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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. Smitty, I think you would be surprised with how populare football is espically in the southern states, I knew when I was a kid growing up I knew every player that played for FSU and I only followed football and no other sport. Think of this, there is a place in texas called odesa, a population of about 20 thousand but yet there High School games draw roughly 60 thousand people, and this is just High School Football, image what a game at Texas A&N would draw. You gotta also remeber for alot of people in the souther states sports are the only way the can gain a education, or escape the poverty that they live in and without soild rolemodels or people to look up to then what? As for movie stars don't even get me started there, I remeber once watching a documentry on Paris Hilton and the whole sex scandel was a set up to put her in the lime light, it disgusts me with what some people will do just to be noticed. As for denton, he tried to hire someone to kill someone else and we all say its okay he did his time now let him play, why not bann him and make him realize the seriousness of trying to get someone else killed, if it was you or me it would be alot diffrent stories, and since we are forgiving people why not forgive Graham James for what he did, afterall he servered his time why not allow him to coach again, after all he didn't try and hire someone to kill someone else (yes this statement was sarcasm)
  2. Smitty, Collage and Univiserity Football is huge how many people do you see wearing shirt of those insitutions or other stuff. Tiger is a bad role model (many not have done anything crimal), basically he told every kid out there that it is okay to cheat on your wife, and take some time off on your boat then Mark Mcguire is a disgrace to the sport, basically saying you can break the rules and get records and it is okay just as long as you don't get caught and when you do just plead the 5th. Micheal Vick should never be allowed to play again in my mind also beeing the huge star he was and doing the stupid thing he did. I understand that we all make mistakes but you have to be accantable for those mistakes and you have to pay the price, with beeing in the lime light you are responsable for certain things. You can teach people the wrongs you have done in other ways then beeing allowed to play again.
  3. Personally I think anyone who is convicted of any type of crime should not be allowed to play in amature or professional sports. The reason why I say this is because alot of times you have young children who idolise these people and basically you are saying you can do a crime pay the price and come back like there was nothing wrong. What type of rolemodels do we want to give to our children?
  4. I do not think it will be that cold out but you should deffently prepare for it to be cold, is forcasting on monday to be a high of -13 so it could come quicker or later that is the great thing about alberta, you know its going to be cold but when is another thing.
  5. I am constantly ting all the time, and I try and make sure I tie at lest 4 flies a day that means 28 flies a week, and I only tie what I fish.
  6. Daniel, As far as I know there is no $5 discount this year. As I understood it last year the discount was actually done through Fly Fusion Magazine (Once again I could be wrong) and was posted on this site as a means for people to get a print out of it. Like I said with everything I have heard there is no discount this year.
  7. After a bad start to mty morning at work this is exactlly what I needed, thanks for the pick up it brought a big smile to my face.
  8. Snuffy, I thought I read the his medical liecence was taken away also....
  9. My only comment to this is wwhy the hell did it take two years, man I hate the justice system ibn the USA, you can keep on appealing things so it takes so long to go to court then people's memory aren't as good as it was say 1 year after the incident.
  10. I thought it might be a rainshadow blank as that is what I made me 5wt 10' 6 switch rod with (Haven't finished it yet as I just don't have the time to do all the epoxy yet, 1 year and not finished I wonder when I will get it finished) But talking to a couple of guys that I know that builds rods they all said they were very impressed with the rainshadow blanks for the money you pay for them. Have fun Birchy and maybe just maybe I might be able to get out with you on the bow one of these days for some dry action. I just got a new 5wt 9foot rod that I am absoultly dieing to try out with dries.
  11. Here is all I have to say about the ocean currents changing and effecting the weather. 1) What about all the open seweage that is pumped back into the oceans by other nations? 2) What about the mass merduer of all the sharks in Costa Rico and the Gollapogos Islands (Watch Sharkwaters for more info) 3) Talking about the poler ice shelfs melting, then why are you driving on the ice highways or any of the roads out there, the exhaust, and heat generated by vechicles are melting them faster then the weather. 4) What about all the open buring of plastics and what not doen by other nations are doing? In retrospec I think there are other nations then N. America that needs to straighten up their act, but hey oil is view as the evil in the world so the oilsands is the prime cause (which by the way is less then 1% of the popultion in the world) and if you haven't got it yet my whole thing about the oil sands is sarcasm.
  12. bhurt


    Beeing a true niners fan I wanna brun the one of emit but nice work, any on montana, if so let me buy huge fan......
  13. Mark, I have the 7wt Bullet line and it is a good line for overhand casting, I didn't care to much for it when doing roll casts or single hand spey casts unless the whole head was out (Yes there is a head and then shootline, all intergraded) but if your in a strong wind this line is by far the best I have ever casted for a line to cut through the wind, mind you though when adding a havey triple nymph rig it was a bit of a pain in the ass to cast but really what line isn't when you got a barrel swivel, sjw, stonefly (lead wrapped) and a bowbougger. I could be wrong but I belive Guideline manufactures their own line.
  14. Sun, I guess I might of come across a bit harsh but my brother has a learning disability and when he gets fustrated or doesn't understand something he can get very mad, this might of been what was wrong with the person or it could of been something else, as I see it we need to help these people and not ridicule them if you know what I mean. I was just shoked when I read your post cause I did not expect something like that to come from you.
