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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Gotta love the Crow-Bows! Shore are purty!
  2. Wow! Sure didn't take long for the abuse of moderator power to begin! Why the heck would the goat have a female name?
  3. Yeah, the Masters was fun; I liked how Cabrera survived the trees on the first playoff hole- good for him. Started to watch the end of the curling,when the power went in my neighborhood; by the time it came back, it was over. Watched 'The Score' to see what happened- no hilites, not even a result in the ticker...WTF?
  4. X2! Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one... Later, Steve
  5. I tried a small electric motor on my 'toon a few years back;it didn't track worth crap,& I was constantly fighting to try & run in a somewhat straight line. Do you guys have the same problem,or,a solution for this?
  6. Check out my new signature; my daughter's got a bone to pick with some of y'all...
  7. I would leave both hooks on, plus tie in a small treble trailer;&,I'd soak it in Rotenone! Nice tie;I'll take a dozen in various sizes & colors, please...
  8. Oh,no you dittn't! You gonna be in beeeg troubles, now!
  9. Here's lookin' at you, Clive... Enjoy the day, my friend! Many happy returns, Steve
  10. :clapping: Verrrry funny, Castuseroticass! I think I'll stay outta this one 'til y'all have had yer fun... But,just so ya know: I've hacked the site, & I WILL KNOW the identity of everyone who votes "B". There will be appropriate punishment meted out; probably something to do with being cuffed, whipped, etc... :P
  11. Nice pics, BBT! Looks like y'all had a good day ... ...good on ya, man! Later, Steve
  12. Way to put things in perspective, Rick. Of course, the bottom line is: Yer gittin' old, Tex! Just remember, we're all in this together...
  13. No doubt, Taco; it's a freak show!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...and, on a completely unrelated note: Rickr, Brownstone- Really looking forward to our little fishing trip; I'm bringing the appletinis! BTW, are you guys sure that 2-man tent will comfortably sleep all 3 of us?
  14. Coincidentally, I've got the exact same tat on my tuckus in memory of my ex-proctologist...
  15. Nice pics, Brownsbask; welcome to FFC. Bulls definitely get focused when they decide to eat sumthin'. I watched my bro' landing a cutty on the Elk some years back; a decent bull came tearing into the shallow water,determined to make a meal of the cutt. The cutt went between my bro's feet in 6" of water, with the bull right behind him; he only backed off when the cutt was taken out of the water. I'm sure I heard him cussin' as he disappeared into the deeper water.
  16. Cool idea, Pisces. Gonna be tough to inflate, tho'! Seriously, it'll be unique. Keep us posted on your final product.
  17. Dang, Clive, nice trout! Sure was a brief post, though; are they charging you on a "per word" basis? Later, Steve
  18. Congratz on the seamless Photoshop job, Brian! Keep posting fake pics like that, & pretty soon people are gonna start thinking there are bull trout in the Bow!
  19. Very insightful post, Rick. Let's hope you're analysis is correct. However, my 12-year old daughter & her friends disagree. They are very sure that the Flames are sucking because they traded away their cutest(in their opinion) player, Matt Lombardi.
  20. Thanks for posting, RP3; those are some wicked pics! What else ya got? Welcome to FFC. Later, Steve
  21. No worries, boss; got that figgered out, as well. Yay, me! Here's a few more- Rebecca(my daughter) releases a 'bow Big difference in spotting in these next 2 'bows; from the same run.
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