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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Noah... a good name for that young son of a Birch; some good water karma, I would think. Oughta come in handy when he starts fishin' in a coupla years!
  2. You suck, Reg Dunlop, and I hate you like poison! Yes, that's jealousy rearing it's ugly head. Looks like a great trip; those are some awesome photos- thanks for sharing!
  3. As for me, I'm 43. Far from goodlookin', goodlookin' from far; I've got the body of a 20yr old ( in the trunk of my car...)! My eyesight is fading, I swear I'm half deaf; But there's no flies on me- they've all shat & left! Bob Loblaw
  4. Looks like a fine young sapling, Mr. Birch; all the best to you, Tarah, & Noah. My money's on you being one heckuva Dad; just hang on & enjoy the ride, brother!
  5. SteveM


    Those pics are phenomenal, LK2! Great job!
  6. SteveM


    That's the nicest looking mullard I've ever seen! ( & the only one! )
  7. Is that a "Princess Bride" reference? Inconceivable!! (Love that movie, BTW!)
  8. SteveM

    2 Fly's

    Back to the topic: When fishing wets, if your first fly has a big enough eye to pass your tippet through doubled, you can tie a Palomar knot & leave a long tag end to attach your next fly. Very easy to leave a long tag end with a Palomar.
  9. SteveM

    2 Fly's

    This actually proves that you're real tough. Anyone could stick a hook in their leg if it didn't hurt; it takes a real hero to do it, knowing it's gonna hurt like Hell! (Or a psycho sumbitch....)
  10. SteveM

    2 Fly's

    Wow! You must be one tough MF, Bloom. You hook the fly to your leg to anchor it? Must have been a real pain before Alberta went barbless!
  11. A great story- and so well-told! Nicely done!
  12. I don't think I've ever seen a philosophical Quagmire ( & I watch "Family Guy" lots); "Giggity-giggity!!!"
  13. Good Hokey-Pokey jokey! Okey-dokey, Smokey!
  14. Hey, Birchy! Nice to see you back so soon; just ain't the same without ya, brother. Now if that tumor dares to come back, you just punch it in it's big, ugly face... Take 'er easy!
  15. Laffed long & hard, boys! Shame to see that happening to such a nice young man in the first vid.
  16. I've been advised by counsel to ignore this spurious line of questioning.
  17. Just so there's no misunderstanding, Rick: Are you really saying that Greg rapes large browns? Now I understand why he likes to fish after dark...
  18. Goldang it, Rick, now I'm starting to understand why you're balding- it's from rubbing your head whilst waxing philosophical & thinking too hard! Very interesting discussion ( and this is coming from someone who, like most, doesn't think about these issues a lot); such good points from everyone- amazing thing, perspective.... And now, back to the debate... Kum- beeyaaaahhh baby, indeed! -Steve M-
  19. I reckon this situation would be one time that you'd be better off fishing your way DOWNstream! Danged hard to drag a corpse against the current.
  20. I'll have good thoughts for ya, Birchy; tell those guys to be super careful, 'cuz your sense of humor is located near the pituitary as well. Wouldn't want 'em to yank that out by mistake, would we? All the best, Ryan; see ya back here soon. -Steve M.-
  21. SteveM


    Fish pics are always welcome here, Ben; feel free to share some stories, as well. Until next time... -Bob Loblaw-
  22. SteveM

    Foggy Day

    Them's some purty cutts, Monger! A good day?
  23. You would immortalize me in your joke of the week? Birchy, I'm touched... tearing up... I'm OK now.. . For the record, most Newfie jokes use the names "Jarge" or "Clar". For example: Clar says," Jarge, if you can guess how many loonies I got in me pocket, I'll give ya both of 'em." Jarge replies, "T'ree?"
  24. I hope you're proud of yourself, Birchy; picking on the people who ain't smart enough to defend themselves! BTW, did you know that Newfoundland is the only place where new vehicles still have the hi-beam/low-beam switch on the floor; apparently, when they started putting the lever on the steering column there was a rash of accidents from Newfies getting their foot caught in the steering wheel! Not all Newfies are dumb, though. The Newfoundland gov't commissioned a huge scientific study to find new uses for the thousands of sheep on the island. According to the results that were just published they found 2 new uses for sheep that nobody had thought of previously- meat & wool!
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