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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. I think beeing kind and curtouse is just somethging that should be done regardless to sex or age. I always hold the door open, activly say thank you and please and always give up my seat on the train or bus to someone that obviously needs it. Speaking on the train I remeber one day when I was on the train and there was this old man that was tring to stand up on the train with a cane as it was moving. The punks that were infront of him (sitting down) were laughing at him cause he couldn't keep his balanced. I was shocked at how many people just ignored this or pretended to look away, but since it was 4pm the train was busy and very packed. Getting pissed about this I moved my way up to where these jackasses where and told them that they should give up their seat for the older man as it was the respectful thing to do. I was shocked when the punks told me were to go. Not taking crap from anyone I told the oldman to hold onto me and I would not let him fall, which he took my offer and once the train stop I proceeded to crap the kids by the scruf of their necks and threw them off the train. The thing that pissed me off the most was that everyone on the train cheered about it, I loked at them and said, you should al shut up cause no one did a single thing to help out the older man. Needless to say it got qiute quite on the train. In the end the old man got a seat. Was it wrong of me to use physical force to get the old man a seat, most likely but there was no way I was going to allow this to happen and I was hell bent on making sure that something was done. I have had many experinces with rude, and disrespectful people on the train and bus and it just pisses me right off with this "me" attitude that I have seen become more social acceptable, which in my upbringing is not acceptable. I think everyone should be respectful and curtious regardless to age or sex. Just how I was brought up I guess.......
  2. hmmm, seems you posted the same questions in two diffrent spots. Here is the replies to your question in another thread: http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=8354
  3. I will agree with SamIam with what he said. Inventory in Big Box Stores can be a bit of a hassel at the best of times, and what if these people (the two people that are contected to this) where the ones that were responsable for the Inventory Control, I know at my work we have one person that is responasble for inventory and it is their only job. I think for us to sit on the outside and speculate what happened is not fair to the rest of the employees at WSS that work in the hunting supplies sections. Now I do agree that it should not have happened and I think the people to blame for this happening would be the people that are responsable for inventory control, the manager for inventory and the General Manager. To place blame on the company as a whole is a bit ridiculous if you ask me. Beeing in the retail industry for well over 10 + years you would be surprised with what can happen, but with guns in my own opion they should just have dummy units out on display and have a extremly strick poilcy (maybe a electronic system of removing firearms from a secure location) with signing out guns from a secure location. I do not know what type of procedures that WSS have with their guns but it is obviouse that it is not good enough. Should they have their licence revoked, I think is going a bit extreme, I do think they should have their licence suspended until the time they can show their procedures is better then what it was then be placed on a probation period (reduce amount of stock included) for a couple of years until they can show and prove that this incident will not happen again. My only big concern was how the hell did they get it out of the store. I know with my work we are required to have bag checks (people say this is unfair but I am all for it that way I can not be accused of stealing) and any garbage we take out of the store MUST be in a clear see through bag so people can not be hiding stuff in the garbage bags. And we have a bailer to crush all of our cardboard boxes. I also know that our reciever takes a good look at the boxes (if it is a case of sending a product in a box, the box must be taken to the reciever and the reciver signs a form and the driver also signs a form with what was the contents of the box, and nothing gets out of our store without a reciete attached to the delivery form) Its a sad thing with what has happened but for us to make judgement calls without ALL OF THE INFORMATION is also unfair and uncalled for, cause I can guarntee that there is more to the story then what the media has told us.
  4. put me down for $50 on #3 (Crosby jersey), also put me down for $60 on #11 (Missingthebows stillwater flies)
  5. bhurt

    Fly Makers!

    I am not too sure about this but I think you need a distrubutor license for ordering larging qty. I could be wrong though
  6. With the amount of fishing I do I find that during certain periods of the year is a big factor, I usally end up having to replace my line after the winter fishin is done, due to the cold weather cause damage and once after the summer months is over and this is due to the extreme heat. I have never cxleaned my lines and usally get a line or two in a year.
