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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. bhurt


    The major hurdle for Zpey is that fly fishing is full of tradition and traditionalists (look at all the guys who still fish bamboo and fiberglass). Radical changes are usually met with fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Marc, I 100% agree with what you say, I remeber alot of people, myself included, say that there is no need for a two hander on the bow, I guess that is why I am more open to new designs and new ideas!
  2. bhurt


    So explain this to me, when loop discounte their Blue Line and came out with the Opti's that meant that Loop did not have any faith in their Blue Lines, and it had nothing to do with better material used or just trying to reintroduce a rod to the market? Not to cause arguements, well okay to cause a argument, lol, your reasoning Gordy does not make any sense. As I see it, the reason the old Zspey's were discountied was because their partneership with Loop was over for whatever reason, thus most likely Loop had the rights to the design and Zspey had to redesign the rod so they could own the rights to it, not saying this is the truth but how I SEE IT. As for having the interchangable handles, I don't see this as a downfall but a positive, not everyone is going to like the Zspey, that is just a simple fact, I think by offering the additional handle it makes someone feel more comfortable that if the Zspey is something they don't like then they didn't waste money a something they will not use, also there might be a time when the Zspey handle might not be the best suit thing for the application that the caster might need. Also when has something ever been designed the first time and was perfect the first time?
  3. bhurt


    Hey Gord, Just curious what length of lines and weight of lines that you saw the guys using? I could see if you were using a mid belly or long belly where some of the problems could occur. Also remeber one of the redesigns was a shorter zspey handle. Also Henrick work for Loop before he left there and went to Serria, and correct me if I am wrong but I do not think Henrick even works for Serria any more. I think the best thing that Zspey did which I think alot of people is not reading is the interchangable handles, so if you don't like the handle, take it off and put on the traditional handle, its that simple. Zspey has won alot of rewards for their new model so something has to be right. I will not make a comment on weather it is bad or good until I have actually tried one out.
  4. Sundin did *hit for the leafs, sure he may of been a leading scorer for the team and maybe (I dunno) in the league, but tell me how many cups does he have? With the amount of money the leafs were paying out before the salary caps you think they would of gottewn some type of talent. I dunno but I don't think they have even made the playoffs since the salary cap
  5. bhurt


    For myself, like gregg, I am more concern with the blank then with thew whole Zspey design (however if it makes my casting alot more easier and if it is something I like then that is a bonus) The thing about this rod that has intrested me is the following 1. Henrik's design, I have watched all of Henrik's DvD's and really respect the guy for his knoweldge, and he is without a doubt one of the best instructors that I HAVE SEE. (Note this is just my theory nothing 100% concret) I think the reason Loop dropped the Zspey wasn't to do with the rod itself but to do with Henrik no longer having any affliation, once again I am just speculating. 2. I am somewhat intrested in the Zspey handle, like I said before, if it makes my life easier then I am all for it, the thing with the handle though is if I do not like the Zspey handle I can change it out to the triditional handle. And for all of you that said you will try my stick if I get one, no ay man, I took the risk of maybe buying one, so you can too..... LOL, we'll see
  6. Hehhehehehehe, I know I can keep up the only thing is can you keep up with me! Also when you get up here I will teach you (LOL) how to use the so called Ladies stick and how to hunt the elusive bow river browns!
  7. All is good but we are still ahead of the oilers by 9 pts, so everything is still all okay, I am just happy to see the cunckleheads way down in the divison.
  8. I have done a little bit of swinnging flies haven't had alot of success a few bumbs here and there, mostly just practicing my casting so not really fishin. Hey gord when you come over you better bring me some good scottish whiskey then I will show you how to drink, lol
  9. Until I see I photo done in the underwater HD then I am not holding my breath. There is a old saying, if its too good to be true then it usally isn't.
  10. I think BJ is just beeing a sore loser, I was reading in the paper following up to the fight that BJ was upset with SPIKE with their primetime show and he said that SPIKE was trying to make him look lazy and what not, by what I saw he was training but decieded to take a little break, the fact that Dana White has to call him up and look in on him just shows how much he really tries. BJ has the making for a great fighter but when you are born with money and have everything given to you it is very hard to motivate yourself into doing something, I think this is what is BJ's problem is, he knows he talent, he knows he can be the greatest in his weight class (lightweight, I don't think he's much of a walter weight fighter) but knowing this and doing this is something diffrent. BJ also is very well known for trash talking his opponents before a fight, I understand this to a extent, he needs to prepare himself mentally, but some of the things he said were uncalled for, like calling GSP a quiter, I have watched GSP for a long time now and he has never quite, people says he quite against his first match against Matt Hughes, but it was document that 1) GSP was going through a very hard time with his family, 2)_ GSP stated that when he fought Matt he was fighting one of his idols and he couldn't even look him in the eys, but once he got over that the next two fights where just purly domination by GSP As far as I am concern GSP is the real deal, I dunno how he will do against Thiageo (You don't get a 14-0 record for nothing) and then if he wins that how well will he do against Anderson. Anderson's biggest advatage is his hieght which allows him to utilizie the mai ti clench very effective, and then put in his speed and agility, wow what a fighter.
  11. No offence Drew but what you said about Tillmen may of been sexual assulat as a kid because his father was a minister is the biggest piece of bullshit I have ever heard of, and if this is a joke it is in very bad taste! Second I don't really give a crap how many articals you post that shows this, what you are talking about is styerotyping people, I have friends that are ministers and you just accused them of potiently doing sexual assualts which I will not put up with. I think you need to think about what you post, cause what you said was unnessassary and you have NO PROOF that your statement is true.
  12. Sorry for the late post but happy birthday you old fart
  13. Happy Birthday, I actually forget what is was like to be 14 Hopefully you have a aswome day!
  14. bhurt


