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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. Hmmmmm looks like Van is the team to beat *sarcasm* The only diffrence between calgary and van is 5 games, looks like the #1 position in the N.W really did alot of good for them.
  2. I think I might of been across river and saw what had happened and honestly I think if it was infact you it was close to my liking. Here is how I see things. If I discuss it with the guy and he is unwilling to comprimise or what not I just get up in move cause people like that no matter what you say it will not change their opion. Better for me to move then ruin my day. Does it make it right, hell no, but will I let it ruin my day, no way.... People are people and they are going to do what they want to regardless to what is proper or not... If this is was infact you the spot you were in I have come to realize is a problem spot with disrespectful people, so instead of setting myself up with something that could turn a fun day into a *hit show I just choose to not to go to those spots, but that is me, and no one should be forced out of a spot that they were at,,, Just my two cents.
  3. I am not able to do a whip finish yet with my hands so for the time beeing I have been using a Dr. Slick Whip Finish tool and have been finding that when I tie flies with no bead head the thread sometimes slip up the small gap in the hook eye (I use Mustad hooks) and alot of times this screws up my whip finish. Anyone have any suggestions on how to stop this. Oh this usally happens when I tie rubber legged flies as I have to finish close to the eye, I do try and do it back but find sometime the thread slips into that little gap.
  4. Lol, I needed a good laugh been wound up so tight latly and really needed that. Anyways great photo's of those browns.....
  5. I like the loop multi's because of the mid flex with a fast tip recovery (You have to find out what type of rod you like, if all you have used is a TFO Signature Series you may have trouble or not like a fast action rod so a mid flex would make sence to me.) Also not sure of your experince with fly fishing but some of the faster action rods are very difficult for new casters, sure you could overline it but then you are just covering up bad technique. At the price that the Multi's are going for you just can't go wrong, I used my TFO TRICX for 3 years and loved it that was until I started to use my new Multi 6wt 9' 6", the extra 1/2 is also great cause it allows you to high stick high nyphms (or overhand cast) along banks with relitivly ease, I was also able to toss little #16 BWO dry's with absoultly no problem and the extra length is great for this cause it adds a bit more backbone to the rod when fighting larger trout on the BOW. As for line I am still experinmentig, won a Rio Gold 6wt line @ the Fish Tales customer apprication day so I tried that one out so far and found that I really like it for the overhand casting but when it came down to roll casting (I spey fish alot so I do know how to roll cast) it sucked ass. Untill then I always used a SA nymph Taper line and loved it regardless to what some might say I found that I never need to cut any of the front end off. As for warrenty I have yet to have to do anything with it yet but I believe Brain Nyska (Sorry for the bad spelling) out of Whistler Fly Shop handles some of the warrenty stuff for canada, so I would say it would be along the same line as Sage or Orvis or any of the other N. American dealers. Hope that helps some, if you want you can always meety up with me on the river this week (I have the week off) and I will let you try out my loop Multi to see if it something you like.
  6. Just a friendly reminder that there is a free demo with Gordie and Scott on Monday night, should be alot of fun and I know I am looking forward to it.
  7. TricX, is a great stick but has been discounted and replaced by the Axiom which I have never casted. I personally love my Loop Multi's that I own, never was much of a sage fan myself, but by the people I know that have them and use them they love them. Personally I suggest to go to your local fly shop or big box store (WSS or Bass Pro) and try out a couple and find the one that YOU like the most.
  8. LOL, Funny *hit, the best thing about that photo was the smoke wasn't even lite, I guess people missed that
  9. Ayr, I think you need to relax a bit, where did I say DO NOT TAKE PHOTO WITH A FLASH, it was something I was curtious about and thought I would ask, no where in my post is there saying do not do this, it was a honest question. I think it is people like you that takes things way out of context and don't even read the whole post. Why is it when someone wants to learn something or is curious about something that could poitently be bad or good for a fish they are told they are taking things way out of line, geeeze, now I know why I don't really feel like posting or making any types of reports when the KNOW IT ALL's tell me what I can and can not discuse.
  10. I actually know someone who has been infected by the H1N1 virus and find people that make jokes about it very out of line
  11. As I sit here @ work counting how many flouresent lights we have and waiting till work is done so I can start my vacation I had a strange thought come through my mind. I was woundering if taking photo's of fish with a flash could poitentally harm their eyes. I know when a photo of me is taken with a flash I tend to close my eyes, and I was wondering if certain fish that are repeately caught in the same place if their eyes could be damaged from the repeat exposers to flashes? Just some food for thought while I sit here and count down the next 3 hours.
  12. I agree with you on this as it is something that needs to be done, common people lets hit the 10k mark again this year. I wish I could dopnate more then a $100 but with the economy the way it is right now I am very tight on money, regardless to weather I get anything out of this I am still commited to donating a "c" note to Stream Watch
  13. God damn it I got in trouble for playin this game at work, thanks alot.
  14. bhurt

    Spring Fishing

    I love it how people can tell a PRIVATE FORUM (Yes it is private cause you have to sign up for it and if you don't various forums are protected) what they can and can not do. There are also rules if you don't read you deserve to have the photo's removed. And also only the moderators have the power to remove a photo and yes they are the FORUM POILCE so why don't you keep your uneducated opions to yourself. And yup if you think I am a loud mouth with attitude you got that right.........
  15. Pretty funny how all the loyal kuncklehead fans have gotten pretty quite since the series is tied 2 a piece.....
  16. Nice photo's, my only comment is that god for awful hat your wearing, you know you can get killed for wearing something like that in calgary.
  17. I highly doubt it will be a easy series for Van or Chi against the ducks or Detroit (even if they play physical these are two of the best teams in the west PEROID)
  18. I personally have never had a problem with walking or stepping over things, or even moving through barb wire fence. In sort they are by far the nest that I have ever owned and will countie to just buy the Scierria CC3 waders. I will also note that they are perfect in the extremly hot days as I only wear my boxers under them and I am a happy camper all day. On the colder days I wear a pair of sweat pants under then and am warm all day also.
  19. Watch out with overlining. Even though it helps it does hide bad casting I used my Loop Multi 6wt 9foot 6 with a 6wt WF Rio Gold line last night for throwing small dries. Loved the rod and the line (I will say that it sucked ass for roll casting though)
  20. I really really like my Loops, the multi's are a good price but if you want the cats ass I would get the opti cost or a goran anderson.
  21. I personally own 2 of the Cc3 waders and absoultly love then. The thigh high gravel gard is absoultly fambouls. After 175 outting with them yast year they are still very good. If you need a pair talk to speygillie on the boards as I got the second pair from him and only cost $200 cdn and that included shipping from UK. Gordie will be in town on May 11th doing a free demo with Scott McKenzie (3 time world casting champion) so I wold talk to him I know there was a size I belive it was the mediums that he was unable to get. But if you are able to get your hands on a pair then you will not be disappointed.
  22. Good luck with the boat and have a fun time today GIL......
  23. Used these flies since the 60's, geeze doc you are old...... Lol, been thinking of wets and this has just gave me some more ideas.
  24. While we are at it why not kill all the bears, egals, hawks, and other animals that eat fish out of our river systems....
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