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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. I'm starting to sense a theme in fishhead's posts- he catches more big fish, fishes more of the river, has a more expensive boat. Classic case of OVERCOMPENSATING for some SHORTcoming or other. He may have a LITTLE problem; that doesn't mean he's a DICK. Maybe he just needs a hug.
  2. Dude, if you can't get a day off, I'll be happy to take that free day of guided fishing. You're welcome.
  3. I could be wrong, but, I believe they catch living fish in the book; ya know, as opposed to the dead ones they yank around on the end of the line in the movie!
  4. Hey,Gordon! Thanks for taking time out to help clean our river, & thanks for the spey demo. Quite enjoyed our chat at the BBQ; very interesting to hear about the Newfies who showed up for the war & stayed. We're everywhere! Good luck tracking down your gear. Cheers, Steve M.
  5. I'll bet Suzuki fishes live bait, out of season, & bonks everything he catches. There ya go, Rich; happy now?
  6. Hey, Rob, you can't really use the "vacation" thing as an excuse; the clean-up was on a weekend! Excuses, excuses! What's next? "Oh, I have an ocean & a continent between me and the Bow..." Just kiddin', man. Would have liked to have met you; hopefully, next year. 'Cuz nobody's messin' up your @#%&*%%#@@**&^&%$ vacation plans next year, right? See ya then. -Steve M._
  7. Where ya from, Dude? "Hoss" is the cowboy equivalent of "Dude", Dude; got it now, Hoss?
  8. I watched a guy fishing the Bow a couple winters ago; he was using a center-pin setup with great success. Very interesting to watch him work the water - he sure could get a long dead drift. Go buy yourself a center-pin reel with a 16' rod, Rick, and you're good to go. It's super-cheap(NOT!!!!!).
  9. Sure didn't feel like work, did it? I really enjoyed spending the afternoon picking up garbage- didn't think that was possible! Thanks to Rick & Bob (Osprey);lots of stories & laughs as we worked, & we even saw a couple guys catch fish as we cleaned. Nice to meet some of y'all, finally. Looks like we just got done before the rain. :) Much thanks to all involved. -Steve M_
  10. "which one was he???' If I had to guess, I'd say he was Grumpy!
  11. SteveM

    First Big One!

    Hey, JayVee! Dude, where da pictures at? I ain't seein' nuttin, lessen I closes ma lookers & imaginizes! Sho sounds like ya done aiight, tho'! Keep at 'er!
  12. No way, brutha! I implied that you are intelligent, but,(as my daughter would say) "bald-ish". No intents offended...
  13. Q. If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go before you realized you're an idiot for caring how far you have to go before you find the letter "A" ? A. YOU would NEVER realize it ; I, on the other hand, would realize it when you misspelled "two"!!!
  14. "Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair." Guess that explains the disappearance of Rickr's hair- the dude's been mining it for ore!
  15. It's impossible to lick your own elbow; you can, however, lick a complete stranger's elbow (if you're fast and/or sneaky enough). This is not recommended if you wish to retain your complete set of teeth.
  16. Maybe he just wasn't going deep enough...?
  17. The Bow sucks in the winter; don't believe anything this bunch of lying a-holes tells you. They're just trying to trick you into freezing your nuts off, is all!
  18. Family show? Typical dysfunctional family, ain't we?
  19. Without a doubt, the most unique fishing experience I've seen posted on here. The location alone would make it memorable, then throw in those big stinkin' bows! WOW!
  20. So many rainbows; who needs the pot o'gold? Nice pics,Brad29. Thanks for posting.
  21. Caption: When this course marshall says "Speed up your play!", everybody speeds up their play!
  22. Is that what you kids are calling it these days- "mowing the lawn"?
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