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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. I usally also run just a plain old wire tied worm (20 gague electrical wire) but there have been times that I have run the other types of worms and have had good luck with them. I like the wire wrapped worms because of their weight and they make a great anchor point, that way I can run something like a unweighted caddis larva and then to some type of emerger (unweighted of course) and get great success with it.
  2. Give Fish Tales a call and see who they can set you up with. Don;t know if they do walk and wades but they are a really good bunch of guys.....
  3. I could see her singing in broadway or some other big production. Opera's maybe.........
  4. You can judge a book by its cover, just as long as its not from the media since as some would say they are basis in their opion and make up *hit all the time
  5. Nope but I have heard that they like to have sexual relationships with the heron's out there.....
  6. We assumed you would have a female goat in the group, but three males, two human (or at least we think it is human) ad one goat is just to frickin weird for me.
  7. It was clear in my mind after reading the two descriptions that it had to be b.
  8. I've seen a couple of center pin guys on the bow and for the most half I would think they were doing nothing against the regs, however I will say I had a run in with one guy last year that came within 5 feet of me, obviously I was in a nice honey hole and started casting. Not that I don;t mind sharing the river, but not even a hi, getting up I look over at him and he says "what, you fly fishers think you own the river" The rest unforntantly is censored matrieal, but the short end is I got up and left. I see attitude from both sides and don't think one side is worst then the other. Use to think like that about jetboats, till I got to ride in one........
  9. Sooooo when are we going fishin next, lol
  10. If the media was unbiase then they would publish anything regardless to what it is. Here is what the dictonary had to say about unbiased un·bi·ased Pronunciation: \ˌən-ˈbī-əst\ Function: adjective Date: 1607 1: free from bias ; especially : free from all prejudice and favoritism : eminently fair <an unbiased opinion> Also if you do not like what the media is doing then why read it? Looks like to me IMHO your just looking for something to cry about.
  11. I remeber one year Calgary was Division and Confenernce Champions, what happened to them in playoffs???????????? Playoffs is without a doubt a new season in my eyes, Calgary tends to play stronger against better teams and gets lazy against the weaker teams, so going up against Chigaco could be to there advatange, and heck a team can take a win or two in a row but one thing you know is that it will be a grinder...... Anyways I would like to see a Cal vs Van rematch in the playoffs
  12. So like Lynn said, The father went to the media and told them his story and the media is the bad guys? Also there is a old sayin, Bad news is good news. I think what the father wanted was to bring some public awareness to what he is going through. Also what about the countless other stories about sad things that has happened to children. For example, Baby Jacob, the one that was born blind and the parents were raising money so they could go to china and get some brain stem treatment (don't know everything about what needed to be done) and the positive thing about this is that the mother came into my store not to long ago to make thank you cards for the people that donated the money and I asked her how baby jacob was doing and she was so happy because ther son could make out shapes. Or howabout the crazies who have gone into schools and killed children in a killing spree? Just my thoughts
  13. I'll ask my buddy if he has the video still, but I have a friend that works in remote fire watch towers, and he had a vedio that they showed at his training where some spreyed a bear with bear sprey and all the bear did was lick at the air then charged the guy. What was suggested to me was first do not by bear spey that does not contain some sort of pepper sprey. Second, replace the container every year, the 3 years life of it is stored at right temps which we carring bear sprey in hot weather is no good Third, Watch out for game trails in areas knowen for bears as this is a likely spot for bears. My buddy said bears are less likely to attack unless hungry, rabit, or protecting it young, or of course prevoked, he topld me you are more likely to be attacked by a cat then a bear.
  14. Last time I played with dyes, I died my hands blue for 3 weeks..........
  15. Very nice now where the heck are mine?
  16. No one likes you so I thought I wouldn't wish you a happy birthday, cause your airrifles suck and so does your small streams and costa rica fishin.... All jokes aside, Happy Birthday
  17. So correct me if I am wrong, you pay someone top dollers and they are okay to play at a average level? Kipper is payed huge money to make those save and not depend on his defence, does he need the help of the d, of course. A preiumer goalie, such as what kipper is beeing paied should be able to stop 25 and less shots and pull out a win. Look at what Luggo does in vancouver!
  18. I do not disagree with what you are saying, but on the flip side what you are talking about is censorship. Freedom of speech allows anyone to say whatever they want (As long as it does not violate the human rights act), if you do not like it don;t read it. I find the media is full of half truths and is full of inacurate information. Just my two cents.
  19. I'm too lazy to look but is there a Thread about how to use the SEARCH feature?
  20. Personally I would recommend buying the TFO Axiom, 6wt 9' with a Mayfly reel. Some people do try out fly fishin and get fusstrating of not catching anything and go back to the spin rod (which is okay as long as stayin within the regs) The Axiom I belive is roughly $350 and is a decent (not excellent) rod that has a mid felx and not to fast and defiently not a noodle. The reason I suggest the TFO is because of the Springbrook warrenty. If you do break the rod for $35 you can get it replaced the sameday (as long as they are open) The Mayfly reel is not the best out there but once again for someone just starting out I think it would be perfect, cost is like $60 I think, I know people that have used them for years and have never had a problem with it. Then for line I would get a better line, maybe something like a SA Expert Distance line All in all roughly $500, after a year or two of using it then you can think about what upper echalon rod you want, by this time you should know something about what type of fishin you want to do and how you enjoy casting. Just my two cents though.
  21. Your right, you are miserable and you are old, but I have to agree with Doc on this one. Read all the post!!! There are some diffently good reads and some comic relief..... "I'm too lazy to look so tell me" This one cracked me up Doc
  22. Hahahahaha, how true this is rick. Yesterday I was out and was wondering if I was too heavy and dragging bottom when I hit the same rock 2 times before. Swearing a bit I went to break off when all of a sudden the damn thing took off on me, WTF......... As for the weight thing, I use 20gauage red electrical wire. Seems to work great and I wrap it once on a #6 ALL PURPOSE hook, if I need more weight I just put on a heavier barrel swivel.
  23. Boulerman, Try also to use a #14 red midge I just use Thread, Scudback, and dubbin. Beeing doing alright so far this week.
  24. Hey Jay, Aswome vid, loved the bed music it roxed. I've used Sony Movie for the last couple of years and is a very soild program and high suggest it, use to be by Sonic Foundry and was called Vegas Video.
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