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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. My wife has never complained that I finished fishing too soon.
  2. You don't have to hold in your farts until you're done flyfishing!
  3. Flyfishing with a wooly bugger can be quite enjoyable.
  4. I big game hunt, Clarki; catch & release only, though.
  5. Yeah, and your double header story is probably true!
  6. Some very interesting food for thought in this thread. Now, everybody: Stop thinking- go fishing!
  7. Flyfishing with your cousin is acceptable everywhere, not just in the Ozarks.
  8. SteveM

    My July

    Awesome, Max! Thanks, bro'!
  10. You don't have to replace batteries in your flyfishing tackle.
  11. I've NEVER been called a "disgusting, sicko, pervert" while flyfishing.
  12. Several guys can fish the same hole if it's big enough.
  13. If another guy admires your rod,it's okay to let him handle it. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
  14. When flyfishing, with enough weight, you can reach bottom.
  15. Flyfishing alone with your rod in your hand is perfectly acceptable.
  16. Sometimes we catch the same fish more than once in the same day.
  17. We can speak proudly of the BIG ONES we've landed in the past!
  18. You don't have to get the fish to drink to make you look better.
  19. Thanks, guys! Yes, I did have a great day; got my free brekkie at Denny's & spent the afternoon swimming with my daughter, then hung out with the family- only thing that's better than fishin'! T'anks, Taco, me son! Now I knows what's been goin' on da last coupla months; t'ank da Lard dere's lotsa Timmies' in Calgary- still got a few I ain't bin kicked outta yet!
  20. Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday Bob Loblaw, Happy birthday to me! I like to think I'm like a fine wine; of course lots of people HATE wine! Please feel free to PM me with the GPS coordinates of your favorite fishin' holes in lieu of presents. (Don't worry, they'll be totally useless to me, unless I get a GPS for my B-day.)
  21. Dang, I like this one, too! Nice to see some shots that are a little different from the usual.
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