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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Yeah, I heard how much you two dudes enjoy the wildflowers...
  2. HA-HA! My brother even mentioned that when I drew it... I couldn't figure out a way to pinch it, though!
  3. Nope! Look closer, my brother... No barb on that fly, I can assure you; but, thanks for caring. Later, Steve
  4. I even caught a few fish... This one fell for a parachute Adams... This one annihilated a Chernobyl Ant, and put on an air show! Gorgeous colors! Another beaut... 21" Brown... That's all, for now! 'Til next time... -Steve-
  5. More pics... My 12 year old daughter took this pic... More flowers; for Rickr & Headscan...LOL Some rain would be welcome... That's a mouthful!
  6. It ain't just about the fish... Watch yer step out there; almost stepped on these plover hatchlings today... More babies... Nature galore... Don't have to worry about stepping on this guy... More to come...
  7. Don't see many decent sunsets here; I took this pic from my deck in N.E. Calgary last week... Later, Steve
  8. Great pics, Riley! Nuttin' says 'Downhome' like a pic of a puffin! What part of the island were you visiting? Where was the sunset pic(in your first post) taken? I grew up in a little town(Gillams) on the Bay of Islands; the sunsets there were spectacular!
  9. Some sweet pics, as usual, Max; I particularly like the shot of the walleye dorsal sticking up outta the water. Lots of spectacular fish; that is a fine cutty! Later, Steve
  10. C'mon, Rick, you know the drill: what happens in the bush, stays in the bush! :zip it:
  11. Great pics, Chris; looks like you guys had a good day. Rick must REALLY want you to take him fishin'; otherwise, he'd be calling you gay 'cuz you posted pics of flowers! BTW, those flower pics are just so fabulous... Later, Steve
  12. Nice pics, Vic; gotta luv the variety! Bob needs to be more careful when handling invisible fish; he's got his thumb right up in it's gills! :$*%&: Of course, that's a moot point IF he was retaining that particular fish... Later, Steve
  13. I think I hate you... Some awesome big, beautiful fish, Jeff; but, I think I like those little cutts the most- they are gorgeous!
  14. So, you're saying that it's a waste of money? Just like your parents wasted money on school & tutors for you... ???"gaurenteed"??? <--poke--< <--poke--<
  15. I found this little guy alongside a creek yesterday... ...he smiled for the camera! Later, Steve
  16. Awesome pics, again, Snake! Keep 'em coming!
  17. Great pics, Gary & Missus Gary! Got more?
  18. Verrry niiice, BBT; do you need a cameraman?
  19. Sorry, no clue... I'm no botanist; I'm just (according to Rickr & Troutlover) extremely gay! Nice pic, Snake... Later, Steve
  20. Looks like you had a good day, Snake. It's nice to see I'm not the only one who takes the time to stop & smell the flowers. Took this pic on Saturday... These are from last month... I like this one... Good-looking brown, BTW! Later, Steve
  21. And others stroke their egos by looking down from their high horses on the people posting pics; you may be stroking for a different reason, but yer still strokin'!
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