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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. I would put up with that then having unsvoury charcters scooping out my house, or drive by a Confedrate Flag hanging in every second window, or stepping on the odd crack needle.
  2. Be a man and just piss in your weighters, the plus side to it you'll be warm.
  3. Nah I think he is just reliving some pass experince jeremy.
  4. Huh, never heard of it mixed that way before, learn something new every day. How I know the Rocky Mountain Bear Fcuker was mixed Jack Bacaridi 151 Tequillia
  5. Hmmmm, I live in the south east and I think it is a really good neibourhood, has lived there since 88
  6. At the professional level the Head Coach does very little coaching, that is what assistance coaches are. It is the job of the Head Coach to motivate the players to do better. If a Head Coach has failed to accoplish that then he has failed at his job, thus deserves to be fired. As for letting go players you have to remeber they are under contact and unless they can find another team that will take that contract then they are stuck with them or have to pay them out, that is also how it works in the work force too, if you have a contract and bnot producing then you get paied out for the rest of that contract. Players do have bad seasons and can come back and look good the next year that is just how the dice or rolled. What high player player on Calgary did not produce, I think calgary's problem was not one single player but the whole team, are we now going to get ride of the entire team? Beeing both a Head Coach and a Assataint Coach in Minor football here in the city for 11 years I understand this 100% I agree that players professional players today make way too much money but that is just the facts of life and we need to get over that. Coaches at the professional level need to modavate their players to succeed. I think overall Calgary played very well this year just lacked the modivation they needed to be implyed by the Head Coach and the rest of the coaching staff.
  7. Now I like Keenan and thought he did not that bad of job and it will be intresting to see who steps in, I think you might see Daryl come out of the box for a year and coach until Brett's contract with the devils is up and then here he comes to cowtown. I think the decision to let Keenan go came from the ownership group. The only thing that has me puzzled is if the major problem with Keenan came from how he managed Kipper then how come Dryal didn't come down from the box and TELL keenan to give kipper more rest? Anyways it will be intresting to see what the outcome will be I have heard some rumors that Lowery could be named Head Coach for a year but I think it might be a bit too soon for him, and he needs to be seasoned some more, Hitman was a great place for him to develope as a Headcoach, also I am wondering how many more of the coaching staff from the flames are going to get their Pink Slips. Oh one other thing I just remebered, after coaching football for 11 years we had a saying about professional coaches "They are hired to be fired" meaning if your not producing and moving forward most likely you were going to be getting your pink slip.
  8. Its hard to say what my goal is, but ultimatly it is to meet people that I like to fish with and bringing the community togather. As for fishin I am focusing on the dryfly game (not hopper dropper) and to get a bit better at fishin with streamers.
  9. As I see it I would rather have a place for the people that want to keep fish then fishing illiegally and killing off our native fish. I remeber one day I was at work and my boss asked me where he could take his family (he was a spin caster) to go fishin and catch a couple of fish and then have a family bar-b-q. Places like Allen Bill and McClean Creek Pound are ideal places as they are so close to camp grounds and deflects them from removing fish from the rivers. With Poilce Outpost and Bullshead, I belive these are good places for trophy lakes but we need to also look at the flip side of the coin too. Not everyone is a C&R angler and they need a place to go to so we can protect our native fish, it might cost more money to keep these places stocked but in my opion that is a much better solution then giving them no place or places where it is not really worth the time to go to, thus some people out there might say screw the rules I'll fish whereever and keep whatever I want. With places that have a 5 limit keep (these places of course would be stocked fish) regardless of size might be the opening to allow a change in regulations in other rivers, streams, creeks, etc.. to be total C&R with stiffer pelanties for breaking those rules as there would designated places they could go for 100% keep (with of course a catch limit) Do these pounds get cleared out in a month or so, sure but better there where they are a stocked fish then raiding the native fish in their native waters. My mom's side of the family have lived in Southern Alberta for many generations and as a kid growing up visiting my grandparents, it was never about the experince of catching a fish, but what was for dinner that night, saying that it might not be that way for everyone but it was diffently that way for my family. We need to find a soultion to accomadate both sides and not just to make it better for one group, remeber regardless to weather it is a keep place or a C&R we must all veiw everyones opion and make changes that best suits EVERYONE.
  10. Where I originally come from is know for HILLBILLYIES so the fishman's tan doesn't bother me at all.
  11. Pick up a copy of the regs from any of the local fly shops and take a look in it, it should state everything in it, also carry it along with you incase a C.O stops you so you can show him.
