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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. And, coming in at #7 on the list of things that sound dirty, but aren't: "...double haul with one hand while licking..."
  2. BWA-HA-HA-HA! Hope you get yer 'taint issues sorted out, Taco...
  3. Good stuff, so far, y'all! Trailhead, this is my fave, by far. If you got more, feel free to share. Later, Steve
  4. Well, I sure don't turn up my nose at a cracka-fish on the end of my line. Of course, I can't cast worth shite, suck at reading water, barely know a caddis from a damselfly, and have such a short attention span that many times I don't realize my indy is under until it's popping back up; can't be too picky about what's on the end of the line when I have such a high degree of flyfishing suckage! Personally, I've had more whites take me into my backing on the Bow than 'bows & browns combined. Seeing that indy dip, then feeling a living,fighting fish on when I set the hook is what gets my adrenaline going to begin with. A whitie can give me that initial thrill just as well as any trout. But, as much as I would like to believe that all fish are equal, deep down there may be a little prejudice against whites; there is that moment when I think, "Oh, it's just a whitie...". Then, I release him & cast again to try for another. I sure as heck have never moved from a run 'cuz I'm only catching crackas. I'm not quite sure where that leaves me on this topic; I certainly don't despise whities as some seem to, but I guess I do see them as slightly less desirable a catch than trout. Maybe it's 'cuz they ugly... Now, suckas- they ugly & slimey, too! Icky!
  5. Dude, your mutt is very lucky; squirrels usually go straight for the nuts!!
  6. Thanks, Taco; I will give 'er a try next time. Later, Steve
  7. Yeah, there's sumthin' about starting to clean fish at 10PM that just doesn't appeal to me... Last week I kept a few & ate 'em- they were just 'OK'; next time, I'll try the beer batter. Sorry we missed ya down there, Rob; glad to hear you slayed 'em (as usual!). Thanks, Rick, for not mentioning that you had the lucky ice-hole last night; I swear, there were several burbs that just swam up through the hole & laid at Rick's feet. Guess they figgered it was less painful than the inevitable hook in the mouth. Later, Steve
  8. The sky was awesome tonight. Rickr & I were also landing burbs hand-over-fist tonight; same lake as you, maybe? We were in the tent close to the west parking lot, didn't get there 'til near dark. Had a blast! Rick landed one pike amongst the burb bonanza.
  9. Poor, poor, Ricky... Time to try ice-fishin', brother. Where I fished on Saturday was easily accessible, and the fishin' was awesome. Holla!
  10. Too bad the Flames don't have a good, young backup goalie... Oh, right! They do... Too bad Iron Mike wants to break his confidence for some strange reason. McIlhenny has played really well the coupla times he's seen the ice, yet #34 gets nearly every start. I could kinda understand if Kipper was playing lights-out & stealing games, but he's not. Nothing against Kipper; I'm a big fan. But, what's the point of developing young goalie prospects just to ship 'em off to another team, without ever giving 'em a chance to play for the Flames. Might as well do what the Flames have done in the past: carry a career backup goalie who only plays 6-7 games a year & wins 1 or 2 of those... I think Curtis has looked calm & played great- no rookie jitters, even facing the Red Wings. Give him some starts, Mr. Keenan! I really do like the team they've put together this year; guys like Bourque, Camellari, & Glencross are playing fantastic. Nice to see that Iginla doesn't have to carry them every game!
  11. Whatever you do, DO NOT practice C & R when catching PETA members; bonk 'em, 'cuz they're starting to overpopulate!
  12. Not much of a streak for me, though. Didn't fish the bow during the summer. Guess my fishing resolution should be not to ignore the Bow in summer. Thanks for getting me out for one last crack at 'er for '08, Rick. Was worth it for that last hard-fighting, high-flying buck 'bow. Walked down to the river just as some dude was releasing a 28"+ brown, caught on a small black leech; what a hawg!!
  13. Can't wait to see some wicked underwater shots with that new camera, Barnes; mudtrout, salmon, conners, Atlantic sculpins...
  14. He wants to be gay...but the gays don't want him! . . . . . ...and, please, don't ask me how I know this!
  15. I really don't enjoy fishing that much; I do it solely for the opportunity to hang out with a better class of people. Peace out!
  16. Absolutely true story... When Silverdoctor got his first Thermos, he was so proud of it; in fact, he showed it off to the entire class in the one-room log schoolhouse at show-and-tell that morning... SilverDoctor: "This is a new-fangled gadget called a vacuum bottle; the salesman told me that it will keep hot things hot and keep cold things cold!' Teacher: "And what do you have in it today? SilverDoctor: "Some HOT CHOCOLATE & A POPSICLE!"
  17. Lynn, please keep it clean; this is a family-friendly forum!!!
  18. Dere's no problim wit my grammar; but, my typin' skillz is a hole diffrent story! By the time I'd get a three word response typed, it would be completely out of context, 'cuz the subject would've changed six times!
  19. RDev, I'm well aware of Pammie's body..... ...of work. But, calling her an "actor" is using the term VERY loosely; which, coincidentally, is the same way Pam's been used by every second heavily tattooed loser/rocker in the U S of A.
  20. Bob Marley... Einstein... Pam Anderson...??? I believe the question was,"Which Famous ACTOR" would you like to hang with. Pretty sure neither of those four qualify as actors! (Yes, I counted Pam as two.)
  21. So, what you're saying here is that Dub-D is a flasher??? Not really surprised by this news, I must say.
  22. Hey, folks! Just thought I'd bump this important topic up for those who haven't yet gotten around to making their donation yet. Rick's a valuable member of our FFC family raising money for a good cause; let's help out! The fact that he will look ridiculous is just an added bonus ... Every little bit helps, my friends! Later, Steve
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