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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. When wearing beer goggs on everything is hot. Reminds me of a shirt I once saw, Went to bed with a hawg woke up with a pig (please note it is a Harley Daivson shirt and the hawg was in reference to a motorbike, but take it how you want, lol)
  2. Hey gil, On the flip side to this you say if you catch a trout on a fly that is relaistic then it was due to good ting skill and not random luck, what about good skill at fishing? I absoultly refuse to spend long then 5mins on a fly and I seem to not have much problems catching trout and I say it is due to good fishing skills and not dumb luck.
  3. Its st. patties day girl, we all have our beer googles on and she looks hot
  4. I tend to disagree with you on this Rick. So what you are telling me if you buy a computer and the power supplie dies on you because of a electrical surge, or the ball bearing (made out of nylon) wears down on your hard drive, which generally happens roughly two to three years, and dies on you then having a exented serivce plan would be a waste of money? Howabout on printers, you buy a printer that is worth about 200 and has a LIMITED MANUFACTURE warrenty of 1 year (note most manufactures that I have delt with only warrenty defective parts and not wear and tear) and dies on you on the second year then you have to spend another 200 dollers? At my work we have something called a replacement plan, anything that is 200 or less we cover for two years (1 year manufacture, which we handle and 1 year additional) and what we do is we replace the unit, we do not send it out to be fixed. Some people like myself can not afford to be replacing machines every two or three years and most MANUFACTURE WARRENTIES generally are the life of the machine.
  5. OMG, Ben is driving, the sidewalks are no longer safe. On a serious note I have to agree with what most people say with Speeding is Speeding plain and simple, weather it is 1mph over or 100mph its all the same. Also speed limits are posted as IDEAL conditions, so if the road conidtions are shitty you are responsable as the drive to adjust your speed to the conditions. I had a friend years ago that was going down a hill and hit some gravel and slid into the back of a bronco, even though he was doing the speed limit he was charged with following to close.
  6. Well all of the mc crap talk I had to have one this morning and man 1hr later it feels like I got a ticking timebomb in my pants. Usally when I go to Mc Craps I get a double Big Mac Meal and a 10 piece nuggets and I am usally good to go.
  7. Back to Mc Craps (LoL I love toilet humor) Anyways who remebers the BLT, I use to love that *hit.....
  8. No worries there, if I don't do my paper work first thing in the morning, then I'm in trouble
  9. Breakfest Burito is the perfect road food......... Get 2 of them, slam em back, and comes back out about 2 hrs later, yeah like that is really something I look forward to *sarcasm*
  10. Even the sun shines on a dog's ***hole sometimes, and if you want a rematch lets do it, this time I will not help you out at all, plus you told me it was the best two days of silence you have ever had.
  11. I would buy an IR if they weren't so dang loud. I am kind of a freak when it comes to noise while I am fishing, too easy to distract me from what I am wanting to do. As for reels I really enjoyed my Bauer and more so I absoultly love my Hatch. Both have amazing drags and are worth the clams you have to trow down for them. As for rods, I have never really fished with a Z-Axis so hard for me to comment on it, but I do really like the Loop Opti Stream or the Loop Multi (Much cheeper then the Opti but still an amazing dry fly rod) Like a couple of people have said, you really need to get out and try a couple of rods, some people just hate fast action rods while others love them, you just have to find what you like and go from there. Anytime I am out on the river with any of my single handers and you waqnt to give them a try feel more then free to ask me.
  12. Go Ollie, 5 goals in 3 games, so far looking good, I also really enjoyed seeing him (on replays) put a physical presence out on the ice too.
  13. 100% correct. I once watched a guy working at a computer bench with over 500 Seagate HD installing all of them at once with Vista. As for LCD's what I have heard most compies will buy components for the few compaines that actually make it then assemble them, thus not having to pay a third party. As for Acer, I would say probably one of the worst compines I have ever delt with.
  14. Jay, I run one of the copy and print centers @ Staples here in the city and deal with copyright on regular basis and its such a dicey thing at the best of times. As I understand it, you can copy anything else it is under a "substainal amount" of the meterial thus about 10% and it has to be for personal use to.
  15. Hmmm, whatz radio music, I don't listen to the radio No offence to Jay but the only reason I haven't made it through his vid's in the past is cause it puts me to sleep half the time
  16. I think your paying for better technology when buying a Toshiba. I have heard that with other compaines they use low grade parts (not true with every HP - pay more get more), and thus allowing to drop their price, weather this is true or not I do not know but something I have heard mentioned a couple of time. I dunno I have seen the longevity of the diffrent brands at work, running 24/7 and Toshiba always seems to have the less problems and still running great. I have a toshiba and wouldn't trade it, took it with me twice when I drove out and back from victoria twice with my buddies.
  17. Jay, Well I must admit after two or so years of seen your vid posts I finally sat down and watched a full vid. I like it, well thought out, thumbs up to your cearma guy (These guys are the ones in my mind that make a great movie and alot of time is forgotten about) My only crtique would be choice of music, but that's more of a personal falvour then anything. *edit* I challenge you to use some rockin mondern music as your bed music for your next feature film.
  18. Dell is the #1 returned item at staples as well as Acer.
  19. On the 5wt 10' 8" rod I am building right now has a small 3" handle at the bottom and I can fit 3 fingers around it perfectly so I can do all my two hand casting with it. Even though its my hopper dropper stick.
  20. Yeah I agree with this. I buy very little from Westwinds but usally has what I am looking for is Fish Tales doesn't, otherwise I just improvied if I can't find what I am looking for.
  21. The belt is excellent, built in and plastic clip, I keep my sinched up pretty good and they hold fine, worse case buy a cheep ass springbrook neprome one for extra belt.
  22. If you ask me I think there is nothing wrong with educating people about these things, but in my own opion I think it has to be done in a intelligence way. Some of the recent posts I have seen for certain indivuals have really bother me, cause it comes across as beeing a ***hole or Elitist.
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