  12. Well there was 6 kids hit by cars in my neibourhood alone last year and this was done by idoits driving to fast in a playground zone, so if I get charged fine by me, its alot better then watching another kid get hit by a car. Dave how would you feel if your child was hit by a car that was speeding through a playground zone, I bet dollers to donuts you would go crazy.
  13. Just so it is clear, it is only legal for emergency or law enforcement vechiles to park opposite way, my father just took a ticket on friday for parking the wrong way in a residental zone, called his lawyer and was told the cop was right and it is just another ubran myth that you can park anyway u want. Also passing in a playground zone is a very big no no, who's to say the kid can see the car attempting to pass. Also passing in a Playground Zone is veiwed as speeding cause you have to speed up to pass the other car. I have a elemntary school right infront of my house and for years the punks at night would race up and down the street, that was until I dressed up a dummy to look like a child placed it on a tricycle and hide between two cars when they came racing down the street, I kicked it out in the middle of the street, never seen kids so scared in my life, but I will say this, problem was fixed. Also if you going to plan on fighting the poilce force, good luck unless you have some pretty convincing evidence then I highly doubt anything will happen with the exception of you wasting your time and money.
  14. So what you are saying is let the kids drive their vechiles through the water systems destroying the stream bed (This has been happening for years in Mcleann Creek and Whipros) which WILL harm our natural species in that water system, plus the countless other damages it does, but I guess it is okay by your standards cause there is alot of other MORE IMPORTANT ISSUSES (and really what makes something more important then something else when it comes to our Enviroment) Also I guess we can burn plastic which causes alot of damage to the ozone (I am sure there was plastic in the burned car), have you ever seen some of the stuff that is throwen into a campfire, not to mention a wild fire that could of been caused by a burned car in a forest campground, but once again this isn't a issuse according to you. I also remeber over a ton of garbage was hauled out during the lord Beverbrook grad one year, I guess that is okay too by your standards. Not saying that there are not other issuses but all issuses with the enviroment is critical and needs attention, ignore one issue and it will get out of hand. The problems you suggest needs to come from Goverment regulations and to make fines bigger then what it would cost the company, sometimes getting fined by the goverment is cheeper then doing it the correct way.
  15. Here is what I think is the problem. 1) Sounds like the heat-sink fan is gone (most fan use nylon ball baerings as they are cheeper, over time the ball bareing wears downtill the fan does not work anymore) Could also be the Polysynthetic Silver Thermal Compond (the grey goop that holds the fan to the cpu) might need to apply more. 2) Power supply fan could be shot, unplugyour computer and remove any lead that might be drawing a electrical current then take a pen go to the back of your computer and see if you can move the fan, if it does not move, time for a new power supply, watch out it could be a blowen compasator in the power supply which regulates how much power the unit is getting, and can cause the whole system to burn out. 3) It could be a HD but I doubt that, usally when HD's go the whole computer will not work as this is the BRAINS of the computer. External HD's are a good choice but like a internal HD they are prone to crash also, what I would suggest is a UPS (Uninteruptable Power Supply) the power surger protector in these are actually like a home fuse and when it goes out you need to resett it and is warrenty up to 25k for 7 years and is extremly hard to burn out, the good thing about the UPS is that for $100 you can get one that is for 34mins, so when the power goes out your computer/electronics still work as this is just a back up power, the one I have from APC also has a program that will shut down your computer (you can set the time limit) incase you not home, having a computer just turn off without the proper way can cause alot of damage to them. Lastly I suggest at least once a month taking a can of air and cleaning out the inside of the computer, all electronics generate heat and when covered in dust can cause parts to last alot less then what they are intended for. Hope this helps some.
  16. There could be various reasons in my mind. 1. Bad handling skills of a angler that caught it 2. Hot tempartues 3. Poachers 4. Long fight 5. Natural selection (It was just its time to go belly up) It very well might be something else but that is what I would guess at.
  17. I have three drinks that don't really mix well with me. 1. Snake Bite 1 part Tequillia 1 part Jack Daniels 2. Double Jack 1 part Yukon Jake 1 part Jack Daniels 3. Freight Train 1 part Southern Comfort 1 part Jack Daniels Note: Me and my friends thought we were real men when we were younger and use to do these shooters in the large shot glass Don;t know how many times I have seen the insides of my stomach doing these shooters, seems like when I was younger I had a thing for Jack Daniels, nowadays there is no way I could drink that stuff unless I was already drunk.
