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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. What image do y'all see in the flames?
  2. Remember this trout? Someone posted pics last April, wondering what could have caused the head wound; I caught the same fish a few days later, removed a SJW from it's tail & released her again. Here's a pic I took, plus a few more random fishies...
  4. SteveM

    Crow Today

    "I hate it when the goose sex hormones kick in..." First of all, you shouldn't be taking those! If you insist on taking them, try to time it so they kick in at night...in the bedroom... "HONK-HONK! C'mere, honey! Shake yer tailfeathers!"
  5. Thanks, guys. Don't seem to find time to work on these much, but I do get inspired to crank one out now & then. I'm working on another eagle piece currently. Brad, I've sold or traded a few over the years, but most have been gifts for friends or family. I'd like to find more pieces of wood like the elk is on; I like the natural look. Anyone have any idea where a fella could get his hands on some? Also, I think it would be cool to do some on old canoe paddles; anyone have any kicking around they'd like to dispose of? BTW, thanks for enlarging the pics, Tex; you're(<=note correct usage) swell! Later, Steve
  6. SteveM

    Crow Today

    Sorry to hear the fishing wasn't better, Wes; on the bright side, you got some sweet pics... And if it makes you feel any better, the Bow was sloooooowwww today, too- at least for me.
  7. Thanks, Winston; next time I'm at my bro's house I'll try to steal it for ya...
  8. A few more... These are ones that I did for my daughter. Later, Steve
  9. A few samples of my other hobby: Sorry the pics are so small; the next step in my recovery from severe computer retardation is to figure out how to post bigger pics...
  10. Thanks for checking on that. Kinda sucks to hafta give up my camera for 3 weeks... :$*%&: Later, Steve
  11. That's the best we can do for St. Paddy's Day? No wonder the Irish drink...
  12. My favorite shot is around the 3min 26sec point in the vid- a nice tight shot of the fly on top of the water, as a big, ugly pike face materializes out of the tea-colored water and engulfs the fly...wicked awesome!!!
  13. Dang, them sea-run cutts are spectacular! Too bad they can't run right over the Rockies...
  14. Funny stuff, Brian! Here's another one: A little old lady goes to a plastic surgeon with an inquiry. Before she tells him what work she wants done, she swears him to secrecy; she'll only get it done if no one else ever knows. He assures her that it will never leave his office, so she tells him,"I want to have sex with my boyfriend at the home, but I have an embarrassing problem. I don't want him to see my saggy, old vagina the way it is; my labia are so stretched, I'm afraid all the Viagra in the world won't keep the poor dear erect!" "I can fix that",says the doctor,"and, it'll just be between you and me. A little trimming, and your vagina will look 18 again." She gets the surgery, and wakes up in the recovery room afterwards; the first thing she sees are 3 vases full of roses on the table. Just then, the doctor walks in, and she yells at him,"Who the hell are those flowers from? No one was supposed to know about this!" The doctor says,"Calm down, dear; I can explain. The first bouquet is from me, to thank you for trusting me with such a delicate surgery. The second is from my nurse; she assisted me, and felt for you, as she had the same operation herself. And the third bouquet is from a man on the burn unit, thanking you for his new ears."
  15. Yeah, unfortunately, those are the choices you hafta make when you purchase electronic equipment that you plan to shove underwater on a regular basis...Sighhh!!
  16. ...thank God assholes don't fall outta the sky in winter. I'd own an ***hole shovel, assholeboarding would be an Olympic sport, and the kids would be making ***hole-angels. Wouldn't it be nasty gettin' hit in the face with an assholeball? :barf: Now, back to the original post: Spey away, friend! Whatever puts a smile on yer face, right? For some,it's speycasting; for some, it's single-hand flyfishing; for others(you know who you are...), it's logging onto a fishing forum & slagging anyone who doesn't conform to their ideals of how to fish. Do yer own thing, & have fun!
  17. Sweet pics; that cutt is absolutely stunning!!!
  18. For a few extra dinero, I got a 4year Instant Product Replacement Plan.
  19. Amen, Brother Richard! I'll take my hotcakes on the side, where they belong!
  20. I was told the seals have to be changed every year, or the warranty is void; besides, it would probably be a little too late iffen ya wait 'til they fail to change 'em...
  21. Just wondering where y'all take your waterproof cameras for service. Both Pentax & Olympus require that you have your camera's seals replaced at an approved repair shop to maintain the warranty. My bro' took his Pentax to one of the listed Pentax repair shops to get his seals replaced for the first time; they sent it to Pentax in Montreal! WTF is up with that? A Pentax-approved repair shop can't replace a coupla simple seals? His camera was gone for a month and a half! To top it off,the shop charged him a handling fee for sending it to Montreal- besides the charge from Pentax for changing the frickin' seals. What kind of service have you guys gotten on your cameras? Is there a shop in town that can replace the seals? Same questions for any Olympus owners... I have an Olympus that's due for a seal change in August; would sure like to see a quicker turnaround than a month and a half! Signed, Concerned in Cowtown
  22. I couldn't bear to watch much after the Flames blew the lead in the second; piss-poor defence, bad penalties, etc... Hope it was a one game glitch!
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