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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. Well an update on my meal I had last sunday. Ate great but sure paied the price for the next two days, the people I work with looked at me weird all day as I kept on rnning to the washroom.
  2. Andy, I usally just use them like I do my normal nymphs. I thing I have found with soft hackles is it adds some movement to the flies, which is a great way to get the trouts attention, but like most people have said already I find soft hackles a great immitations for emergers.
  3. I generally only use soft hackle flies during the spring and fall times, and generally only use them for Hare Ear, and Pheasent tails, I did try a soft hackle caddis larva (was imatitating a caddis puppa) and didn't have much sucess with it, do plan on trying it some more during the caddis emerganc. I just remeber I also tie copper johns with soft hackles and they seemed to do okay.
  4. I tend to disagree with this for a couple of reason. Spey lines as I understand it has most of the weight in the line towards the back of the line where as a WF line has the weight of the line towards the front. Also there is a distintive taper to a spey line where there is very little in a weight forward line. Could you do spey casts with any type of line, sure why not, you could probably do anything with anything, but in my mind using a line that is not designed for what you are trying to do is just making it harder on yourself. I tried my spey casts with my 40+ and I'll tell you this, I really did not enjoy using it at all for single hand spey casts. For roll casts it work nice but not for single spey or double spey cast, as for the opti line I haven't used it enough to make any comments on, so I really do not know how it would work out. I have always been a big person on the "Science" to fly fishing (note: I don't know everything but am learning) so when I look at lines I always think about the science to casting and what I do and does the line fit those peraemters. SA has a multi tip line in light line set ups for this purpose and as soon as I get my 5wt 10' 8" switch rod finished built I will diffently be tring it out. In the end use what you want to but if you ask ME for my suggestion I would get lines that are DESIGNED for what you want to use them for.
  5. You know what Jeremy, I have tried diffrent varioations oif the good old SJW and have found after experimenting with a ton of diffrent types that the wire wrap SJW works the best. I think it has to do that it is nice and heavy sinks to the bottom a bonks the fish in the face when it passes by. As some people say, I'm nothing but a hippie, so what do I really know.......
  6. Here is a suggestion, Instead of using weighted nymphs why not use barrel swivels? I buy then in 4 distintive sizes and use that as my weight. Last year I used exclusivly weighted nypmhs and did well and this year I am using unweighted nymphs (I use my stone, sjw, etc.... & my diffrent sizes of barrel swivels as my weight) By using this method I have found a couple of things. 1. Saves my leader 2. Easy to adjust diffrent weights 3. keeps all three nymphs in line, and get very little tangles 4. allows me to use unweighted nymphs (have caught more bigger fish so far this year then last year at about the same time) In the end use what you like to use but this is just what I suggest if you do not want to use splits.
  7. Bah I am too lazy for that I need to see the color change. Building a switch right now 5wt 10' 8" so once that is done then I am going to start playin around with lines and see which one preforms better. I'm personally looking for something that will shoot out with ease for ME. The thing is I don't want a think line cause I do plan on using it for hooper droopers and skating stones.
  8. I know with my 40+ there is a black marker, kind of looks like shrink tub around, does your not have that?
  9. bhurt

    March 22 09

    I only call the people that I like to fish with. Just joking, it was on a Sunday and I know you usally spend the day with the kids plus it was cold and most people don't have the guts to go out and catch only one fish in a 4 hr time span of freezing.
  10. bhurt

    March 22 09

    Np I was actually using my Loop 9126 GASS, was glad I had my Two Hander cause it put up a wicked fight, at one point it got into this super fast current, and I had to up the but end into my hip and forcefully turn it back into shore, whew was shakin for a long time afterwards espically when I saw it took my little #14 red midget, perfect hook in the cornor of the mouth.
  11. bhurt

    March 22 09

    They are fine till you get them wet.... I believe that they were designed as Stripping gloves for streamers and what not. I usally don't get the glove to wet but this time I was holding the brown in the water and tring to get andy to snap some underwater (too murkey)
  12. bhurt

