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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. Here is what I suggest. Go out and try a bunch of diffrent types of rods, if you wanna try out the Loop Multi 7120, just pm me and we can hit FC and you can try it out. The reason why I am saying try diffrent rods out is purely for the action of the rod, some people like fast rods while others like a mid flex to progressive full flex, etc....... I'll talk to gregg (toolman) and see if we can get a spey gathering togather for people that are intrested in trying out diffrent rods. BTW if you are looking for a reel I have a lamson Velocity v4 gun metal blue that I am not sure if I am going to use it or not, but if I do I am looking at roughly $200 might go lower but I really need the money so we will see.
  2. I've only used a spey on the bow and no where else and what I prefeer to use is my 6wt 12foot (just recently purchased) I am going to be using my 7wt 12foot for streamers and sinktips. I can see where someone might want a long rod, for example I need to make a 60 or 70 foot cast to swing some flies through a run in the winter time, wehre the water is too cold for me to be in for any extended period of time, I could then switch to a 13 or a 14 foot rod, could I make the casts I desire with my 12 foot rod, most likely but why have to work for a cast when I can switch up to a slightly longer rod for greater distances. Just my two cents, what do I know really anyways!
  3. I dunno how many times I have seen someone have a Ace, 9 (or lower) get a Ace on the flop then lose out the battle just cause someone has a higher kicker. I've also been caught with pocket rockets only to lose out to straigts and flushes. Betting patterns also tell alot about a person.
  4. Dave, could I please be on your team and we can then organize a 6 man Steel Cage Match (btw wouldn't it be better if we held it at the ffc booth?)
  5. Pocket rockets is a good hand but what gets most people in trouble while playing poker, espically a game like Texas Hold'em is that they will get a marginal hand then try and chase something hoping their card flips on the river and steal a win. While playing in a long hand senerio position and table prence is probably one of the best skills to posses. Short hand you never want to be short stacked cause it makes thing hard espically when the blinds are up and people bully you and steal blinds, oh I would also be into a Poker Night.
  6. Leechman, Diffently sounds like something wrong with the seams, I would guess just like you and say manufacture defect. Did you call the maufacture, or the maufacture warrenty dept.? I know it sounds redicioulus but I can see the person you talked to if he was a pencil pusher not wanting to deal with it and say something like what was told to you, know what I mean? Anyways take em back to wear you purchased them.
  7. It was getting the h1n1 flue shot that won it for calgary.....
  8. Sweet fly there wanny, since I have to tie some up for a trip tomorrow, I will post a photo of my killer wolly bugger aka: Leech (as I like to call them as that is how I fish them) when I get some tied up tonight. Thanks Max for putting this togather it sure will get the good old brain thinking again.
  9. Nah I do not think that, I just belive that there are alot more people in need of it then me, personally if I kick the bucket today in ten years no one will remeber me anyways so heck maybe this is my way to go down in history (I know its a bad joke, but I just couldn't resit saying it.)
  10. Peter, Do you know how dirty money really is, and is also one of the biggest ways cold and flues are transfeered from one person to another.... Also air condition is nothing by recycled air, so image how many germs is just floating through the air. How many times during the course of a day could someone cough on their hands then come and shake my hand, as I see it there is no diffrence between the two, just incause you mention to use hand sanatizer howcome people that work where you wife/girlfriend (I dunno if you are married or not) can't use it also, just cause they work in a profession that has the word HEALTH in it does not mean they are above everyone else, look at the people that have died from the H1N1, not a single person (as far as I know) worked in HEALTH care, they were regular joe blows just like me and the other saps out there. Not fighting with you Peter I just don't agree with what you are saying that is all. By the way I did have a chance to jump to the front of a line up at one of the clinics cau8se I know someone that worked there but I refused as why am I better then they are, I am just an average joe just like everyone else, no special treatment needed.
  11. So peter let me get this right, since I deal with the public 90% of the time I am at work, handle money (one of the best way to transmit virus) all the time and shake alot of hands (another great way of transmitting viruses), I deserve to get my H1N1 shot before a pregnet lady. I do not belive office staff regardless to what they do should get it before someone that has health problem, children under the age of 5, and pregant people. I will not get my shot until these groups are taken care of, and that is my choice.....
  12. Cana..... Not all of our taxes go to Health Care, the vast majority of our taxes don't even stay within alberta, so why not complain to the Fedural goverment who has been stealing the majority of our taxes for years and years and years.... My whole point is that I am not saying our health care isn't bad, but it is much worst in other parts of the world then here, and that is simple facts. I just had a friend in the USA that broke his leg, the HMO's wouldn't cover him and it cost him close 8 thousand to get into a hospital that would look at the broken leg right away, otherwise he would of had to wait over 4 hours in a public hospital. How would you like to face something like that with one of your kids?
  13. Don't get me wrong I agree that we need some improvment over our health care system, but for the last couple of days I hear people talking about how bad our health system is, which in compairing it to the rest of the world, I think it is pretty good, could it be better, sure but I think its not as bad as what people make it out to be, espically if they never had to use health care in another country (I can only speak for the USA as that is the only one I have ever experince other then Alberta) cana..... Okay so I might of misiturpataded what you said but please explain what you mean by Well "Raulph" is the one that gutted the Alberta Health When I hear the word gutted that implies to me to run it down to the bare min. and make it worst then what it was to begin with. I lived in Canada since 88 and I find the health care system very good compared to the southern states where I grew up. I also understand what you are talking about when in reference to your kids but just think about the rest of the world and how their kids are, think our system is bad now????????????
