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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Thanks, DrShoal; I was trying to figure out where I'd seen that kid before... Of course he does better without Dodger; Dodger has the vidcam curse. He can't seem to catch fish with a camera in the vicinity!
  2. Just PM me with details on where you were & how to get there, and all will be forgiven. That last brown is gorgeous, man!
  3. No one's really sure exactly when Clive's birthday is; he was born before man began recording history by drawing on cave walls. We could use carbon dating to get an approximation of his age, I guess... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CLIVE!!! Hope you're spending your day balls deep in a river( or sumthin')! -Steve-
  4. Sweet pics, Maxwell! Little known fact: Ron Jeremy is the only person with more pics of his long rod on the internet ; Max is a close second.
  5. WTF??? So, if the ladies aren't keeping you "straight", does that mean you've switched teams? Not that there's anything wrong with that... At least you're familiar with the equipment.
  6. Yeah, little creeks all the way. But I prefer the ones with stupid fish that are so easy to catch that you don't need to sneak up on 'em!
  7. Anybody got a shotgun MMAX can borrow? One less "Anybody But Calgary" schmuck is a good start...
  8. Just plan another Cuba trip for those seven days...
  9. Thanks for the vid..... & the 'shroom flashbacks! Funky colour changes aside, I did see some trophies worth mounting & stuffing.... & some nice fish, as well. Have a feeling there are some great stories you could share with us ( as well as a few you can't!). Looks seriously awesome!
  10. Personally, I think it's cruel & unethical of Tako to do this!!! What kinda sick sumbitch cuts a "V" in the tail of a rainbow parr just to play a stupid guessing game on a fishing forum!!! Shame on you; you should never be allowed to fish again!
  11. SteveM

    Line Pressure

    Actually, I'd put the object at the end of the line at 8-9 feet; I compared it to the 12 ft measurement from the end of Weedy's little rod to the end of his big rod( see Weedy's diagram). BTW, the object at the end of the line looks very much like a torpedo; I don't care how you pressure it, you ain't gonna land no torpedo!!!
  12. SteveM


    As soon as their E.I. runs out...
  13. I checked out the link, & I have one question: How come people from India don't require a licence?
  14. Hey, Dr.BT! Thanks for your time & effort in running these contests. I don't tie, but I've sure enjoyed seeing the skillz of y'all on display. I'm looking forward to the tourney; gonna be some awesome competition! Have fun, everyone! Andy: go fishin' on Sunday, Bro'! KOTV can wait one more day...
  15. I've never actually seen the movie; I just meant I could imagine Morgan Freeman reading that line. If they give you any creative control over the movie version, you can pick whomever you like to narrate...
  16. Great story, Rick! Ya know what my favorite part was? Well, I'll tell ya- the very first paragraph... it's frickin' brilliant, bro'! When I read it, I could hear it like a movie narration in my head; pretty sure it was Morgan Freeman. Can't really imagine Mr. Freeman saying "***hole and elbows and foam", though! Lookin' forward to the next installment...
  17. Happy Birthday, ya young whippersnapper! Now, go catch yerself a Birthday fish... Hope you have a great day, Ryan. Keep it real! -Steve-
  18. Rick, be very careful.... A 10' rod seems innocent enough, but, soon the 10 footer won't be "doing it" for you anymore. And you'll think,"Hmmmm... what's the harm in going up to a 12 footer?" Then, there's the 13... then the 15... then a different action in another 13...until you're a full-blown Spey addict! That's right, my friend- a 10' rod is a "gateway rod". Be very careful...
  19. Plenty o' room in the gutter; come on in! Here's a couple of my name choices: "Legless Marco Tagliano"- too hard to find chestwaders that fit. "Retarded Guido Soprano"- the only Soprano ya don't wanna be! Ciao! Tito the Fish
  20. Amen to that, James. Enough shopping to keep the wife & daughter happy, & I can get in 6 hours of fishing on the Bow before going to work on an afternoon shift. About 10 minutes from the time I remove my chestwaders to the time I put on my workboots. So many other quality waters within a couple hours drive, as well. Shoot, I've taken day trips to fish S.E. BC (gotta give the Alberta trout a rest now & then). You won't hear this Newf complaining about flyfishing opportunities around Cowtown. -Steve M.-
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