  15. Does it matter what he was copying, no it does not, plus when I first interacted with him he has perfectly fine, also talking to my cousin who is bipoloer he told me how some people who are bipoloer can be very dangerouse if they haven't taken their meds, plus who are you to call anyone a nut job, you do not know the person, nor do you know what is wrong with him or anything else, and to call someone a nut job without the facts is just not right in my books.
  16. Andy, I am not the one with two broken thumbs, I wonder where you were sticking them into.... Probably beeing a pervert on the river and some lady slapped you and when you fell broke both your thumbs...... Ed, Hey the ladies like the fat, in the summer time I supplie shade from the heat and in the winter time I give them heat......... Plus I much rather be fat then stupid like yourself. In case no one can understand jokes, I am friends with Ed and Andy and we are just giving each other a hard time.
  17. I asked for a copy of it but due to legal matters I am not allowed a copy.
  18. Hey mark, norton says protects against virus and I took a virus does that now mean I can go to the media and complain and get norton to fix my computer for free???????
  19. I am still sitting here at work shaking a little bit but hey *hit happens I was never really scared of the guy but when he grabed me it kind of set me off some and all I could think of was "Okay you want to play mr. tuff guy lets see how tuff you really are cause I am from the mean streets of Lake Bonavista in Calgary, Alberta (gay poky thing should go here) But hey I am fine he is gone, hopefully to somewhere that can give him the help he needs.
  20. Holy Crap is all I have to say about what I am going to talk about. Today while at work I had a customer totally lose it on me. It started out with a customer coming in and asking me how much color copies where, so I told him the price and I even went as far as telling him the total cost (just over 1k) he agreed to it and so I did the order. 1 hour later he comes back in and I give him the bill he then freaks out says he is not going to pay and tries and leave with the copies, good thing I had my hand on the box as I would not allow him to leave without paying, he then takes the box and throws it at me scattering everything everywhere and looks at me and says are you not going to pick this up I need my copies. I have no clue what is wrong with this guy so I poilite explain to him because of what he has done, I even point to the cameras and tell him we have it on video that he must leave and would not be allowed in any other store because of this he then reaches across the counter and grabs he by the shirt and threatens me, he told me he was going to punch out my teeth. Well the people that know me know I am not going to take this kind of *hit and slip out of my work shirt which he was still holding (thank god I had another *hit on under) and jumped over the counter, I was ready to knock him out but it is a good thing I had a manager over there quickly to stop me. Anyways we tell him to leave and he sits down on the floor and says make me, you just doing this cause I am black. Now I am not racists in anyway and I never made any racists comment so how this came out I do not know, long story short we called the cops and after him sitting there on the floor yelling at people for 30mins the cops came. Even funnier was when the cops came in they knew who he was and this wasn't the first time this has happened. I guess the guy is mentally unstanbled and has done this many times before. What a intresteing day I must say. Quick edit..... In 20 years of beeing in retail I have never had this happened to me, and to thick I weight roughly 260lbs (Not a lot of fat but yes I do have some fat on me) and this guy I would say is about 125lbs soaking wet, just goes to show that even customers can be bad at times too.
  21. Holy *hit your not dead ED, I thought you just gave up and decieded to only play with the dumb fish at least that way you're both on the same page.... Anyways, it wasn't my forearm, but the muscle I did tear I am not even going to mention it as I can already hear the jokes...... As for rick, damn you I have to wear a mask, but where can I get one........
  22. Birchy, Do you know what type of blank was used? Rainshadow, Dan Craft, etc.....
  23. Weedy, I could be wrong but as I understand it if you go to a web site that is a u.s web site then you pay the u.s roaming fees, and so forth and so forth.... Like I said I could be wrong but that is how I understand it. Just rereading it also and actually selected one of the plans it also states that if you are over then there is a 0.35 cents per mintue charge
  24. Okay I stand correct but my point is that when you sign a legal binding contract you should know exactly what it is you are signing as you are legally responsable for it and any cost that come with it, if you don;t then shame on you. Also signing a disclaimer and signing a contract is not the same thing. One other thing I want to make clear I find it amusing that people think that through errors of their own they can bully compaines into doing what they want, its like the idoit that came in today who signed off on a proff that states (and I note I also pointed out to him) that all information on the proof was correct, he looks at his cards and see some wrong information but it matches up with the proof and he wants them reprinted for free I was willing to go 50% discount but nope he wanted them for free and he wanted to keep the old cards, now who is trying to scam who... I see things like this everyday and alot of people say oh I will go to the media then, you know what I say sure if that is what you want to do but the simple facts are right there. Be aware of what you sign is all I have left to say.
  25. Robert, If you knew your facts you would know that telus is now owned by Bell Canada and their head office is no longer located in calgary but out in BC Also why have contracts so people can not screw other people oer, you wanna make sure you getting charge correctly then read the contract if not then your at fault and comparing FFC where there has nothing to do with money to a binding contract with monthly fees and additional charges are not the samething, and to answer your question yes I read the disclaimer for FFC when I signed up.
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