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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. Once again you have crystallized my thoughts, Brother! Hallelujah & Amen!
  2. Nice to see differing points of view expressed without any name-calling or threats; the maturity level on this forum (most of the time) is refreshing. Good on ya, Brian.
  3. Me like! Nice pic, mang! Now, as for you, bigbowtrout- I'm very disappointed in the way you handle fish. It's terrible how your rough handling has rubbed all the spots off that cutty in the 3rd pic! Very cool-looking cutt, bro'!
  4. Great idea, ya'll! I'll have to get to work posting my 78 different variations of the SJW!
  5. "What MUSIC goes flyfishing with you?" The question refers to MUSIC- how did RAP get brought into this? Rap ain't music! I don't even HATE all rap (just most), but it ain't music.
  6. Just to be clear, are you replacing the licence or the gf ?
  7. I should cross the street, get a second hand, & beeyotch-slap you with it for that joke!
  8. If he was standing in water past his junk, any indecent exposure charges could be dropped due to "lack of evidence"!
  9. Beautiful pics, ya'll! Keep'em comin'!
  10. Make sure you're wearing all your protective gear, my brother! If you hit a deer at that speed, you are gonna need it! Hell, ya might need a parachute!
  11. 25 years, eh? You'll be lucky to make it to 26 now that you won't be getting that break from each other that your fishing has been providing! First dibs on the Fish Cat 4 when the divorce is final.
  12. I think you guys are reading too much into this photo- this ain't no inter-species lovefest! I believe the poor doggie is being mugged; you'll notice the guy in the back is wearing a mask, & is reaching into the dog's pocket. I see Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the pooch's future!
  13. If I'm fishing a nice run & another fisherman comes along, I'm always ready for a "chinwag". Tell a few fish stories, then invite him to share the run. Sometimes it's just for the company; sometimes it's to get him to fish the run I've been working hard for the past hour so I can bugger off 5 minutes later to get first crack at the next good run. Seriously, tho', life's way too short to be gettin' our waders in a bunch over this stuff. Just smile & let the assclown who's crowding you have that spot- go find a better spot. Sometimes we get a little too attached to our favorite spots & need that incentive to go explore. Remember- karma will even things out, both for the decent people & the assclowns who cause us grief. Don't worry, be happy!
  14. Diggin' the solar-powered clothes dryer in the background of the first pic!
  15. Great report, Rick! Good luck on the weekend; looking forward to your report.
  16. Just make sure you think about the possible ramifications, Brian. F'rinstance, which would be easier to remove from a screaming child's face: barbed or barbless? Definitely see your point, tho', bro'!
  17. If I had to guess, I'd say HEAVY tippet & forget trying to get'em on the reel!
  18. If the fish are biting, I can't stop- too much fun, & the next one might be a hawg. If the fish aren't biting, I can't stop- might miss the one & only fish of the day. I just try for a good release on every fish.
  19. That's just a reminder from the fishing gods: to quote rickr's Dad,"Never leave fish to find fish". At least you had some good fishing; woulda been more painful if you'd been skunked, too!
  20. I find my 'toon very hard to control in the wind on stillwater; any of you guys ever experiment with a keel at all?
  21. Some excellent points, Grizz & flyslinger. Little different perspective than what you hear in the media, etc. Gotta go now, supper's ready; hmmmm!..... shite-rice!
  22. Now, those cutties belong in the Fish Photo Shoot-off; never seen such vivid colouration- wicked awesome!
  23. Grizz, you're just begging for a ball gag & a high heel on your neck!
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