  18. You could be right on the regs brain, it is sometyhing like that for keeping fish, but since I not longer practice those methods I generally don't worry about remebering those regs, if need be I will always pull out my copy in my backpack and check first. All I did was looked up the phone number for the hatchery here in town, can't remeber number but I think I did underline it in my phonebook, and asked for a sr. supervisor for the bow. I would guess Fish and wildlife division here in calgary could be a combination of multipule groups it might be faught with more resistance, or just got lost in the shuffle of paper, and I knew these guys where getting a sepsimen for something to do with the fish hatchery. So if your appauled by this lets start flooding THEIR office with phone calls and inguries as to why such a barbic method, with a high chance of inccediental killing of trout was imployed? BTW just watched a shoking docementry called Sharkwaters (highly recommended) all about longlining Sharks in Costa Rico for the sole purpose of finning (High demand in the Asian market for shark fins and nothing else) and all the other species of wildlife that got killed, the killings of the great sea tortoise was almost too much to bear.
  19. Watch out for the undercut banks, these banks are very easy to fall apart during run off, and even though the river may look like its not moving that fast, it is really moving that fast, also its not whatz ontop of the water that you have to worry about, but it is what is underneith that is a concern. Big tree braches, and all sorts of crap that can drag you down under the water. Just be careful.
  20. Rick, Thanks man, I just wanted to make sure the wrong people were not getting blamed for what another group did, and yes I agree with you 100%, what these idoits did was absoultly appauling and since their uniforms looked lie C.O's I could see how people could get the wrong impression, and see them as C.O All F&W employees in my opion should be out there setting the example (which is what upset me the most) about how to handle fish but the older more senrior guy out there was bragging to us how worms is the best bait and will beat anyting we use. I wanted to say to him, well this is a C&R river with a bait ban, and to the uneducated people out there people might get the impression tha bait is allowed and start using bait not knowing and thinking, well if a C.O (even though they were not C.O's they sure in hell looked like one) is using bait so can I. They even used a hook that one of them called a "Slow Death" Geeeeze I guess F&W is not to concern with the trout in the river when they hire and train idoits as what we saw at Southland on Tuesday. Honestly it took everything I had to not cause a problem as I figured I would just call it in and see if they do any house cleaning. The gentleman that I talked to on the phone seemed shooked and asked me if I was sure it wasn;t someone just dressing up as a F&W? When I told him no and I looked at his cresting on his unfirom, the gentalemen I talked to was even further stunded as he was wondering why someone would get into F&W with a menatalty these idoits had. Regardless to whatever was done a report was made and more people need to report this and put pressure on these idoits for what they did, and represente, iving C.O's and F&W a extremly bad name.
  21. Rick, First thing is that the guys that were there WERE NOT C.O's These guys had a special permit to use bait and work for Fish and Wildlife What they did was brabaric and set the wrong example for many people, but I want it to be known that they were not CONSVERATION OFFICERS. Even though their uniform looked like Conservation Officers they were just some people that worked for Fish and Wildlife. Also I would like to add that they were fishin for the LEGAL size (I belive it is under 24cm which is roughly 10 inches) which anyone is allowed to do and I belive it is a limit of 1. Putting that aside I already put in a phone call to Fish and Wildlife about this yesterday as it was so bad I had to get up and move as I was fumming pretty bad and wanted to take their rods and break them over their heads. Even though the fish they caught was a white fish there is absoultly no reason to take the fish and toss it back into the water because it was not te one that they were looking for, absoultly appaling. I WANT EVERYONE TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE PEOPLE THAT WERE INVOVLED IN THIS WERE NOT CONSERVATION OFFICERS, THEY WERE EMPLOYED THROUGH FISH AND WILDLIFE SO THEIR UNFIROMS ARE VERY SIMILIAR, YOU NEEDED TO READ THE CREST ON THEIR UNIFORMS TO SEE THAT THEY WERE NOT ANY TYPE OF LAW ENFORMENT WHAT SO EVER. Please lets put the blame on the right people, our C.O's are doing a really good job (even though we need much more officers) and that these backwater, hillybilly, ignorent idoits are not labeled in the same group.
  22. I still will say this, if Van didn't have loungo there is no way they would of done half as good as they did this year. That guy has nothing to be ashamed of.
  23. I firmly belive it should be law that when you get your license you are also given the regs with it. Alot of times I have the regs in my backpack so when I do come across the incconcent ones (People from other countires or places where bait and keeping fish are allowed) I am then able to hand them a copy of the regs that they are able to keep. I also will show them where in the regs they can find the laws for where they are fishin, I know when I first looked at the regs I was like wow where the hell do I start.....
  24. If you ask me I think there is no Set distance but can change from angler to angler. What I do is just ask the angler where "he/she" is fishin and if it is alright if I drop in above or below....
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