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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. I haven't had any problem with my ridgeline, a little bit of coiling when it get below -10c but nothing to really effect the shooting, ice in the guide more problem then coiling. The hig Res stren I was using in the summer time was the cats ass, but just absoultly sucked ass in the cold. I am kind of a freak on the whole noise thing so I don't think the Sharksin is for me.
  2. Funnier still is I have been down there serval times and still waiting to see this nutorious wind.
  3. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't European sizing a bit smaller? My bad just looked at it again and noticed all messaerments are in cm
  4. If it is noisy then there is no way in hell I will buy it, more of a personal thing then functionality. Personally I am going to try some of the new Frog Hair Shooting Line that Fish Tales now has in stock.
  5. Considering when I bought mine last year at WholeSales I think I paied around 250/275
  6. King I dunno I think a large might be okay, I have a size 10 foot in korkers and when dry they are a very snug fit (wearing socks of course) but once wet they fit nicely.
  7. How long was Lepord out before Snow Lepord is coming out, less then 2 years, and people gave Vista a hard time. Not that I really care if I was using a mac for what I want to use a mac for then I would buy one, but to have one cause it is the "IN" thing then no thank you. I have had my PC for the last 3 years, never turned it off once and never had a problem with it, and I use Limewire like a mad man and yet no viruses, I guess I just know how to maintain my PC.
  8. Birchy, Don't get me wrong I like curtis and have gone fishin with him a couple of times, but his role on Calgary this year is to be a back-up to kipper, plain and simple nothing more nothing less, you think he is going to see any playoff time, highly doubtful. As for developement then I think he should go back down to the minors cause that is what the minors are for, developing players, if you play with the pro's then you should be a pro and not a player that needs development. I think Curtis can hang with the big guys and have proven it many times, but alot of people on here forget that he is just the back-up goile right now.
  9. I think I am about a 48 I have a personal tailor so I don't really know my size. Its the same waders I have worn to every spey gathering, in the winter time I wear a pair of long underware and sweat pants and they fit me fine, a little bit snug but pretty good.
  10. Well it all depends on how their reordering system works, I know with my work it is automated but there are also caps on how much we get that is set by our buyers out in Toronoto. As for beeing told that the item was in stock, I know with my work I go and actually do a visaul look cause after all Inventory is never right cause otherwise why would we have to do a inventory check once a year. I have found that alot of times people will check their inventory computer to see rather then actually check for the product, to me this is pure laziness. Weather or not this is what happened at Wholesales I do not know as I do not work there, but have had a good expeince everytime I have been in there. Also did you get someone from the fly fishing department or was it the first person that answer the phone? Having someone that knows the product and where it is located is always a good thing other then getting someone in a diffrent department that has no clue or worst yet (not saying this is what has happened at Wholesales) they just don't give a *hit. Don't lose faith in stores as times are tuff right now and all we need to do is weather the storm, times will get better.
  11. I wish I had the time and paitence to do this sort of stuff. Really cool and excellent ties. Keep it up I can't wait to see the completed set.
  12. Yeah Leroy when is your new show coming out? I haven't watched your old show yet as I have found alot of shows I grow bored with or might miss something and without the ability to go back its pretty hard sometimes, I guess I just need to record the shows on my PVR so I can go back and watch what I missed.
  13. misterbig, I work in the retail industry and have found that with the current economy crunch that alot of stores are not carrying large amount of inventory as it is getting harder and harder to move things as people are only buying the bare min. of things. This could be the problem or it could be something else. I buy all of my material at Fish Tales and found the staff there really knoweldable and willing to help out anyone weather it is finding the right material or giving a quick demo on how to use the material. Hope that helps you out some.
  14. I use Zap-A-Gap but the funny thing is that when I first put it on it smarted to smoke.
  15. What role do you think they have Curtis for? He's a back-up goile, so when Kipper needs a rest he comes in plain and simple. As for putting Leopald and Pheneuf togather, how do you know how they will play togather unless you put the two togather to see, Not everyone is as smart as you rehsify
  16. Well right now I am at work so anywhere would be better then where I am right now.
  17. I agree with this to a point, I have also found the the quality of the drag system you have on your reel is a huge factor. I use my Hatch reel (One of the best drag system I HAVE EVR USE) and have it set at 1 and with the big browns the drag takes off silky smooth and I have yet to break my tippet on a fish or cast while using my 9wt 12' 6"
  18. Saltamontes, I wear a XL size and am 6' 1" and weight roughly 240lbs, so I think a Large would be okay, maybe check serria's web site, but I highly recommend them as I put 125 days roughly on mine and they are still pretty much new, I also wear mine in winter and summer.
  19. LS isn't that bad, more bark then bite, but I do want her fur coat.....
  20. This should be a fun course, and I just might pop by as I will be getting a haircut at around that time and I will be close by.
  21. Mike I think you'll be okay with a L or XL, I think mine is XL and they fit fine and what not but with layers underneith I prefeer one size bigger.
  22. Gordy, If I am not working I will diffently be intrested in this, let me know when and what time so I can make sure I have the time off work.
  23. Jayjones, When you skip the fish across the river what size are they? I have yet to do this with any trout over the size of 15 inches, and 14 and smaller I can make them skip across the river with my 6wt 9 foot TFO single hander, it all comes down to how you play the fish, putting the boots to them and lifting your stick as high as you can you diffently will skip some fish. Most of the time I am applying side pressure to the trout to turn it back into the shore so not often I raise my stick as high as I can. Also you think your going to skip a 20+ brown or Rainbow across the river. I very highly doubt that. By the way since you are the expert, what is the grain WINDOW of my rod or gregg's, do you even know? I am extremly sadden to see people such as yourself come on a thread that was about having fuin and start questioning everyone and talking about how you are a mighty Spey guy for the bow river (hate to tell you this but Steelhead and Rainbows or browns are a bit diffrent) but yet have never seen much possitive come out of it. Also if you have a problem with gregg then why attack him on someone else thread, which in my mind just ruined a good thread, why not start another thread, I guess experts just don't think of other people. Spout your crap about me, I don't really care too much, I'll keep on doing my thing regardless to what the so called "INTERNET EXPERTS" SUCH AS YOURSELF has to say.
  24. Yup the 5wt 10'8" is going to rock
  25. Well I have been taken the rod building course at Fish Tales and have been really enjoying myself.... Took a couple of photo's and thought I would share them with everyone. Thanks alot to Wyane, Dick, and Clayton for given the time and having the patice with us
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