  7. I know I can't wait for both events (demo night and clinic) it should be a fun time and a chance to spemnd some time and talk to a world clss Master Caster is well worth it, even took a whole week off work so I can make it to this event. The dinner should also be a good time as well. EVERYONE THAT USES A TWO HANDER SHOULD TRY TO MAKE IT OUT TO ONE OF THESE EVENTS. I have found that diffrent perspectives on this love affair with the two handed rods has made me a better and wiser fisher.
  8. For me I love all fish, but my fav so far is without a doubt the browns. Browns are always pretty to look at espically the hawgs with the big narly look. Love the way the fight, big strong headshakes and huge runs. Bows are a great fight also, I love how they twist and turn and take off in all diffrent directions.
  9. Aswome, its not too often we see any females with a spey rod in their hands. Is that one of the old Loop Yellow Line?
  10. This is how I see things, when I want to take good photo's Iuse a machine that's main purpose is for that, when I want video I pull out my handycam, better quaility then anything out there (other then professional equipement) and with a 30gb HD built into it is pretty small.
  11. I like timmies coffee way better then mc craps. And I have never had to wait too long for mine cause there are 3 tim hortons within 10 mins of each other from where I live.
  12. All I can say is if you think the Cunuckleheads was NOT going to take the series in 4 then your an idoit. St. Louis is not a bad team but they are no way a good team. We'll see how they fair when they have to play a great team. Ignial was not the sole reason the flames got into the playoffs, players like borugue, camiliari, etc... where huge factors in the flames getting into the playoffs. Loug. was a huge factor in Vancouver making the playoffs, look what happened to him when he was down, I belive they went on a huge losing streak but with any team in any confernce if you have a good goalie then things should go in your favoure IF the rest of the team is playin to their ability.
  13. Jay, My obly comment was the lighting conditions of the actual ting, I had a very hard time making out what you were doing in the double bunny vid. But it has given me some ideas!
  14. Because it is a digital camera and not a camcorder (sp?)
  15. Don't quto me on this but your os should be on that one, load it up and see what happens.
  16. I persoally blame Iron Mike.... Why change up something that is working. Hard hitting hard press on the net till in the lead then its lay off, geeze we had chicago twice and we just couldn't grind our boot heel into their throats....
  17. I took the Loop School from Brain last year and had a blast and I highly suggest that anyone wanting to learn more about single and double hand casting then this clinic is for you..... Brain has a way of simplifing the termonology and technique to make it very easy to do and understand, plus is a great guy for beeing paitent and answering people questions. Trust me you will not be disappont with this clinic.
  18. bhurt


    Did some reserch into this and the biggest problem with the loop zpey was that the handle was too powerful for the rod blank. Also there is a 6 inch diffrent in length in the handle from the opti to the new one Also for anyone that wants to understand the Zpey here is the link to the concet and idea of the zpey right from the zpey guys themselves: http://zpey.com/default.asp?m=4743
  19. bhurt


    MArk don't forget that the old zpey rods (the loop opti zpey) has a longer handle and on the new ones they have been redeisgned with a shorter handles, don;t get these two mixed up as they are DIFFRENT rods and should not be compared togather, like calling a apple a orange. Lethfisher, I personally love the underhand casting alot compared to a traditionally scottish nestcast or a mordern/skagit cast as it is alot more easier and less strain in the body as you are using the whole body for the cast and not just your arms. Try using a 9 wt 12 1/2 footer and do a full day of top handed casting and come and tel me how sore you are, with the bottom hand cast you save yourself alot of soreness, or so this is how I see it. As for it beeing designed for underhand casting you are correct that is why there are a couple of us that tell people to try alot of diffrent rods to find the one that suits you the best. I have personally taken lesson in traditional (speygillies clinic) underhand (brain Mccrimmon) modern (Loop School) and personally find I enjoy the underhand cast the best (even though I do do some modern casting depending on the situation that I am in) The biggest thing to remeber about underhand casting is to keep your top hand still, it does not have to be right tight into the body but it is a pivoit point for the casting. and all the action is in the lower hand. I also suggest you try with your casting adding in body movement and you will find your casting will get better. I remeber when I was at the loop school learning to double spey, Brain and Frankie both had me hold my top hand by my chest/bellbutton and the bottom hand by my hip, for the next bit all my cast where done with body movement. I find people think that if your not using your arms (as in reaching out with your cast) you are doing a underhand cast which as far as I know is incorrect, bottom hand casting as far as I understand it is all to do with keeping your top hand from reaching out and using it as a pivoit and pulling the rod into you using your bottom hand. Anyways I was out hunting bulls and was sad I had to miss the spey-o-ramma
