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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. I have the Olympus 850 SW; it came with an adapter, so you can use a micro-SD card.
  2. That is one sweet fishin' report, Brian; thanks for sharing the details with us... BTW, did you get a length on the buck? Looks longer than the 35" hen, in comparison to the rod. Very nice! Later, Steve
  3. Captain Weedy, there's a big problem on Deck 5!!! Where the hell's the nekkid chicks & beer??? I bet nobody goes to deck 5...
  4. I am TOTALLY homophobic, and not ashamed to admit it!!! Yessir, nothing scares me more than those dang homo sapiens!!!
  5. You bozos call this a "Shack Nasties Thread"? Oh, puh-leeeeze!!!!! Peruse the Flames thread iffen ya wanna see some REAL shack nasty shite goin' down.... try not to get hit by the shrapnel, like Birchy did!
  6. Great vid, Rick! I'm totally bummed that I couldn't make it, but glad that y'all had a memorable trip. Bruce did a good job; really liked the music. Later, Steve
  7. Atta-boy, Jared! Keep that Texican in line!
  8. Betcha 100 snerflats* this thread gets outta control & locked within 24 hours! *snerflat- official currency of Bodanky; however, most transactions are some form of barter & usually involve sex and/or cake.
  9. As Squiggy once said to Carmine("The Big Ragu") on "Laverne & Shirley","Don't put yerself down, yer not worth it!" Looks pretty good from here, man... Nice work! Thanks for sharing with the rest of us. Later, Steve
  10. Wow! That's some sweet steel, Dune; thanks for sharing. Hope you get a chance to chase 'em again.
  11. Thanks for the 2-part photo essay, Doubletap; great job! Later, Steve
  12. Yessirree, that's some bee-yootiful country! Glad to hear y'all had a great trip, Rick. Can't wait to see the rest of the pics & video. Later, Steve
  13. If I had to guess, I'd say Sundance is trying to do his part to thin the perch population in Lake Sundance. This leaves more food for the trout to grow big & strong (theoretically). Sundancefisher, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong... Later, Steve
  14. Glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday, Lynn. Looking forward to another year of interesting( mostly non-fishing related) posts from you. Thanks for sharing some of your life with us. -Steve-
  15. Thanks a lot, Tako! :$*%&: I just had to saw the top of my head off, pull out my brain, and hold it under a running faucet to wash away the picture of you 'enjoying' the company of a hard-peckered bull moose!
  16. :wave_smile: Great pics, man! Diggin' the Brookie close-up; mad macro skillz-WOW!!! You have a good eye, my friend; got more shots to share? Later, Steve
  17. Sounds like an awesome creek, Taeke! Maybe we can plan a FFC campout/fishing weekend there soon... ...NOT!!! Let us know if you meet that cutty again. -Steve-
  18. The good news is- if y'all ever forget your net, you can use Dave's crack as a cradle for landing fish!
  19. Thanks so much for that first photo... As for the second link- rest assured that DNA testing will prove that the critter is the result of generations of inbreeding.
  20. Wow, you guys are dumb! It's very obvious what the bailing bucket is for; if your 'toon sinks, just bail the lake dry, then walk to shore!
  21. For some reason I feel like hitting up a cutty stream... Superb pics, man! Thanks for posting. -Steve-
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