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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. That quote is from a bathroom wall, appropriately enough! Actually, it's from a "McLean & McLean" comedy routine about stuff written on bathroom walls.
  2. Nothing stops 'em if they want your car bad enough; but, if there are 10 cars in a lot & one of 'em has a club, don't you think the punk looking for a joyride is gonna try the other 9 first? You bet yer arse he will!
  3. Shee-ite! Dem brookies is purty! The underwater pic came out real nice; what camera are ya using? I just got an Olympus Stylus 850 SW for my birthday a few days ago; can't wait to nail a few of those underwater shots. Tried a few the other day, but the water was kinda murky & they didn't turn out. Was neat to get video of my bro' land a fish, then went under for the release; I think I'm gonna like this new toy! Anyhoo, thanks for posting some sweet shots, man; keep 'em comin'! Later, Steve
  4. And once you've played him to death, then you have to decide,"Should I eat him or mount him?" Either way sounds kinda...umm...wrong...? BTW, schweet pics, Maxwell! Keep up the good work, young fella! Later, Steve
  5. C-man, you make a good case for keeping an open mind. But, the best part of your post is the last sentence; hi-freakin'-larious!
  6. An awesome morning of fishing, AND you got rid of yer mudder-in-law? No, yer not lucky, now, I knows! I 'lows you'll get the bigguns next time; take a camera, b'y! Good luck! -Steve-
  7. Any of y'all perused the latest issue of Canadian Flyfisher yet? Check out the Readers' Showcase & you'll see FFC's own Dr.Bulltrout in a Grip'n'Grin photo with a massive bulltrout that he has named "Big Earl". Congratz, Mr. Burla. Well done! Later, Steve
  8. Awesome pics, Lynn! Many happy days to come for y'all, I'm sure. Love the last pic; reminds me of the 2 dogs in the old cartoon,"Spike's my hero, 'cuz he's so big & strong, & I'm so puny..." Thanks for the update. Later, Steve
  9. Great pics, Rick( in part 1 & 2). Bet that creek will be awesome in a coupla weeks; looks like y'all done good. That bullie must have been a nice surprise; good on ya! Now, there's a certain spot we need to check out... ...yeah, you know where...
  10. WOW!!! I see 5 big boobs in that pic...
  11. 5wt is plenty. I often use my 3wt TFO; as long as I'm not tossing big streamers or heavily weighted 3-nymph rigs, it's fine. Only problem I find with the 3wt is that it can be a pain in the ass to mend, 'cuz the rod is only 7.5 feet. I've landed a fat'n'sassy 24" brown on it, no problem. Later, Steve
  12. That's comedy gold, Bigtoad!!!
  13. Beauty cutties, brother! You are Da Man!
  14. Hey, all! I've read a few posts from guys regarding electric motors on pontoon boats. Do you have to have your boat operator's card to run an electric on your 'toon? About 4 years ago, a friend gave me a small electric that would be perfect for my 'toon; I was told at that time (by someone at some gov't dept. ) that I would need to get the card. She really didn't seem too competent, so, I'm not entirely convinced she was correct. Does anyone know if in fact this is right? Thanks, Steve
  15. Great report, Rick( as usual!). Ain't nuttin' wrong with bonkin' a few, bro'! You can stay a little longer iffen ya like; just make sure yer back when the cricks start clearin' up, so's we can go hit . Glad yer havin' fun... Later, Steve
  16. Cool pics, Jeff; the 3rd one could be on a calendar.
  17. Give 'em hell, Tex! Looking forward to the story & pics;good luck!!!
  18. Have fun, brutha! Looking forward to the reports; I'm sure they'll be mighty entertaining. Good luck, Steve
  19. Nice tiger, Neil; they are beautiful fish! Dave Jensen has a great story(&photos) on his Blog about a weekend of fishing for tigers; I believe he was at Twin Lakes, Sask. Don't know about the bus this weekend, BBT, but Tigers are on my list...someday...
  20. Good on ya for representin', John! Glad you enjoyed it; always in tough against the Europeans, right? Do ya think it's because they're used to fishing tougher conditions, therefore having more tactics in their bag of tricks? I'll bet they actually gear their fishing more to the style needed to win championships, as well. Thanks for posting this, John. Later, Steve
  21. Thanks for the report & photos, Albannach; nice to see that you actually get to fish some of those flies that you tie! Just a word of warning about posting locations, etc., on a fishing forum; don't be surprised if tomorrow at 9-9:30 there are 27 guys from Calgary lined up next to your willow tree, casting sedge patterns! (Before anyone points out that those fish are on the other side of the Atlantic.....I already know; 'twas a joke. )
  22. "I'm trying to get him to quit fishing; I hope the patch works!"
  23. Look here, jerk! Do you really have to rub it in that you get to fish Bullshead every single effin' day???? How would you like it if a bunch of us Calgree boys came down there and pulled Bullshead a couple hours closer to Cowtown? Just kiddin', Jeff; another fine set of pics, brother! I'm starting to think that you like pics...HA-HA-HA... That 4th shot looks like a little bigger 'bow; really nice. When I read that you "talked to these Lamas along the way", I was expecting a pic of some Tibetan monks! Remember this: "The one-L Lama, he's a priest; The two-L Llama, he's a beast; And I will bet my silk pyjamas, There's no such thing as a 3-L Lllama!" I can't believe I still remember that stupid poem; my childhood was a LONNNGGGG time ago! Later, Steve
  24. SteveM

    Some Pics

    Nice pics, man; sweet colors & big shoulders on that first 'bow!
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