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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. i'll tell you what smitty *snikering* you go buy me a ticket and I'll go see it in the threater, until then Ill be cheep and wait till it comes out on DVD
  2. When I first saw the title for this thread I groaned and said "NOT ANOTHER ONE" then I noticed birchy had made the post and I was curious. So against my better judgement I clicked on the thread and what I saw was diffently a great surprise. Is it just me but do all the snowmen look pissed?
  3. Why drink and drive when you can get high and fly home...... Merry Christmas to you too Al.
  4. That I could but I might lose my job due to all the complaints BTW 1 hour left till I get to regain my sanity.
  5. 3 1/2 more hours left before I can leave this place and regain my sanity. Currently I want to kill everyone.
  6. Daer Santa, If I can guess your real "stopper" name then do I win a prize? Also I heard that due to the recession you where forced to lay off all of the raindeer causing a big riot at the north, and this happened when tiger woods was visiting miss claus and now everyone presents have to be friegn hauled and you aere forced to drive a tractor trailer....
  7. Paul, Tried it and ended up throwing my pencils at customers walking by, wasn't pretty I tell you. Why would I want to go to that site, sounds like porn to me.
  8. Jay, I bet they were made with love, secert sauce in them eh.........
  9. Sorry guys, I layed down spike belts all over town, if I have to work then everyone else can share in my missery.
  10. Well as most people know I work in retail and unforntantly I have to work today..... You would think I would be crazy busy and running around like a chicken with its head cut off but the department that I am currently overseeing now I think I might of seen like 3 people in the first 4 hours the store was open and I still have another 5 more hours to go. As I sit here my mind slowly turns to mush (not like it isn't already) and I swear I see the clock go backwards, argh..... Anyways I think looking at porn is out of the question and I can only read the same topics here so many times, right now I have read a couple of threads three or four times and I want to know take a pen (like in the movie casio) and stap it in my throat multiple times..... well this boredom is good practice for me for bocing day cause I except pretty much the same thing, those poor saps in the other deparments look like they want to murder someone.... Anyways happy christmas and a good new year.....
  11. Looks good marc, should be able to catch something with that otherwise its just the fisherman hehehehehehehehe (just kidding)
  12. I have to work today and boxing day can I get something extra this year santa for my dedication to my job????
  13. Go to Andy's Meats in Avenata Mall or go to the better butcher, those are the only two places I will go when I can't get meat from relatives.
  14. Hey rick you sure you were not playing the Nintendo wii version of bowling, the game is a hoot when you've been into the sauce. Anyways I have bowled a couple of times in my life and its kinda of fun, I dunno every time I bowel I tend to do some drinking then you got me drunk on the bowling lane whih is never a good thing.
  15. Here is my list (hopefully I do not forget anything) Crappy Tire 6wt 9foot Aother no name brand 5wt 8.5foot TFO 6wt 9foot Signature Series TFO 6wt 10Foot Signature Series TFO 7wt 9foot Signature Series TFO 6wt 9foot TCRIX Loop 3wt 9foot Multi Loop 5wt 9foot Trout Bum Loop 6wt 9.6foot Multi TFO 6wt 12 Foot Professional series (Black) TFO 7/8 wt 13 Foot Professional Series (Green) Beulah 6/7wt 11.6foot Spey Loop 7/8wt 12.6foot Blueline Loop 7wt 12foot Multi Loop 6wt 12 Goran Anderson Signature Series Loop 9wt 12.6 Boran Anderson Signature Series
  16. What about if your like me and your brain never fully developed??????
  17. LMAO, thanks BBT I needed a good laugh this morning.
  18. Nice tying desk, I wish mine looked as good as that one.
  19. All I feel like saying right now is Burn baby Burn *please add sarcasim*
  20. Personally if you ask me, if you are going to buy a Lamson product for spey I would go with the Velocity V4 or V3 I have used these before personally and have found no problems with them. I do have a lamson Velocity V4 for sale, sent you a PM. Anyways welcome to the spey community and don't be afraid to ask questions here as there are people that post here that really do know what they are talking about, and once the weather is a bit warmer hopefully we can have another spey gathering before the expo.
  21. Badger, I agree with what you have to say 100% why work harder for a longer cast when you can just use a longer rod with half the amount of energy
  22. Personally when I find a line/weight that I like I hardly ever change from it, why change something that is not broken. $70 is not that bad of a price espically when there are lines out there that are well over $100 (Most of these have intregrated running lines which I prefeer.) What it comes down to is what YOU the BUYER prefeers and not what the masses say. When I first started out I always used loop to loop contections as I was constantly changing up heads to find that magical line that I liked the best, now that I have a very good idea of what I like I know what lines to buy. One draw back however to a intregrated line is when you only have one rod and you have a skagit, for streamers and scandi for nymphs (I know you can use both lines for both streamers and nymphs but for arguments sake lets say skagit for streamers and scandi for nymphs) you can not switch up lines, you could always just carry an extra spool or reel but if you are like myself and travel ligth this can be a pain in the ass. Now for a draw back to the loop to loop connection is that when you get into colder temps like we do here in Calgary, then you start to have guides freeze up and sometimes you get the lop to loop connection stuck in a frozen guide which can be a pain the ass also. So I guess what I am really trying to say is try both and see what you like then go from there.
  23. Great idea, currently trying to figure out what to tie for the second contest, have a idea of what I am going to tie but there is one matrial that I have no clue what I am going to use it for....
  24. I could be wrong but I thought the last time I was in Fish Tales, they still had copies of the book, give them a shout and see if they still have some.
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