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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. bhurt

    Got Out Today

    It was funny Ed, cause I was like, man we need more light and sure enough as soon as the sun deceieded to wake up the fishin was on.
  2. bhurt

    Got Out Today

    The morning was without a doubt the tuffest. I didn't get my first trout till around 3pm, up till then, NOTHING.........
  3. bhurt

    Got Out Today

    It was great getting out today, the morning was slow going but once the sun came out it was hold on tight (Sorry Ed but it lite up as soon as you left) It was also great to meet Dune. Here is some photo's from the day. The two big rainbows I caught today where infact the same fish, now that I think of it, it took the samething in the same spot. Heard of people catching the same fish in the same day but never done it myself till today.
  4. My best guess would be maybe westwinds, country pleasures or fish tales. They are all in a roll and within 5 mins of each other.
  5. Mark, try throwen them in the sink at the same time and the one that sinks fast I would guess to be the floro
  6. bhurt

    Rod Flex

    Brain, Just curious how are the Opti Nymphs?
  7. Gord, Just a suggestion but by my place about 5 or so mintues from where the clinic is (even nearer if you doing the demo in Fish Creek) is Brewsters Pub. Not a bad place, decent food too..........
  8. Yeah I got mine just the other day. This is my second pair, my first is still in great shape after one year of a beating. Thanks Gord and I'll see you in may.
  9. Hey gord, I think having a beer night might on the demo night might be asking for trouble, don't forget you, scott need to be functional for the clinc. LOL, j/k Looking forward to this and having dreams about it.
  10. Swivels - hmm I dunno how to really describe them, go over to the spinning section at wholesale and get them there I basically use three sizes, small, medium, large. This was basaically my thoughts as well, that is why I am going unweighted nymphs this year (or as much as possible there are still some patterns I tie that uses a beed head) As for weight I just use a bigger size barrowl swivel for slower water, no need to throw on a ton of weight espically in slower water when you get longer drifts and more time for the set up to sink. So far this month I have caught 3 big browns with running this system but am really intrested to see how it works during the summer and fall months.
  11. I agree with most of what has been said. Like others have said size (don't want to be trying to feed a trout a #12 when all its feeding on is size #16) is a big a factor, as well as sillioute. I think color comes into a factor but I do not think its as big as what everyone sometimes think it is as do we really know how the trout sees that fly..... I have a couple of flies that I tie which are 360 ties, this meaning the fly looks pretty much the same a complete 360 degree turn. This way no matter how it is floating through the water it always looks the same.
  12. Its just the color leeching out of the line, it happened to me and I called Airflo's customer service desk and that is what they have told me. It has only happened to me once though.
  13. Well that was a great laugh, thanks for the post
  14. With the airflo lines I have used, I have found some inital coiling when I first bought the line, but after some cast (I'm too lazy to take the line and strech it out before I fish it the first time) it seems alright except in like -5 and lower. I'm very intrested in trying out the vision heads, heard nothing but great things about it, but I dunno if it suits my casting likes........ It should be intresting playin with lines on my 5wt 10' 8" when I finish building it, dunno what line I will try first but do plan on trying a couple and teewking it to my likings.
  15. brndawg, Just a question for you. When Saddam mustard gassed 5,000 kerds in a attempt to whip them out that was okay? The gulf war was nothing but a prelude to the current war. To say there was no moral, legal or leginamete reason is kind of going a bit too far cause there were alot of reasons, its just the one that was supplied to the white house and the one that they sold to congress was false. I do agree that the USA went to war with saddam over false information, but I think we should be blamming the military leadership (the real people that provide the white house with the intel that they make their decision over) and not the country. Also I think it was the responsability of the USA to go to war with Iraq since they were the ones that put saddam in power and it was a mistake that they had to clean up, just like the tailban. And I think you missed oboma talking about how he is going to focus on the war in Afganistan and removing troops from Iraq and sending them to Afganistan, sounds like they haven't forgotten about anything.
  16. Okay my bad I am talking about Switch casting here and not really single hand. On my switch rod that I am building I have a 3" bottom handle (most switch rods I see have this bottom handle), I can only fit 3 fingers around it, which does allow me to do my two handed stuff. When I do 90% of my casts I use my top hand as a pivot and I use my bottom hand and pull the handle into me keeping my top hand stationary. As for single hand spey casting this doesn't apply. Sorry my bad. One other thing that I really dislike about the 40 plus is the fact that I can hear it shooting through my guides where other line (with the exception of the sharkskin) I hear nothing and noise weather from the reel or from the line shooting through guides is something that absoultly drives me crazy. Also I have found that the durability of the line is less then desirable, my 40 plus lasted me roughly 4 months before I had to replace it. It also coils somewhat in cold weather too.
  17. Al, The guys that you know that swear by the 40+ what type of casting and presentation are they doing? ie: Traditional, scandi, skagit, touch and go, etc.... Like I said, it could be done, just the things that I did not like about it were the weight of the line, I found for tossing things such as a hopper dropper set or doing touch and go presentations the thickness of the line tended to cause alot of line spash which is what turned it off for me. Now I can see if you were doing some modern spey casting (more top hand then bottom) or skagit casting (throwing big flies at great distances) it would be more benifical, but for me I will stick to my northwest, or airflo lines that I have been using.
  18. The russians originally as far as I understand, started the who mess in Afganistan when they tried to invade and the USA came in and helped trained and help put in the tailban, now it is their resposability to clean it up, but isn't this a UN santion war which would mean every member in the UN would have to help out? Could be wrong but that is how I see it. Also I hear alot of canadains make fun of americans, how is this any diffrent? I do agree that the subject was not the right subject but I see canadains and canada shows making fun of americans ALL the time, but as soon as an american makes fun of a canadain it is not right, how is this any diffrent. Just like to point out that I do not agree with what RED EYE did and agree that it was a embaressment to the USA media but at the same time, can't do one thing then get mad at someone else for doing the samething.
  19. I'll be 18 till the day I die, that way I can act like a kid on the boards and not get introuble for it.
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