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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. My favorite pic from the day; my bro's brookie on a foam beetle... Man, I love those tiny headwater brookies; so beautiful, & they LOVE dry flies!!! Peace out! -Steve-
  2. Spent yesterday in lower Kananaskis Country with my bro'. Toted the float tubes up to Bear Pond for some Arctic Grayling fishin'. My bro' on the pond... Bear Pond... Caught a few grayling, but fishing was pretty slow... Decided to go to 'Plan B', which involved some creek fishing for tiny, gorgeous brook trout; got my first one right under the bridge where we parked, on a Cinnamon Ant dry... Another tiny brookie on the foam ant... My bro's first brookie, taken on a black foam beetle... We did pretty good on ants, beetles, & caddis dries, but the real fun began when I switched to a yellow Chernobyl Ant. The brookies were annihilating it when I slapped it on the water in any likely-looking spot; it was a riot!!!
  3. Hope your b-day's been good, so far; ya still got 2 hours to whoop it up! Happy Birthday! Later, Steve
  4. Aw, c'mon, Tex! Ya know I was just lying down to take pictures of some pretty flowers! In other words, I'm not older than you; just fruitier! Thanks, though...
  5. That is one cool-looking brown...absolutely stunning; if I were you, I'd have a pic framed & on my wall. I've never seen a brown with the red spots/blue halos before; he must have stolen those from a brookie! BTW, where is "back East"?
  6. SteveM

    Lake Slob

    That is one healthy lookin' rainbow, dude! NIIIIICCCE!!!
  7. Great pics, Tex; was worth the wait... Pretty fortuitous timing on the pic of Ben & the jumper; awesome pic! Of course, you made the classic mistake of posting location & shots with too much identifiable background; next year you'll probably see several people fishing there... Looking forward to hearing how the bass fishing goes! Later, Steve
  8. SteveM


    Spectacular trout! WOW!!!
  9. Looks like lots of fun, Kyle; I'll bet those smallmouth were a blast!
  10. I think there is a gargantuan bull trout under that log jam, & he caught the deer crossing the river....
  11. NIIIIICE!!!! That is a chunk of rainbow, Jay; nicely done!
  12. Yeah, as soon as Tom missed that putt on 18, I turned it off; checked back in time to see Cink hoisting the Claret Jug. Sure kept the tourney interesting, didn't it?
  13. Great pics, Drew! That is a sweet bull; hadn't even finished digesting his last meal, & he's trying to eat another one!
  14. Great pics, Jeremy! Sure looks like fun; I'll bet they're a riot on the fly rod!
  15. SteveM

    Island Cuttie's

    Looks like fun, Gary! Absolutely gorgeous fish; thanks for sharing with us! Later, Steve
  16. Yeah, & Eldrick Woods has to play the last 4 holes at 3 under just to make the cut! Whoda thunk?
  17. SteveM


    My dog said to tell you to go _____ yourself! He ain't no stinkin' poodle! He's a Bichon-Shih-Tzu! (Not that there's that much difference...but, don't tell him I said that. )
  18. Some great pics, dude! Particularly luv the first two. I like how you framed the creek between the trees in the first one; the second one is a real nice shot of a gorgeous fish. Nicely done!
  19. SteveM


    Thanks, guys; Bear ain't a real dog, but he's a character & definitely one of the family!
  20. ...or, a fishing right up in the grass type day.
  21. SteveM


    A FEW MORE: Feeding the kids; we have a little family living in one of our bathroom vents. It's been fun watching the parents bringing a constant supply of food to the hungry nestlings, and watching them teach the kids how to look for worms right after I've watered the garden... These next few pics show my goofy dog's reaction to a bug (callibaetis dun) on my hand... First, he turns his head away... Then, he snarls... ...and sneezes... Finally, he barks his fool head off... I guess, realistically, one cannot expect normal behavior from THIS dog... ...SIGH...!
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