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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. Really mature
  2. Olli with 2 goals at the end of the 1st and leopod with 1 hmmm looking like a great grab so far, only time will tell now.
  3. First of all Mark I think you need to re-read my post, where did I say using a lighter rod kills the fish I was talking about the length of the fight and not the size of the rod. Like I said I I PERSONALLY LIKE TO LAND THE FISH QUICKLY SO I CAN RELEASE THE FISH QUICKER. Also I said at the very end EACH TO HIS OWN. Edit: Here is what is said in my post: Big long fights tend to kill fish, even though they may release great but they can go somewhere hide behind a rock and not feed for a long time, thus allowing them to die. And btw talking to a biologist I was informed that long hard fight on fish causes them to build up ectroacids (I think that is what he said) which can cause fish to die.
  4. I don't think there is much loss in the fight personally while using a 9wt, but each to his own. I had a very nice size brown (I don't talk sizes cause there is always someone out there that says diffrently) that initally took off to the center of the river and some very fast moving water, and with the bag in the line from the current in the water it diffently gave me a good fight. Jayjones, just curious but why all the questions when it looks like to me that you already know the answers to your questions? In closing what I tell everyone is try a bunch of diffrent sticks out, in diffrent sizes and diffrent weights to find the one that suits YOU the best. Personally I like a good fight but I much rather get the fish in to shore as quickly as possible so I can release the fish as quick as possible that way someone else some other time can have the chance of getting that fish also. Big long fights tend to kill fish, even though they may release great but they can go somewhere hide behind a rock and not feed for a long time, thus allowing them to die. But like I said before, each to his own.
  5. Copper John with rubber legs is a perfect rep. for winter stones.
  6. Look at the maunfacture's warrenty, most likely you will see the wear and tear and breakage after that expires as most manufacters do tests to find out these things so they do not have to warrenty it.
  7. Lornce, is it true you can order from the sr menu, cause if so that means cheap ass bday diners!
  8. 100% agree with this Is it true you can raise your kids up without given them a smack, sure (I really don;t know, I don't have any children that I know of, cough *disclaimer*cough) But I think, or so I know with myself, that when I did something really stupid, and I mean really stupid, that belt I got from my dad or grandfather sure straighten me up.
  9. I confess to sometimes trageting people and purposly making them come undone on the boards then go fishin with them two days later.
  10. KingSalmon: Perfect on hot summer days, most of the time I just wore my boxers underneithe and I was good to go. I got enough room that comes the cold weather I can layer up and be comfortable. The thing I dig the most is the high gravel guard (JUst below the knees) I absoultly love them, I've nicked them a dozen times crossing barb wire and no leaks yet and in the winter I can slide the gravel guard up slip my waders into my snowboats then pull down the guard and I am nice and warm all day long.
  11. I personally have them and love them, I've looked all over and can;t find them period, gonna order my next pair from overseas.
  12. I didn't want to say this one but when I was a kid, not staying with my grandparents but with my mom and dad, me and my brother use to stuff some old clothes togather to make a dummy then go to the freeway and throw the thing over the side into on coming traffic, use to think it was funnier then hell till we caused a pile up on the highway, thank god no one was killed.
  13. Anywhere along the Bow River. As corny as it sounds, I love the river and can't image not beeing able to fish on it.
  14. How come? If you use the same matreial, the same machine, then all it really comes down to is craftsmenship....... And with molds and comupters craftsmenship isn;t really a factor.
  15. If the same parts are manufacture by the same machines is there any diffrence if done ion England vs Korea.
  16. 1. I use to bait fish in the lower oldman with my grandfather in the late 80's early 90's 2. We use to keep fish from the oldman all the time when I fished with my grandfather 3. Use to use a spin rod until 5 years ago
  17. YUp I just checked and it just comes back to the same page, I just looked at the leech patterns since I have been tying them lately. I am sure it will get fixed soon. Edit: just tried the ALL the links again, and everything is working perfectly fine now, check out that pattern looks like it will be gold
  18. Aswome to see this from the friendly people at Fish TAles, a couple of great ties that I can diffently use on the BOW. I have a 22inch LCD and I didn't have much problems seeing the flies, I understand how on some of the darker ones it was a bit hard to see. Anyways its all good and I can't wait to see what comes next.
  19. Weather your a newbie or not I think having a spare tip is a good thing cause after all acidents do happen. Also I believe that over exposer to sun light can cause graphite to weaken (I could be wrong on this though) I just bought last years model of a GASS 9126 and with that model you got a extra tip which is aswome cause if a acciedent does happen then I know I can be back out on the river fishing while I send my other one back for replacement.
  20. I have actually seen 3 burbots (Isn't a ling a Ling COD, and is there really cod in the bow?) caught since I have started fly fish a couple of years ago. The first one was at gregg's nymph school and Brownstone nailed that one. Then the second one was one I caught floating through the city, tossed a stone in some really grungy looking water and bang, man that thing was big and long. The third was caught by max and I belive it took the SJW. I also heard of one beeing caught during Speyghillies first clinc. I also heard Burbot is suppose to be tasty, I dunno about that one. And back in the day for you guys was when bambo rods were first invited
  21. Why do you think I don't talk to you anymore rick (lol, just joking buddy)
  22. Don't forget the burbot
  23. With the limited amount of Bull Trout fishing I have done I have always noticed the people tend to catch bull trout of "Bait" fish imitations.
  24. Al, talk to Aaron over at fish tales, he showed me a stuiply easy way to spin deer hair, I just don't know how to expain it. Also I tried max's suggestion and it worked very good, just need to do it to a couple of dozen hooks before I get it down pat.
  25. I have been using these for some time now and really enjoy using them, as like you mark, I use tips when throwing streams, only time I use lead eyes or heavy stuff is when I am out look for Bulls and fishing in really deep pools with a fast current. I generally do not like to use a t14 cause I am just not there yet with my casting to be able to pick it up and toss it and I think t10 is more then enough with some heavier eyes.
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