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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. Hey Pete, I have been doing some reserch on the subject since I really do not know much about what is happening (only second hand information) once I get the FACTS then I will draft a letter that I will be sending in the next couple of days, thanks for all the information.
  2. I'll have to watch this when I get home tonight as the last time I watched a humble video at work I took alot of *hit for it, thanks alot Jay, lol, j/k
  3. Let me guess the team lost last night because of sick players again, lets "HOPE" so of these players gets hurt so we flames can win all our games cause it is obviouse that without them the team sucks ass.
  4. Beeing in a big box store this is how things work here with sales items. Most of the time when a item is going on sale it is because of two big reasons. 1) The manufacter gave the buyers a discounted price for buying qty which allows us to sell at a cheep price. These items are always marked with a final price as they are a instant savings. 2) Going on disco, when this happens the prices are constantly changing and to put a final price on it does not make any sence as by week to week prices can change. What is uaslly marked is %25 off last posted price, by the way our head office is based out of toronto and this goes for all 300+ store across canada, so this practice is not just done in Alberta.
  5. Ginger, I know you fell bad for what happened but honestly I think the guy would of slashed the tires regardless to what was said. I think we need to let these guys doing this stuff on the bow know the we will not put up with them damaging our fishiers, these fishiers are very important not just to us locals but to business and our tourism and if we keep on letting it go then we are FUCJKED in the future. Just remeber every call that is placed into RAP is recorded, so even if they do not catch the bastards there is a record of the inccident. I would also suggest getting the number for the information center in fish creek, alot of times when I hear that the CO for RAP can not make it cause he/she is in Cocarne, I will call them and then the information center gets on the raido to the park CO's and get them to the right spot very quickly.
  6. I actually really liked alot of the fonts (I actually downloaded them all to use in Photoshop) that Max posted, and I am over 30 years old. With our football appearal when I coached for 11 years we NEVER used simple logo's and the parents bought more of the appearal, tougues, gloves, hoddies, jackets (we had jackets for our parents too) then what the kids bought. Even look at some of the compainies out their that sells alot of appearal such as Gloomis, there is nothing simple about the gloomis logo or even the Whistler Logo, there would be no way I would call any of these logo's as simple. Also by what I have seen people submitting on this thread alot of the logo's are not simple logo's there is alot of work that has gone into some of them, so I would say the majority of the site as what I have seen from this thread do not want a simple logo. Just my 2 bits.
  7. The ****ed thing is that I got the idea from a sign that I saw at a mountain Lake I was fishin today. It was a gutting station so you could gut your fish and deposit of the remains so nothing is left for the bears and wildlife, its ****ed I tell you. Here is the original photo of the sign I took.
  8. I would diffently wear this without a second thought.
  9. And what about the previouse two I belive the series score right now is 3-0 for flames.....
  10. Excuse me but can someone please tell me who won tonights game please.
  11. Well here we go guys, Battle of Alberta, I give it to the flames 6-4
  12. So what if in my opion you need to shut your trap about whinning and complaining about the reefs on a fly fishing forum then I am a forum NAZI? How so I am just stating my opion on something. You even said that everyone has the right to state their own opion which is exactly what I did but instead you feel the need to call me a Nazi, all your post showed is that you live by double standards cause if someone does something you do not agree with then they are nazi's but yet you have freedom to express whatever, whenever you want. don't really care if you agree with me or not, but if you can state your own opions on things then so can I, and if that means I think you should just shut the hell up then that is my opion which I would like to add for the hundrenth time, and I quto you: I agree, everyone is entitles to their own opion So tell me you still think everyone has the right to express their own opion on something, cause it sure sounds like you don;t belive that.
  13. Actually cause I don't fly fish the "BC" way I don;t really fly fish or so I have been told. Spey casting also takes talent something you don't have.
  14. Here is all I have to say, and this is coming from a Flames Fan. I'm aam sick and tired of hearing the same old *hit from the same old people, we know what you think and you have stated your opion many times, some of us just don't want to hear about the same thing after every game, point taken and we now understand your veiws, howabout now we move onto something diffrent. Instead of turning this thread into a fight or argument or debate lets talk about how the flames are WINNING, and how edmonton is not.......
  15. It really doesn't matter to me, I much rather be the nice guy then the ***hole.
  16. I bet you tell all the ladies that.
  17. When I first started to fish the bow I used a spin rod, pencil weight (I took rubber tubing and put a chuck with some space and melt the two end and place a snap through it), SJW and royal coachman. I spuspended the weight at the bottom went up about a foot to the SJW (was rigged like a pickler rig if that makes sence) then another foot to the coachman. I would whipped it out to the middle of the river and bottom bounce from 10 ococlk to 2 oclock pick up and cast again. The first year I fished with barbs but I got my lience from Crappy tire and didn;t know better it wasn't till I walked into a fly shop that I learned diffrent.
  18. Teck, It might I really do not know, but I use a old line that I don't fish with anymore so it really doesn;t matter what happens to the line.
  19. Steve, I would agree I have had the priviliage to go out with Mike a couple of times, and mike is one of the best hosts in the boat I have ever seen.
  20. Belive it or not but when you fish 3 or 4 times a week every week all year you tend to run short on flies, plus with all my fishin buddies I always tell them my boxes are open just make sure you leave me with at least one. I always share my flies cause it brings me great pleasure in seeing people catch fish on my flies, could I charge them for it, sure, but why bother they are my fishin buddies. I don't always tie that much but its a good average.
  21. Personally I think guides should be licence and I also think they should have to pay for the licence, any other Small Business or Buiness needs to pay for their own licence so why should guides get away with not paying for it, as I see it you take from our economy you should also put back into our economy.
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