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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. SteveM


    Great pics, FNG; good lookin' bully!
  2. Some sweet shots, DT; nicely done!
  3. Yeah, Peter knows I'm just kiddin'; it ain't a fashion show, is it? That outfit is from the "Utilitarian Collection"; it's what works for what you're doing!
  4. Thanks for the kind comments, friends! Catching that hawg on my 2wt was an experience I'll never forget; having my daughter there to capture it on camera just put it over the top! Now to address a few of the comments... Jeremie: You will be hearing from Becca's lawyers regarding your using her photo without permission! Just kiddin', of course; she'll be proud to hear you liked it enough to use it. Rickr: I told Becca that you were mad about us fishing "your water"; she cried herself to sleep, thinking that we're not allowed back there anymore. I hope you're proud of yourself, Tex!!!! Troutlover: Just for the record, Becca took all of the flower pics in this post. Kinda funny, 'cuz she's been bugging me about taking pics of flowers; on Facebook, my sweet little daughter left this comment after an album with a bunch of my flower pics, " Nice flower pics, Dad! *cough*fruit*cough*" LMAO! Hawgstoppah: Thanks a lot; is there a cash prize that goes with that "Post of the year award"? Thanks again, everyone; I'm happy to be able to share this with people who appreciate how special this was to me! Peace out! Steve
  5. Great pics, Jay; some sweet fish & pretty water! Thanks for sharing!
  6. Great pics, Peter! Well, except for the one of you wearing shorts, tights, & sandals with socks....WTF? Great looking dog ya got there. How long is the trek?
  7. I think Becca was nearly as excited as her Dad about this hawg; I got an unsolicited 'fist-bump' afterwards, & she insisted on releasing him... Back from whence he came... One more shot before heading home...pic by Josh It turned out to be a great evening; not exactly what I had planned! That bruiser brown is a far cry from the tiny brook trout I thought we'd be catching. I like to think it was karma's reward for taking a kid fishing! Peace out! Steve
  8. Really didn't think I was gonna land this one. Had to put the boots to him to keep him from getting down to the fast water & the big rocks & stumps in the pool below. When I did get him in close, I could see that my tippet was all snarled & knotted around the Chernobyl Ant; thought for sure he'd break me off. Of course, my cradle was sitting in the trunk of the car... Got him! I think it's fairly obvious that I'm stoked in this pic! 25" brown trout (taped)... Becca was like a fly fisherman paparazzi; I couldn't believe how many pics she got while I was landing & reviving this trout. She got some good ones, too... This shot is my fave...
  9. I wasn't able to round up any of the usual suspects to go fishing with this weekend. Was supposed to go Friday morning straight from work, but found out Thursday night that my buddy was gonna work overtime instead. Spent the day playing taxi driver for my kid & her friend, instead. Tried to make plans for Saturday, but nothing worked out. Hung out with the wife & kid, & we planned to go somewhere on Sunday. Around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I got the bright idea to take the neighbors' 10-year old boy & my 12 year-old daughter to fish for brook trout @ the same creek where I caught a bunch last week. Thought it would be neat if Josh's first exposure to fly fishing was catching some on a dry fly. I took along an ulta-lite spin cast for him as well. My daughter, Rebecca, decided she would be the official camera-person for our trek; she took all of the pics that follow except for the ones of her (she did a great job, too). Josh & Becca @ the creek... Me, prospecting for brookies; creek was high, dirty, fast, & cold! Me & my kid... Just like her Daddy, Becca took a bunch of flower pics... She also took this shot... Got a couple tiny brookies, but fishing was sloooowww, & the creek crossings were a little tough for the kids, so we didn't stay long. Decided to make a stop on the way home; Becca took this shot while I was tying on a new spinner for Josh... Only hooked one fish, on a yellow Copper John-type nymph under a Chernobyl Ant; only took a couple seconds to realize it was a biggun! Putting the 6ft 2wt TFO to the test...
  10. You have a point there, Flytyer. I felt kinda uncomfortable offering to take the neighbor kid fishing yesterday; I couldn't help thinking, "I sure wouldn't send my 10-year old out in the woods with a 45-year old man that I've only known for a few months!" I felt much better when my daughter decided to come, as well.
  11. Great idea, 4reel! Should be some huge karma points for everyone who gets involved in this. Yesterday, I took my neighbors' 10-year old son & my 12-year old daughter out fishing for the evening; we all had fun, & karma rewarded me with a 25" brown trout on my 6ft 2wt TFO!!! Usually karma takes a little longer than that to pay a fella back! I'll be interested to see where this idea goes; thanks for throwing it out there, 4reel! Later, Steve
  12. Sweet! There is some strange crap goin' on way down in the oceans, fer shore!!! I love watching shows about this kinda stuff on Discovery Channel; wish there was more of 'em. That's when I REALLY dig the Hi Def!
  13. Good job, Terrance & Matt! Nice to see you young fellas out there exercising some trout; that's a nice looking brown!
  14. SteveM

    Kid's Photos

    Great pics, Kevin; y'all have stocked some bruisers in there! Must have been a battle for the young fella to land that 'bow!
  15. Thanks, Wolfman. That moth was the first of it's kind I've ever seen; now, I see Max has posted a great macro pic of one in his July pics. They are big & beautiful, aren't they?
  16. Some wicked pics, Max; scenery & fish shots are spectacular, as always! Nice to see only 2 pics of you screaming @ fish, out of all those shots... That big-a$$ moth looks like the one I saw @ Bear Pond last week; Google tells me it's a Twin-spotted Sphinx Moth- pretty cool. BTW, is that a bull trout burger in that one pic? How was it? Thanks for the entertainment; great stuff! Peace out! -Steve-
  17. :laugh: :laugh: Now, that's funny stuff...
  18. SteveM


    Those are some sweet browns, & some nice-looking water; looks like you had a great day!
  19. Wow! Thanks for posting that vid, Chris; we can all take a lot away from Clay's story.
  20. Great pics, Terrance; keep 'em coming!
  21. Nice!!! Looks like you had a great weekend, Kyle; good for you! That is a beauty 'bow...
  22. Oh, I got PLENTY more flower shots from that day; I just didn't post 'em! But, if you insist... There ya go, Tex; happy??? A couple more pics from Bear Pond... Saw this huge moth fluttering on top of the water; was surprised it didn't get eaten by a grayling! Anyone know what it is??? BTW, Rick, those little brookies would be great practice for your dry fly hookset; maybe, after monsoon season ends... Peace out! -Steve-
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