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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. "Who has the photo shop skills?" You really are a 'sarcasmography expert', aren't you?
  2. As Birchy said in another thread, it is kinda slow around the ol' FFC forum the last few days, so I thought I'd post this for your consideration... I was watching an episode of M*A*S*H a few days ago, when I realized Lt.Col.Henry Blake(McLean Stevenson) kinda reminded me of someone. Do y'all see the resemblance? RICKR McLEAN STEVENSON With apologies to Rickr... ...if some of you folks would post some fish pics, or stories, or whatever, I wouldn't get bored and resort to this nonsense!
  3. This pic was taken last summer, at the old homestead back in Newfoundland; that's my folks, my bro' & his missus. Here's the part that makes me feel kinda old: See those BIG Colorado blue spruce trees? I helped plant them when I was a kid. I remember my Dad ordering them from some catalog. They looked like matchsticks when we put them in the ground;they've grown a wee bit in the 35(or so) years since! Yep! I do feel old! :$*%&: To quote George Carlin, "So far,this is the oldest I've been."
  4. Thanks, a-hole, for blabbing about my secret spot! :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&:
  5. Thanks, Tungsten. No, I've never done any trout; kind of afraid that I won't be able to do a trout justice. If I find a good sketch to work off, I may give it a whirl. I did do a small, stylized trout as part of a bigger piece many years ago. A friend of mine had a driftboat, and I did a piece on the plywood cover for the storage in the nose of the boat. He had someone sketch a scene of a guy playing a trout on a river- flyrod bent, fish jumping; turned out pretty cool. He sold the boat, & passed away shortly after. It's one of the few pieces I've done that I never got a pic of...wish I had. Wonder what ever became of it? As for the oak, I'm always looking for wood that will inspire me to put something on it... If you could PM me with some info( size of pieces, etc.) that would be awesome. Sounds interesting, for sure. Thanks, Steve
  6. Those pics of the ice on the bush are somethin' else, Jeff; awesome! Kinda looks like y'all get some wind down there from time to time...
  7. Here's the one I'm working on currently: A few more: -ON THE PROWL- -BUCKETMOUTH- -IN FLIGHT- -BUGLE BOY- -BIG 'BOU- Sorry about the pic quality of some of these; no scanner, so they're pics of old pics(pre-digital). Later, Steve
  8. Thanks for posting this , Brent. Very good read! Any pics?
  9. :wave_smile: :wave_smile: Funny shite, San Worm Juan!!!
  10. :lol: :laugh: :P Alright, alright; I can't take it anymore- I can't live with the lie!!! It is a nymph! Are ya happy now, Monger? Still like to meet you on your fave cutty creek, though, Monger. BTW, these pics are killin' me! That is a hawg, SJW; beauty! Later, Steve
  11. Dear Purist Numbnutz, Trust all is well in your world of size 28 dry flies & 1lb test tippet. I regret that your constant belittling of my fishing ability & character has forced me into responding in this manner. Now, in order to reverse the damage you have caused to my reputation, I will reveal a secret that I have kept to myself for many years. Take a close look at the "nymph" you see in this pic: This so-called (by the uneducated & ill-informed) "nymph" is actually a dry fly. My secret weapon; the 'metal bead' is really a small bead of styrofoam that has been painted. It is the perfect stealth dry for picky cutts, & the reason I wear my arm out landing trout on days when people who don't think outside the box either get skunked or resort to "Nymphing for Cutts". In closing, I would like to propose that you & I meet on your favorite cutty creek to settle our differences. I am done with airing our dirty laundry on a public forum. Good day! Steve
  12. Me next! Me next! I wants a custom user title too, Dave! Please, please, please!
  13. Well, the cat's outta the bag, now, SJW! J/K, man! This site is awesome; a great source of info & entertainment. Or, as Rickr's wife calls it: the online dating service for flyfishermen. Welcome to the forum, people; always room for a few more. Later, Steve
  14. Wow! Who'd a thunk it? That's an awesome find, guys; just when you think you've seen it all... Now, to find that vid of the bull & duck...
  15. PM sent, Purist! :$*%&:
  16. SIGH!!! Sweet cutty, Monger! Might as well dream of the fish that eat them cutties, too... Here's a cutty that someone tried to eat; note the scars on his side... Can't wait for the next time I see a big bull hunting down a cutty I'm landing. Dang it, Monger! Now I'm gonna be counting the days... :$*%&:
  17. SteveM

    March 22 09

    So sorry, Brad; my bad. Back to the original post: I assume you intimidated that brown into surrendering... Great pic, man!
  18. SteveM

    March 22 09

    No worries, Taco; I assumed the "j/k". I also assumed that you would assume that my comment was "j/k" as well. Did I assume wrong? I'm just glad you didn't notice that I referred to you as one of the "beautiful people" & assume that I was hittin' on ya(I wasn't). What do you think the record is for the most uses of the word "assume" in one post? I assume I've just beaten the record... Later, Steve
  19. SteveM

    March 22 09

    Wow!! You beautiful people sure look down on those of us less fortunate(i.e."fugly"). :$*%&:
  20. "who invented the skateboarding helmet and what were they thinking" :clapping: Hilarious, yet insightful; I laughed, I cried... OK, I didn't really cry. Oddest thing I've seen at a fast food joint: my wife ordered a "plain burger" for our daughter; when she unwrapped it, it was VERRRYY plain- no ketchup, no mustard, no pickles, no onions, NO MEAT! Nastiest thing I've experienced: Bit into a crispy chicken sandwich at Wendy's, found the first bite to be kinda chewy- like gristle. Discreetly spit it into my napkin. Looked at what was left of my sandwich to find it was completely raw in the middle.
  21. SteveM

    March 22 09

    Sweet brown, Brad! I love the blue/green some browns have on the cheeks.
  22. Thanks,Max. Do you remember taking that first pic when you took my bro' & me out? Later, Steve
  23. Sweet pics, fellas! I like the unique perspective on the train track shots, Jeff; you've got a good eye. Keep 'em comin'!! Later, Steve
  25. A few more favorites... TINY HEADWATER GEM- 19" BROWN- MY BRO' WITH A 24" BULL- REV. BOB WITH A CHUNKY 'BOW-
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