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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Sweet! Nice way to spend Fathers' Day!
  2. Funny vid, BBT; I actually LOL'ed a couple times! Good stuff!
  3. I think you mentioned this on the forum at some point; I know I stole the idea from someone!
  4. I stuck a couple in my nymph box last year; it was probably on FFC(but not sure) where I read about someone catching trout on 'em. I find I have my best luck at this pond when I do a lot of fly switching; I looked in my box & figgered ,"Why not?" Like many things I tried, for a few minutes it seemed like the magic hook; then it went cold... I'll try it again, next time. Later, Steve
  5. Got out to a pond today; got a bunch of 'bows, from 15-18". Most on chronnies, a couple on a plain red hook(bloodworm?), even got some on the dry. Seems like you just gotta keep switching up; put on something different, land a few fish, it stops working, switch again... Had a few real HOT ones that screamed off line, running & jumping like crazy; so much fun on my little 6ft 2wt!!! Some pics: On the dry... Computer enhanced... 'Twas a fun day!!! Later, Steve
  6. Dang it, I had this posted in yer "double post", then you asked the mods to delete it! Good thing there's 'copy & paste'! Too bad the trout weren't a little more cooperative for y'all, Rick. Beautiful country down there, ain't it? Rode horses all around the ski hill area rounding up cattle for a weekend, each fall for 3 years; quite a few years ago. Only fished down there once; caught a bunch of cutties, saw a bull swim past my feet- so big, my heart palpitates just remembering it! Bet the fishing will be much better soon... Later, Steve
  7. Heck, I don't let all those shortcomings bother me none!
  8. Just spent a while going through photo galleries; HOLY CRAP!!! Some unbelievable shots; nice work! Later, Steve
  9. I DON"T LIKE CHANGE!!! Seriously, I MUCH prefer the old look; this kinda looks...I dunno...not finished?
  10. Starting to hail here at my house in the N.E.; sure hope it's not hitting any of the folks out for opening day on the creeks...
  11. You are wise beyond your years, Grasshopper...
  12. Seven foot 2WT sounds about right; I've got a 6' TFO 2WT that I wish was a foot longer...
  13. Had issues with trout not wanting to swim away at the pond I fished yesterday. Kinda makes me hesitant to fish there again; each one I caught was hard to revive. The fights were short(heavy tippet) & they were released quickly, but it took a lot of TLC to get them to swim away. I walked over to chat with the family that was fishing worm-n-bobber rigs down the shore, only to see 2 trout belly up on the bottom. Managed to retrieve the closest one & revive it. I'm fully aware that us C&R guys accidentally kill some fish, but I still don't like to see it... Later, Steve
  14. Top-notch pics, Jeff, as always! Look forward to the next batch... Later, Steve
  15. Nice pics! Gotta tell ya, though, ya really shouldn't post pics of yer BAIT(2nd pic)! Har-de-har-har! Looks like you guys had a good day; good on ya! Later, Steve
  16. That's a dandy brown... What fly fooled the old fella?
  17. Got out on a local stocked pond for a while today; managed to land a few fish, including the fattest 18" rainbow I've ever caught. Had some fun... This family was out enjoying the day... 18" porker...
  18. Nice fish,Jeremie;love the brookie!
  19. That is a slab of rainbow trout,Rob! Awesome!
  20. Wow! Looks like y'all had a sweet day;good on ya! That is one hawg brown....awesome!
  21. Exactly my point, Brian; much nicer looking than Bow River browns...
  22. Gorgeous browns,beautifully photographed. Never seen a Bow River brown as beautiful as those;those shots really do them justice,Mitch. Nice work! Later, Steve
  23. No bait allowed at Spruce Meadows,but a nymph or 2 under a small bobber would work, IF it's been stocked.
  24. I wonder how many times that's been said at closing time???
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