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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. "Screw For A Hardy Reel?" When I saw this title, I thought you were offering a trade!
  2. :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&: Well, Wes, you sure sucked the fun outta that in a hurry! You are hereby banned from all further competitions! (In other words, you got it right!)
  3. Found this floating in a creek... ...anyone know what it is???
  4. Looks like perfect water for that 2wt...
  5. It's really nice to see you back posting on FFC, Pipestonedude; you always seem to have an interesting take on things...
  6. You sure you wanna do that??? Fall in a creek, you get wet; fall there, you get dead!
  7. Wes, your "Summer Photo Spectacular" never disappoints; another fantastic set of photos! You have a great eye; thanks for sharing with us....
  8. Gorgeous browns, dude! Great first post; welcome to FFC. Can you make your pics bigger next time? Fish that beautiful deserve to be seen in a bigger format!
  9. Pretty sure it's a Mormon cricket (thanks, Jksnijders).
  10. This spring, I made my first attempt to catch walleye on a fly rod. As it turned out, it was ridiculously easy at this particular Southern Alberta Reservoir; they readily attacked a wide variety of streamers. It became a game, trying to find a streamer they WOULDN'T eat; I couldn't find one! I then decided to try a shrimp pattern under an indicator (the water was teeming with scuds), & caught this little walleye. I love the detail in the picture; if you look closely, you can see the reflection of the lake & sky. If you ever wondered what the world looks like in the eyes of a fish, now you know! "FISH EYE VIEW"
  11. More pics... Rick, Kevin & Paul head for the next run/pool/pocket... This is a sweet corner pool where we hit fish on the way up & on the way back down... Kevin worked this pool over, inch by inch... We walked several k down the road, bushwacked down to the creek & fished back to the truck... We weren't the only ones on the road... Just had to get a shot of this mossy, old thing; yeah, back there, behind the tree ... Parting shot... Always fun, Rick; thanks again for the invite. Great to meet Kevin & Paul; see ya on the water, fellas!
  12. HA-HA-HA!!! That's my 9ft 5wt. I used my 6ft 2wt for the first part of the day, then grabbed the 5wt so I could throw streamers in the bigger pools for bulls; I pretty much stopped catching fish when I put away the magic 2wt, though. Thanks for the invite, Rick; had a blast! Some great water & awesome fishin' partners; if the fish were as big as the laughs we had, we never woulda been able to land 'em! Here's some of my pics from the day... Kevin (Kungfool) tries to pick a pocket... The Texican working a run... A few fishies who came out to play; parachute Madame X caught most of my fish... I got a little nervous when Rick tried to retrieve a fly from an overhanging tree on this DEEEEP corner pool; he has been known to fall in every now & then (not this time though!)... Found this guy getting a drink from the creek... These are NOT flower pics! They are pics of bugs (on flowers)... More to come...
  13. Leave a few for me; I'm hoping to get back before it closes for the year!
  14. Thanks for the kind words, y'all!
  15. Yep, pretty sweet ride, fo' sho!
  16. As I was stripping my Clouser, I saw a big, dark shape appear behind it; I watched as a big brookie ate my streamer 10 feet from my rod tip. I set the hook & the fight was on; with 14lb fluoro tippet, I got him to the net pretty quickly... 19" Medicine Lake brookie... BTW, for anyone concerned about the well-being of this trout: (1) he was landed quickly, on heavy tippet (2) the pics were snapped quickly, and (3) when he hit the water, he was gone like a shot. Thanks for caring, though. It was real nice to meet FFC member Ayr on the water. Thanks, Ayr, for the tips on Medicine; I'll be sure to try them when I go back later this month or next month. And I'll use those Maligne Lake tips when I go back in June; that's right, I have 2 trips in the planning stages! I can't believe I've been missing out on Jasper all these years; got a lot of catching up to do! One last pic; a stud & his harem... Many thanks to my fellow forum members who PM'ed me info on Maligne & Medicine last week; y'all are solid dudes! Keep on keepin' on!!!
  17. Sunday morning: hit the bakery @ 6am for coffee & fresh, hot cinnamon buns- then, off to Medicine lake. Randy hoofs it up the lake... Harebells... Lichen... Reinold (sp?) & Randy @ Medicine; the darker blue is the river channel, where we fished... Wasn't long before I had a 16" rainbow nail my bloodworm; hardest fighting 16" fish I've ever caught! Medicine rainbows are frickin' rockets!!! Followed up with a 16" brookie; fairly rare in that part of Medicine, I'm told... Fooled by a white/black Clouser Minnow... Weather was very unsettled, with rain off & on, and wind completely reversing direction several times. Fished to some rising fish in between the nasty stuff; managed a few on dries, including this 15"er that went aerial several times & fought like crazy. These 'bows are something else!
  18. Spent the weekend in Jasper National Park; fished Maligne Lake on Saturday & Medicine Lake on Sunday. Fishing was a little slow, but caught some beautiful brookies & the hardest fighting rainbows I've ever had the pleasure of tussling with! First time I've been to Jasper; man, have I been missing out! The scenery between Banff & Jasper is frickin' incredible- I was awestruck! Here's a few pics of my weekend... My friend's 18' freighter canoe @ the dock @ Maligne; it's an old cedar-strip that Randy fiberglassed & set up for fishing Maligne... Randy, trolling on Maligne... We shared the lake with this family of fishermen... Looking up the lake... Fish on!!! My first Maligne Lake brookie... The release... A little later, a bigger one... Notice the plastic disc on the line next to the fly; it gives the fly a wiggle when it's trolled... No release pic for this trout... He was delicious, hot off the BBQ!!!
  19. Gorgeous!!! That's one sweet brown, dude!
  20. I'm no expert... ...but, I'm reasonably certain you can play the harp whilst sitting. (No need to get off your ass!)
  21. :lol: I think I'll print out this list, & take it along next time the wife & kid drag me to the mall; should be a lot more fun than watching them shop for shoes, etc.
  22. Great pics, Taco! Beautiful creek; I can totally picture myself there, 2wt in hand...
  23. Don't know much about 'puters, myself; but, I post pics using Imageshack & I can put 10 pics in a post.
  24. Looks like y'all had a great day in God's Country, Wolfie! That male cuttie is a chunk! Good-lookin' fish... Thanks for sharing!
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