    March 22 09

    I assume we can get back to the original post and not the hijacked post
  13. bhurt


    topeti, if I could get my hand on one of the new zpey I would diffently give it a fair shot, espically hearing about how the caster is in no pain, blowen out shoulder that could dislocate at any momment I had to put down my single hander (I still do use my single handers for select things) and go with the two hander. Beeing a student of the underhand casting style and looking at the way the zpey handle is designed, I am pretty much sure I would really enjoy using this new inovetive handle design. Someone bring some over for us to play with.......
  14. I had a double Mac and nuggets yesterday, didn't get the craps till this morning but man where the farts leatheal last night, twice I tell you I gaged on my own stench.
  15. I might be wrong, but I thought it was a draw every month and was for your choice of a rio gold line. I could be wrong though
  16. Hmmm good question, how many can my bag hold? I usally tie mass amounts of flies all the time and just fill my boxes then dumb them into my bag. I think I got 2 or three nymph boxes, 2 streamer boxes, a streamer box deadicated to bull trout flies, a dry fly box and a couple misalinous boxes.
  17. Well I wish I could of avoid you birchy (lol, just joking) I personally didn't try the casting analzer as I didn't really want to know how crappy my single hand casting was, lol Anyways second year I have gone there and won a new Rio Gold line that I am ding to try out, only thing is I got to find where I put it. My room looks like a atomic bomb went off in there and who knows where it could be, but I am sure I will be able to find it son. It was also great to meet ggp (even though it was breif)
  18. Well lets put it this way, I think there is something wrong with the wii's as I usally ship back 2 to 3 a week. Also I know with our laptops we have a 1 time no fault replacement warrenty, what this means is that within three years (First year beeing manufactures warrenty and two additional years through the store) you can litterlly take the laptop throw it down the stairs and we will replace it and that only cost 150, pretty good eh. Also on our laptops with the basic three year coverage at 150 you also get a one time battery replacement, I am pretty sure you will kill your battery in that time span and for genuine batteries from the manufacture 150 is a steal of a deal espically if it is a 12 cell battery. Here is the kicker though, to stop fraulent claims we have to send it to our depo center here in the city and they have to test out the battery and the system to make sure the battery needs to be replaced. All in all there is some money savings on it, but like you said you have to do some reserch on the iitem, and to label all compaines the same is just unfair and unbasis. As beening in the industry for sometime now I can totally understand where people are coming from, what service come and see me and I will always lok after my customers, cause without the Extended Service Plan there is nothing I can do for you after 14 days (laptop and desktops) and 30 days on anything else, and dealing with manufacters are the biggest headach I have ever had.
  19. Hey Mark, I have been selling electronics for the last 4 years and I will tel you this, I get absoultly NOTHING for selling an extended warrenty. Some places they do get a commission for it or something else but not my work. You would be surprised at how many people come back in after a year wanting it replaced and I have to shrug my shoulders and say sorry nothing I can do for you. Also to weedy, if you come back in and buy the same printer from someone 2 years later I wouldn't be buying from them as it is old technology and I know at my work, most things are replaced within 6moths of it hitting our shelfs, and if we don;t have it we give you your money (what you paied for it at the time with absoultly no deprication value on it) so you can get new technology and a new printer for less then the printer is worth at that time and not two years later. I do agree that some places are scams, without a doubt but know who you are buying from and what you are getting. Its up to you to get it or not, but I know when I am dealing with customer I go to the length even helping out with the manufacters warrenty. Does it make the company money sure, but why doi you think a company is started, to make money, duh. Across canada I can see it beeing a bit of a profit but on single units it is almost a diffent lost. For example, a laptop over heats due to poor ventalation and blows out the Montherboard, you take it in, and even if you have to wait two weeks for it to be replaced a motherboard cost around 300 and then labour in putting it in which is around another 200 so you are sitting at 500 and you only paied 145 for the extended service plan the company is still taking a loss. Also if you think we are replacing parts on computers and laptops with OEM parts you are sadly mistaken as we order parts straight from the manufacture and replacing it with the exact same part. Do what you want but remeber not everyone is out to get you so choose wisely and make your descisions based off facts and experinces and not what others have to say.
  20. I've seen it snow here in August also, note only once I have I seen this since 1988
  21. Aswome fish. Only thing is your name kind of reminds me of back home, I have a uncle that was named festus and he is kind of a little off, I guess that is what happens when you are raised in the swamps.
  22. Steve, Have you ever thought of selling some of your work? I wouldn't diffently buy a couple if you did.
  23. I really encourage everyone that owns a spey rod to try and make it out to one of these events as it will not be a waste of money. At $200 this is a chance of a lifetime and should not be missed out on, and to get a free DVD with it diffently makes it worth your time and money. Just borrowed Scott's DvD from a friend and watched it last night and man was I blowen away. The opening scene alone is worth taking a look at (the link gordy provided) My fav part in the bigging is either scott walking acropss the bridge with the ominous music playin in the background, or the airal veiw with the big massive loops scott is doing. Can't wait for the class I feel like a crack addict needing his fix.
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