  14. Personally I think our health system is alot better then anywhere else, ever delt with the HMO's in the USA????? I find that people that are born in raised in Canada expect certain things when it comes to Health Care, and I agree with them, but to say our health care has gone down the shitter is a bit too much, try the health care system in the USA where if you got money you got health care if you don't its off to the public hospitials which are overcrowed the staff is way over worked. And to top it off even if you have Health Issurance in the USA then the HMO's do everything in their power to deniie your claim and make the indiviual pay for it. Still think Alberta's health Care System sucks?????? At least it is a thousand times better then anywhere in the states. and for Klien taking shots at Stelmach, well you are going to tell me that Stelmach doesn't deserve it? I will admit I do not know alot about politics but I can diffently see that our current goverment is a fish out of bowel with no clear line in what they are wanting to do, all I can see from our current goverment is damage control over their own mistakes just so they can get the votes they need, I wouldn't be surprised one bit that come the election the Wild Rose Party wins, oh by the way, Alberta has not had a good goverment since the days of Preston Manning, in my own opion.
  15. Got my copy in my email the other day and always enjoy reading this, even though I do not do any of the type of fishing that is in the newsletter, its always a good read and great to see what the fishing community is doing in other parts of the country. If you haven't signed up for this I highly suggest it as it is always a good read.
  16. I remeber when I was about 7 or 8 years old I went swimming in the mississippi river and when I jumped in I instantly sank up to my neck in the hard clay/mud that makes up the river bed in the mississippi and had my cousin jump in and save me. I remeber how scared I was and I thought I was going to die cause the water kept on ruashing at me and forcing me under the water with me not beeing abloe to do anything to help me out. After that I have always been a bit leary about walking through mud espically when I start to sink up to my knees I kind of panic alittle bit when that happens.
  17. I have heard so many diffrent stories about this I almost do not know what to belive anymore. But I think with what has happened over the last couple of days some heads should roll and even though I am a "Reform" I do not care one little bit with our current Provical goverment and City Goverment, I think both groups need to do some overhauling and bring in some new blood with some new fresh ideas cause right now everything is stale and going nowhere. I think Raulph, even with all of his mistakes, still did a better job then the yahoo's that are now in office. I have also heard the reason why we do not have enough of the vaccine is cause our steller goverment sold alot of it to other countries such as the USA, don't know if this is true or not but that is what I have heard.
  18. Dejan, Aswome ties there and they will work on the bow for sure, keep up the good work, welcome to the boards and feel free to ask any ting questions you may have, lots of very good tiers on this forum that will be able to answer any of your questions.
  19. Or you could just be like me and beeing a "HUSKY" guy I tend to float cause you know, fat floats.......
  20. Just saw the artical (small as it was) in the paper yesterday where they said they have recovered a body. Its a sad thing when this happens but maybe it will bring some light on the subject of rivercraft safty and make us all take a second thought about where lifejackets in boats while out on the river. My thoughts go out to the family during this hard time for them.
  21. 403-297-5293 Always try RAP first as all phone calls are recorded and they get their funding through studies that are done on the number of calls so it is very important that you ALWAYS call RAP first. Only time I call the alterntive number is when RAP can not get down their quick enough. Also note this number is for Fish Creek only, they can not do much outside of fish creek.
  22. I agree with this 100% After going through alot of the information that was provided I was shocked to see the intrest of the people that are pushing this through has absoultly nothing to do with conservation at all it is all about the mighty doller, espically if the rod days go to a acution. Like it was put to me by a friend, if a large company or lodge that has many investors deciedes to buy all the rod days at a high price (they can afford it when they have many rich foriegn investors) and then when the local guide trying to make a living has to buy through that lodge which has made the rod day they own much more expensive it basically forces out the smaller guys cause they can not afford it. This sounds too much like a monopy and isn't there a law against that sort of thing. If there is in fact huge issuse with the steelhead and the amount of fishing beeing done they why not close the river down completly, I would think that would be the best soultion, but as I see it the greedy lodges needs to keep their investors happy year in year out, and could poitentally lose their reveune with any type of clouser, and they call us Albertains greedy with our oil money..... I have dropped three letters (that rightyeegs for the letter much easier then me trying to draft a letter myself) in the mail box today and when I can buy some more stamps latter today I will be dropping a couple more. I have never fished in BC or fished for stellhead and might never get a chance to do i, but since I am after all a canadain citizen I think I should be allowed to have the same rights as another fellow canadain no matter where in this country I fish, yes I migth have to buy a licence which I agree with but just because some foriegn person with more money then me should not have more right to fish water's in my home country then me.
  23. LOL, got me good there, but with this it is more of a seriouse subject and effects alot of people, not justthe people that live outside of the BC but the guides that operate inside of BC, cause as I understand it the rivers the lodges are on would be controlled by them and the other guides would be left out to hang which is just dirty if you ask me. Also I like to have all my facts before I draft a letter as a letter that has facts will diffently be looked at more then one that was written in crayons, if you know what I mean. Thanks for the info.
  24. I would of replied back sooner in the news and discussion but like I said I obviously do not know a ton about the subject and instead of me opening up my big mouth and saying something that was incorrect I deceided to not to say anything until I had all my facts. Pete, I have noticerd that there isn't really one place to go to get alot of information from, I know alot of the forums have discussions but is the information on these boards correct or are they what people think they are? I guess my question is where can a guy go to to get alot of information about this. I have heard that the lodges out in BC terms everyone not from BC as "Aliens" which has me red in the coller cause last time I checked I've lived in this country since 88' and am considered by our goverment as a canadain citizen.
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