    Ahhh I see what you are saying brain, I haven't casted any myself, just going off of what I saw on the vid from You Tube, but what you are saying makes sense.
  15. bhurt


    A snake roll for the zspey would be weird but like I saw in a vid on youtube, Hendrick was saying that these rods with the zspey handle (single or double) is only meant to do underhand casting with, for any other type of casting he recommened that you change the handle back to the traditional one.
  16. Well I actually tied up one from the vid that was provided and I kind of have the idea of what to do but will try to perfect it before I submit one for the challenge cause the first one reminded me back to the days when I first started ting.
  17. bhurt


    Hey mark, The new Zspey do come with a interchangable handle so you can take off the zspey handle and put on a traditional handle. I might pick one up for the hell of it but not to sure, just got my new rod today so I am broke broke broke!!!!!
  18. My post was directed not at one company, personally no matter what anyone says I will never BUY a Sage or Orvis, just not for me and thats the end.
  19. OMG Ron what are you doing to me, making me learn something new, geeeze, well if I can learn it in time to get a fly in then I will but currently if I am not out fishing I am either working or ting flies that I use, but will try and make a effort to do something for this challenge!
  20. Sure the rod can help someone cast a bit better, but if your a crappy caster it really doesn't matter what type of rod you get you will still be a crappy caster. I have found over the last 4 years that a rod is a very personal things, personally I do not care for Sage or Orvis rods, does that mean they are bad rods nope, but for what I like and the style I like to cast there are better suited rods for me personally. What I recommend to anyone is try a couple of diffrent rods, make sure you try diffrent manufactures, that way you can personalize the rod to what you like, and what type opf rod best suits your type of casting.
  21. Al, I would contact Alberta Merina out of Clersholm for price or better yet why not try calling the actual manufacture of the boat and ask them what a resale value of it is.
  22. If your on Fisher Rd. down south try Swetons, great place, and they should have them, or can get them.
  23. Thank you, Thank You. Just remeber ya'll, I 'll be 18 till I die.
  24. If I have the time I might pop on by for this.......
  25. I believe if someone makes you pay for a inspection on a car that they are trying to sell to you then don't buy the car. I just think it is ethical that if purchasing a used car that the owner should have some type of current inspection papers, its not like you are buying something that can kill *sarcasm* Does it cost the original owner more money, sure but if you want top dollers and you have nothing to worry about then why not. I belive, I could be wrong, that when you do a trade in at a dealership then they will do a inspection on it, and I think the dealership pays for the inspection.
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