  20. Jay, Loved the cuttie vs the bull, espically since I am on my way out in 30mins to go after my first bull trout (seen many landed just haven't landed one myself yet) Shades of Brown was excellent too, I loved how you were messin with your line and missed a great hit, I was watching out on the water and saw you miss it out the cornor of my eye and was damn I know how that feels, but you made up for it at the end with that gorgeous brown. Anyways, great as always
  21. Angler Did your laptop come with a recovery disk, or did you have no make one? Alot of factory built units are coming with a partition HD that has the units recovery disk, I know with my toshiba it came with the disks but that was about 2 years ago roughly. Not sure how to explain this properly but is the replacement HD formated? If not this will be needed to be done first. Once that then install windows then toshiba drivers (If you have a recovery disk it should have the windows os on it and all the drivers, not sure I haven't had to format or replace a HD in almost 6 years and my desktop was customed built by a co-worker) I also suggest after initial setup done to install virus/protection first then do windows updates and then whatever afterwards. I belive the tech at my work says this roughly takes anywhere from 2 to 4 hrs, after that you can install all yours apps. Anyways hope that helped some.
  22. Let just put it this way, the guy told me if he was any closer to me he would throw me in the river, I threw down my rod walked over to him looked him in the eye and said here I am howabout you talk big now... I was close to knocking him out but decieded on walking away instead.
  23. I have been tring to stay out of this topic but there are somethings that had made me upset and I wil touch on them once and that will be final from me. 1) Small shops are the way to go. I have had some very bad experince in small shops myself. I went into a very respected shop when I first started out (I will not name what shop so don't bother asking) and asked for a affordable setup and was showen a 1k setup (rod reel and line) when I told the person that it was out of my price range I was instructed that I should go to canadain tire and buy a cheep setup cause I wasn't a Real Fly Fisher. Then about 2 weeks later I meet this guy on the river and he shows me his setup that he had done at the same shop (all they did was put line on) the thing though there was no backing on the reel. I told the guy to go back to the shop and ask for some backing on it and to be aware as there might be a small fee for the backing and putting it on. A couple of days later I ran into him again and asked him how things went and he told me that when he asked the guys at the shop why they didn't suggest getting some backing his replie was that he was told that since he didn't ask for it, it was his problem. I've gone ionto that shop two times after that and every time I went in I got the feeling like they were looking down their noses at me and that I was somehow an idoit compared to them, GREAT SERVICE FROM A SMALL SHOP............. 2) "Box store attitude sucks!" I myself work in a big box store and I get compliants on a daily basis about how I go out of my way to help people out. What I am trying to say is that the attitude of the Big Box Store does not suck, it is the people that work in these enviorments, and to generalize it like it was was very disrespectful to me as I am not that way. 3) April was a sell out. Probably the biggest line of crap I have ever heard of. I am pretty sure that Bass Pro carries the mag that april works from and did any of the LOCAL SHOPS ask her to come to their shops cause I am sure Bass Pro asked her. April as mentioned beforehas done alot of the angling community and to spout out crap like this is just uncalled for and unjustified in my eyes. In the end if you are happy with the place you go to then great keep on going there but do not TELL ANYONE WHERE THEY CAN GO OR WHERE THEY CHOSE TO DO BUSINESS OR SHOP PEROID.......
  24. I liked the intruder and the bunny vids but I would like to see more vids on patterns that are more used on the bow, I agree that most of the vids can be used on the bow, but I usally use these patterns for bull trout fishing and not really for browns or bows. Just my two cents.
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