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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Some sweet pics there, Heimdallr. That's a beauty cutt in the pics from the N. Ram on the 22nd; looks like someone erased most of his spots! Thanks for not just posting the bigguns; the little guys are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!
  2. Mike ended with this 'bow on the last cast of the day. It was very nicely spotted & colored; the pics taken in the dying light don't do it justice... A quick photo & release, & the day was done! SJW & micro-leeches were the flies of the day. Wish I'd had a vidcam rolling when Mike sneezed so dang hard he fell to his knees & almost filled his waders with cold river water; just one of the many laughs we had on the day. So, thanks again, Mike; you've restored my faith in FFC! Let's do it again, sometime!
  3. More pics... Mike pops the cherry of his new 10ft 6wt... Another nice 'bow... Mike works a run... Reverend Loblaw (that's me!) looks for the perfect fly... Only caught a couple browns, & they were littl'uns. Mike got a couple decent 'bows in the last run of the day... Meanwhile, I played with the babies...
  4. Just when I was starting to think the FFC forum was turning into a waste of time (with all the flaming, losing some great members, others who post very infrequently, etc.), I've been given cause to reconsider. I had made no plans to fish this past weekend, figuring to hang with the wife & kid, instead. That plan changed when I got a PM from Mike ('Tungsten'). Mike, you had me at, "Fishing tomorrow?" Reminded me that if you can ignore some of the bullcrap, this forum has some splendid benefits. Where else would I get an invite for a day of driftfishing the Bow with a fella who knows the river? So, thanks FFC; it was great meeting & fishing with Mike & Dale ('Avalanche')- couldn't ask for better company for a day on the water! Here's some pics from the day... Mike (foreground) & Dale fish the first run of the day... Mike takes us across the river, while Dale rides high in the 'BassPro' seat... My first rainbow of the day. This was after a break-off & several LDR's of jumping fish; a trend that continued for most of the day... Cowboys by the Bow... Dale fights a rainbow... Mike displays his netting skillz... Can you say "COOPERATION", boys & girls? I knew you could! Dale checks out a side channel...
  5. Nicely done, guys! Sweet pics, as usual; looks like y'all are having some fun! keep the reports coming!
  6. Wow! What a beauty, Kevin! Nicely done!
  7. Great pics, Gary; I'll bet those are a bit of fun!
  8. Sweet steel! Thanks for sharing... :bow: :bow:
  9. Gotta hand it to ya, triangle-dude; you are a master baiter! Hey, Tinbasher! Nice work; keep throwing your ideas up in the air, & we'll see which one flies!
  10. SteveM

    Oct 8th

    Some sweet pics, Brad! Good on you guys for braving the crap weather; looks like it was worth it!
  11. Dress warm when you go for your birthday fish! ::ice fish:: Happy Birthday, Greg!
  12. Thanks, Tracy; I appreciate that. Thanks, mods & thanks to Flyfusion; I will enjoy the year's subscription, for sure. Later, Steve
  13. "AUTUMN ON THE BOW RIVER" The picture above shows my brother, Clarence, taking a break from fishing the Bow. This was one of those crisp fall days that remind me just how lucky we are to have a world-class trout fishery right in the middle of our city. We landed many browns, rainbows & whitefish on that particular day; it seemed like they were all trying to eat everything that moved before winter set in. Sharing such a fantastic day with my bro' just makes it that much better; I wonder if he's busy this afternoon...???
  14. Sweet brown, Dax! Looks like you put up a plaque to commemorate your catch...???
  15. Some great pics, SNAP! Love the 3rd one(looking down the lake); that's a calendar shot, for sure...
  16. SteveM

    My July

    Wow! Huge bull, Bloom! And, those may be the 2 best pics I've ever seen of Golden Trout; love the one in the net- so frickin' vivid! AWESOME!!!
  17. OOPSIE! My bad... My computer's been acting up lately; some kinda virus where it shows the exact opposite of what I actually type. Sorry 'bout dat! Seriously wicked fish & pics, dude! Keep it up!
  18. As usual, Jeff, an assortment of pics featuring small, ugly fish in even uglier surroundings! If you & Dekkard can't do any better than that, you should both quit fishing; maybe try knitting...??? You suck!
  19. Yeah, and then he went fishing in your spot... BTW, nice pics, dude! Thanks for sharing!
  20. Berry nice! Sweet cutties, dude!
  21. Note: -the term "my wife" does not refer to Kevin's actual wife; it is his pet name for a certain appendage...
  22. Some sweet pics, Tex! It would be nice to hit some of that water when the fishin' is 'ON'!
  23. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Congratz on winning the game; your prize will be delivered on the 31st of September...
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