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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Sunset from my back steps... Yours truly & 'bow... Some bugs: Found this one in the park at my kid's school; I believe it's 'Callibaetis ferrugineus hageni' female dun... Remaining pics were taken @ Lake Chaparral on Saturday. This honeybee was flying & crawling around while carrying this big piece of a leaf... Dragonfly nymph... Damselfly nymphs... The damsel flies were crawling up the rocks & docks; I even found 3 crawling up my flyline when I picked my rod back up after releasing a fish. The ones that survived the gauntlet of robins & sparrows flew away, leaving empty shucks behind... Peace out! Steve
  2. Looks like a great vacay, so far, Tex! Keep us posted with plenty o' pics, please! BTW, I ain't never seen a frog with a tail before...??? I'm guessing it's an adolescent & the tail will fall off @ some point??? Have fun, buddy! Peace out!
  3. Some great shots, man! That first pic is freakin' amazing! Colors are so vivid; nicely done!
  4. I've never targeted bulls in Alberta, so I really can't help. If I remember right, you'll just be visiting Alberta for a while, right? If you remind everybody of that, maybe someone will realize you don't have the time to fully explore all our waters; then, maybe someone would PM you with some advice to help shorten your learning curve...
  5. SteveM


    Wow! Those are nice, thick fish. Sounds like y'all had a great day; good on ya!
  6. Pretty sweet cutts, Drew! Nice pics, man.
  7. Great report & pics, Bandee. Those Finnish browns are sure different from our Bow River browns; much more red spots.
  8. If it's unscented, it's legal; have at 'er! Now, I gotta go to Youtube & look for Magical Pink Worm vids...
  9. ...& sauger, burbot, goldeye & suckers; if you find a trout down there, he's really lost!
  10. Dave, you got tons of class... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...low class, but class nonetheless!!!
  11. Awesome pics, Snapfisher! Could ya try to smile a little more, though? Really like the last shot- the sunset is great!
  12. SteveM

    June Pics

    Some great shots, Ayr; thanks for sharing them. Later, steve
  13. Great pics, Terrance; luv the cutties!
  14. Sweet brown, man! Looks like y'all had a great night, rain be damned!
  15. Jeezum Crow! Wicked pics, Roach! Thanks for sharing!
  16. Dude, invite me! If I make plans to fish & don't show up, you'll know I'm dead. But, I refuse to "show some balls"; gotta draw the line somewhere! Peace out! (This should be your sign-off, Brian.) Steve And, now back to our topic ( just so Kevin can't COMPLAIN too much about hi-jacking ) More of a "pat on the back" kinda guy, myself; as opposed to a "kick in the a$$" kinda guy. Much more likely to throw out a compliment than a complaint.
  17. SteveM

    Fur And Fins

    Some wicked pics, Jay; looks like you had a great month! Now, if you would just send the pics of the flashing girls in a PM, that would be great! Later, Steve
  18. Looks like y'all had a great day! You caught some fish, learned a bunch of new techniques, & still took time to smell the flowers! Good on ya, guys! Later, Steve
  19. Yeah, lots of fun on my 6ft 2wt TFO!
  20. Great pics, Cheeler! Have you had much luck with the goldeye? Love the spotting on that Crow 'bow; but no trout is purtier than a brookie!
  21. I think someone messed with the roadrunner one time too many!
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