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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Dude must be doin' sumthin' wrong! If I gave my wife that choice, I wouldn't be goin' fishin'!
  2. Wicked awesome, man! You got more? Share them, please...!
  3. SteveM

    August Pics

    Awesome pics,Max- as usual! Looking forward to meeting you & some of your scaley friends on the 18th. Later...
  4. Hope you at least stopped at the Bergen Store for some of their kick-ass beef jerky! Best...jerky...EVER!!!!!
  5. All the best to you & the family. Congratz on the new addition!
  6. Give 'em Hell out there, mang! Best of luck!
  7. Not bad, Lundvike. Nice that the artwork comes from a board member; not sure if it's a good idea to use Dave's fly,though. He just got published in FlyFusion, & now this? Do we want him to get a swollen head? Seriously, that looks real good for a sticker.
  8. There must be some misunderstanding...there must be some kinda mistake! (As Genesis once sang!) I can't win a coin flip, with a 50/50 chance; how did I win this, when the odds are over 1000-1? Very excited about this, and almost didn't know! Just got home from work, & was just gonna shower & go straight to bed; I do have to get up at 6am to drive to Fernie with the famn damily. Oh well, lots of time for sleepin' when I'm dead, right? Already replied to Dave & Max's PM's; sure lookin' forward to meeting the famous (infamous?) Bow River Jedi himself. Thanks so much, FFC. I really appreciate you guys gracing us with this forum, & now prizes,too! How great is that? Yesterday, in another thread, I suggested that Dave & Darren toss in their contest flies for the draw; now, I REALLY think they oughtta do just that! Seriously. Colour me grateful, Steve M. (Bob Loblaw)
  9. Why, Maxwell, I do believe you are blushing! Ladies, you're going to get Max off his game; without his Jedi mojo, he's nothing. Just "cute", and "cute" don't catch fish or pay the bills.
  10. Which picture are you calling "pretty", Rick? The brookie, or the nasty one in your filthy,dirty,redneck mind? Unless, of course, I'm misunderstanding the whole "catches little fish" thing; but, I'm fairly certain you're implying what I think you're implying. Consider yourself off my Xmas card list. Good-day to you, sir! I said,"Good-day!"
  11. Beauty fish, fellers! When are you two gonna stop fighting your true feelings for each other?
  12. Nice work, guys! They'd look great in a frame together(with the pic) on my wall; maybe they could be a prize in a contest/draw of some sort. Just sayin'. Loblaw out!
  13. Beautiful, clean-looking Bow River bullet, brother; gotta luv gettin' 2 beauts back-to-back. Good on ya, Trailhead!
  14. Schweet fish, fellas; I like the pic of the release.
  15. Welcome to the board, Woody; looking forward to seeing some of your concepts. I'm sure Dave(SJW) will appreciate your input; a little PROFESSIONAL HELP could be just what he needs.
  16. Some trout from last year made it thru the winter, so there should be some nice size ones left; I caught some 16-17" chunks this spring, before they stocked it with smaller ones. No bait allowed( might make it a little tougher for the kids) & C&R only.
  17. I haven't really targeted bulls a lot with the fly rod, but here's what's worked for me when they lie on the bottom & won't take anything you put in front of them: tie a heavy marabou or rabbit strip jig on the spincast, let it sit on bottom a foot in front of the trout's nose for 30 seconds, then give it a twitch. More often than not, that bull slams that jig like he just caught it in the redd with his wife- no subtle take, just extreme trout-on-jig violence! I'll go out on a limb here & guess that this method would be a lot harder to duplicate with a flyrod ( too much drag from the current), but in some cases it should be doable. Maybe we should all carry the "Popeil Pocket Fisherman" with us for these situations?
  18. Beauty bull, Gary; love when they colour up like that- very Arctic char-like. Schweet!
  19. This pic is more proof that size does NOT matter! Nice shot, PSFG!
  20. Amen, Brother Carlin! There's a whole lotta wisdom in George's comedy. His tips on "How to stay young" & the last line about " moments that take your breath away" are absolutely brilliant! Thanks for posting 'em, Clive!
  21. I think you need to clarify this post, Rick. Are you offering to give away one of your kids, or are you looking to "go halves" on another one with one of the ladies on the forum?
  22. Definitely think Brownstone's 2nd version looks better than the first he posted; my first thought when I saw the first one was, "Can't see enough of the stonefly."
  23. Besides, isn't the purpose of a condom to prevent you from catching anything?
  24. Great pics, Birchy! Handsome young man ya got there. Enjoy every second- everything's warp speed from here; seems like yesterday I was the proud new dad. Still proud, but my daughter will be 11 in October! Time flies when you're havin' fun, right? -Steve M_
  25. Put me down for one o' them thar gigantic freak-head hats (7 5/8) & a large T. I'm kinda in agreement with the comment from the other thread about the logo including native species ( bull, cutt?), but I'm sure there are plenty of Bow fishers who would prefer browns or 'Bows. I'm fine with letting whoever's taking the initiative to get this done make the call on the design.
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