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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Yep, this is exactly what I do when I take Rick out & he gets bored...
  2. Sounds like a great day; now, GET OFF MY WATER!!!! I've had the six-species day, but with a sucker instead of a bullie; suckers don't really count, do they? Glad to see you met some of my pet fish; now, GET OFF MY WATER!!! And one more thing:
  3. Great post, despite the lack of pics; maybe next time you should bring me along- I almost never leave my camera home. Then your story could start out like this: "A Dutchman, a Texan, & a Newfie walk into a random campsite..." Imagine the possibilities...
  4. Great post! BTW, can I be your "grasshopper" next summer?
  5. Nice pics, Terrance! Looks like your bro' used an eraser to remove the spots from the midsection of that "weird looking cutty"!
  6. How dare you call me an "uneducated dickhead"? BTW, what was your first clue that this fisherman was "uneducated"? Was it the wire pike leader attached to the spinner?
  7. That 'bow looks like a bigger version of one that I caught -TWICE! Pulled him outta the same spot 2 weekends in a row... Very similar shape(deep-bodied) & spotting. First pic was taken on a cloudy day, second on a bright, sunny day; 99% sure it's the same fish in both pics.
  8. "THE KARMA TROUT" This shot was captured by my 12 year old daughter, Becca; I think I'll make her my official fishing photographer! When I took our 10 year old neighbor, Josh, for a spur-of-the-moment evening fishing trip, Becca offered to come along to play photographer. We had fun, but the fishing was slow because of the high, cold water conditions. I decided to stop for a few casts at a favorite spot along the way home & was shocked to catch this 25" brown within spittin' distance of the bridge we parked at. He sure as heck gave my 2wt TFO a workout! I like to think this trout was 'karma' rewarding me for taking a kid fishing.
  9. Maybe you should let the camera slip more often, Gil! Cool pic...
  10. Happy Birthday, dude! Hope it was a good one! Peace!
  11. Some great shots, Rick! Looks like you've had a sweet summer, man!
  12. This photo represents several things that I hold dear. It shows a 25" brown trout that I landed on my 6 foot 2wt TFO fly rod on a small creek; an unexpected surprise that ranks right up at the top of my best fishing moments. The kicker, though, was getting to share this moment with my 12 year old daughter, Becca. She took some fantastic photos of this trout, then insisted on being the one to release it back to the creek; she was just as stoked as dear old Dad about this gorgeous brown. Here's Becca with the release...
  13. Har-de-har-har!!!! You funny, Tex! BTW, I'm still waiting for the call from the Maury Povich show; I'm kinda with you on the DNA thing...
  14. More pics: Becca... Not sure what this fluffy stuff is, but it looked pretty cool up close... Found these flowers beside the road... Didn't find any snakes (maybe they knew about the cold front that was coming???), but we did find this little frog... Northern Leopard Frog; kinda neat to find one of these endangered critters... Really cool-looking frog; made up for the lack of snakes! Another fun weekend in the books, y'all! Peace out! Steve
  15. Hit some small water on Saturday; fishing was slow, but managed a few to hand in a couple different spots... Found these funky-lookin' mushrooms streamside. Anyone know what they are??? This lady hung out for a while at dusk... Watched the sun set on my way back to the car... On Sunday afternoon, my daughter & I headed to the Highwood to look for snakes; we usually find lots of them out & about on a sunny afternoon. Becca @ the Highwood... Showing off my newly chromed dome... There were hundreds of wasps along the shore, but they never seemed to pay any attention to us; this one floated in the surface tension for a minute, then flew off...
  16. Sweet brown, dude!!! That's awesome!
  17. Thanks for the kind words, y'all! I figure I'd better spend as much time as I can with Becca before it's too late; she'll be 13 in a couple months, & I'm sure it won't be long before it's way uncool to hang with the old man!
  18. Really nice 'bow, Kyle! Good on ya, dude!
  19. Wicked pics, dude! Those are awesome!
  20. Nice pics; looks like the Oldman was pretty good to ya!
  21. I borrowed my handle from the most excellent TV show 'Arrested Development'; one of the funniest shows EVER!!! Scott Baio played a lawyer named Bob Loblaw. Try saying "Bob Loblaw's Law Blog" 3 times fast; or, "Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb"-these are actual lines from the show. That's my story, & I'm sticking to it; do not believe anything Castuserraticus may say about the possible origin of my handle... (This has been debated before... ) Peace out! Steve
  22. I've come back to this thread several times to look at that brown; it's freakin' unreal. I think if I saw a pic of that fish out side the context of this forum, my first thought would be that it's some sorta tropical fish. If I caught that fish, I'd have a framed enlargement on the wall, for sure!
  23. Yep, that right there is a mighty fine weekend, fer shore! Great pics; diggin' your sig pic, too!
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