If LK2 says otherwise, we have no choice but to question his ability to properly measure a fish. On a side note, why are all these measurements in inches? I thought Canada switched to the metric system years ago?
  14. Yes, but just as well; I was gonna guess 16" fish, 'cuz I thought the rod was a -2wt. BTW, nice to run into you & Glen on the river on Friday.
  15. Rich,those hands must belong to a 10yr old girl, 'cuz that sure looks like one hawg cuttie in comparison. If those are your hands, Birchy should hire you to hold his fish for pics. I see a whole new career ahead for ya, man: fish picture hand model! BTW, that's STILL one real nice cutt, bro'.
  16. Just be a dickhead for the other 115 days that you're home; she'll be glad to be rid of you for 250 days!
  17. Kungfool, I am shocked that you would post that video on this forum! It's completely inappropriate, and I think it would be breast if you apologized immediately....Oh, my goodness! I accidentally typed "breast" instead of "best"; Freudian slip much? Boy, if I had a nipple for every time that happened, I'd be rich. BTW, if you like singing comedians who are a tad crude, check out "Stephen Lynch" on Youtube; he's hilarious.
  18. Oh, my! It's a copycatfight! MEOW!
  19. Nicely done, Brett. Like the music; big fan of the Tees. Really appreciate the time & effort. THANK YOU! -Steve M-
  20. "nail a big Kiwi Brown for me" Just so ya know, Glen, a "Kiwi Brown" is a breed of sheep...
  21. Who ya tryin' to fool here, brutha? Ya know full well any good Scotsman would dig up his dead Granny in the middle of the night if he had an inkling the wig she was buried in could be used to dub a fly! "Aye, & since I've done all this diggin', I may as well check her belly button & ass-crack for lint, as well! Now, let's see aboot those gold teeth..."
  22. "assload of coal"??? Exactly how much coal did you fit up there, Dave? Maybe, if you squeeze your cheeks really tight, you can make diamonds!
  23. Outhouse boy? I think you misunderstood, Weedy; I said it's long been a dream of mine to have a Viper, not a "wiper"!
  24. It's simple, really. This is how the Creator of the universe decided it should be, so this is how it is. His ways are mysterious to us mere mortals; we are not meant to comprehend all. Just kidding! Seriously, though...not sure why it happens, but I've seen documentaries that show what a huge impact all the dead salmon have on the ecosystem- ginormous benefits. BTW, not all salmon die after spawning- Atlantic Salmon live to do the mating thing more than once.
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