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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. The Bow sure widens out down there, doesn't it? LMAO! Funny schtuff, mang!
  2. You're right, all fish are equal- but some are more equal than others! Only thing that really bothers me about suckers is the snot that ends up all over your fly, tippet, etc.; don't believe in tossing them in the bushes like some folks do. They are part of the ecosystem, & make good food for bulls, pike, & other predators. Long live the sucker!
  3. Sweet pic, Pythagoras; nice to see somebody listens when Bob talks! I think this one's near the top of my list of the best posted so far- awesome!
  4. Dagnab it, Taco, that's one sweet Avatar ya got there. When I read your posts, I hear his voice in my head; as if there aren't enough voices in there already! And just so I don't get excommunicated or beheaded: Nice suckers! Why the Hell would ya wanna touch'em? EWWWW!
  5. Great story, Pythagoras! You should post that second pic in the "Fish Photo Shoot-Off" thread; it's majorly kewl!
  6. The only thing constant is change, right? Attitudes change with education, or with circumstances. I grew up po' (that's worse than poor) in Newfoundland. With 12 mouths to feed, there was no C & R going on; being the youngest, there was the constant threat of being cannibalized if we ran out of food. Got worried a few times when Mom was adding 4 cans of water to a can of Campbell's soup to make enough for everyone! Wasn't unusual for us to bring home 10-12 dozen little brookies from a daytrip; not one ever was wasted, either. Nowadays, I'll go years without keeping a fish; very rarely keep a few for a shore lunch when camping with my brothers. Been years since I've done that, even. Now when I catch a nice trout from a creek, I am appalled at the thought of taking any of the brood stock out of the population; admire it, maybe a photo, release it. 30+ years ago, that trout would have been dinner- no doubt about it. My attitude change came about because of a change in circumstances, plus some education. Guess we all evolve some, right? Later, Steve M.
  7. Are they preparing to release those fish in the picture? No? Oh, yeah, that's Texas; they don't even C & R their criminals! Criminals, fish- FRY'EM ALL! BTW, great story again, Rick. Looking forward to next weeks installment. Later!
  8. Yeah, that's why I always rub some SPF 50 on a trout before I release it.
  9. Guess that explains the "stupid question", Max; the two key words in here are "Newfoundland" & "Edmonton". Just kiddin', b'y! Welcome to the forum!
  10. Another great report, Rick; always look forward to your reports (& stories). I've caught Atlantic mackerel on the fly rod as well as on light spinning tackle; when you get several pounds of pure muscle + blazing speed on the line- YEE-HAW!!! Sounds like a great time for ya. Good on ya, mang!
  11. "50 cent reward offered" Let me get this straight: Return the flybox, & get a no-talent, rapper/criminal/hemorrhoid on the ass of society as a "reward"? Not much incentive, if ya ask me!
  12. Some beauty shots, Harps; that first pic ( the brookie ) is off the charts awesome!
  13. Climb in & out of a canyon or two, you'll see that this can happen when you're flyfishing!
  14. Only 2 of each? That's not nearly enough, Birchy; need at least 6 of each, mang!
  15. Maybe he just found out that the wife's having quintuplets!
  16. SteveM


    Great pics, esleech! Interesting day,wasn't it? Thanks for sharing.
  17. Well, Grizz, you just helped explain my beautiful kid; she may be mine after all!
  18. Looks good from here, Brent! Nice work.
  19. That would be nice for some of the deadweight at work!
  20. Thanks, Glen; just from this thread alone, I think we should be able to get a good group therapy session going.
  21. It's OK to flyfish with a Tim Horton's coffee in one hand...
  22. If I call my wife by her sister's name while we're flyfishing, it's not a big deal...
  23. Not seeing a lot of country here; best concert for me would be any of the 3 times I saw Sawyer Brown. Great music, awesome vocals (harmonies!), & Marc Miller(lead singer) is a ball of crazy energy.
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