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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. I have both shaw and telus tv in the household I live ( I have shaw parents have telus) and honestly I see no diffrence, a laminated channel listing is all I need to tell the diffrence in channels.
  2. So let me get this right, you can sign a legal binding contract stating you understand everything in the contact then it comes out that you didn't read everything and you can get out of it by going to the media?
  3. I would say this is not a scam, remeber a while back with the guy in Fort Mac that got a huge bill like yourself but he was using rodgers. As a person that has spent almost 20 years in retail stores I would say you got poor service, it is not a scam if it is in fine print, only a scam if it is not in writing. Like I said before you were misiinformed and not scamed and technically by law you are still responsable for the 18k bill be happy they reduced the price.
  4. Hey rick it looks like I am going to be able to make it on the saturday, pm me if you need me to bring anything, and I'll get back to you.
  5. Hey mike, If I am not working that weekend nd I end up going to the breakfast I will more then willing to wet the line, I haven't fished in over a month since I hurt myself so I am going stir crazy and I should be good to go by that point.
  6. What about me rick, most people can not stand the sight of me? If I am not working that weekend I would like to come and anything you need I would be willing to pick up as long as it does not cost me a arm and a leg. I should know by mid next week.
  7. Over the years I have taken alot of fish photo's, where some of them bad fish handling skills, you bet, but these photo's where taken when I didn't have much knoweldge and as I learned more things change to the point now that if I do not have someone with me to take the photo of the fish then there is no photo. When taking a photo I now hold the fish so its belly is laying in the water, I do not know how many times in the past I would hold it up and the slimy thing would squirm and fall out of my hands, and that is not good at all, so no more. As for the fishing shows I would have to say by what I have seen is that 90% of them are extremly bad, so bad that I refuse to watch any show on the tv. I remeber I was watching one show where the guy would just toss the small mouth bass over his shoulder back into the water. Another show I watched the guy torpedoed the fish back into the water saying YOU HAVE TO DO THIS SO THE FISH WILL NOT DIE. and then another one where he was holding the fish by the lips. Its this kind of things that causes alot of bad fish handling skills in my opion.
  8. When I get the white ones done I will post a photo of them too. Pretty easy tie and I find one of the most productive fly on the bow.
  9. Suntoucher, I hear what you saying but I think a captain needs experince to be a real good captain, Sid has only been in the league for how many years compared to Thorton who has been a captain at the professional level for how many years???? Beeing a good player and beeing a good captain are two totally diffrent things to me, maybe by the next olympics when sid has 7 years expeince playing with pro's and beeing a captain at a professional level then sure we'll see, he's still young and still developing as a player and capatin at the professional level. I feel like the only reason why he was choosen for captain has nothing to do with his ability as a player or captain but more to do with the fact that for the last couple of years he has been the poster boy (image) of the nhl. I guess what I am saying is that I think there are players that has put alot more time and has a ton more experince then sid that should of been picked.
  10. Could you post a couple of photo's of these. Kind of intrested in seeing how you went about things. Wanna learn how to tie some classic wet's but I don't tie what I don't fish......
  11. I've never been a khabibulin fan myself so good for the them... I understand what you saying but personally I think out of any canadin goalie bordeur has by fan the most international experince I don't know if I would take Long. (It could be I just hate van as much as I do edmonton) I think with a weak defense infront of any goailie its going to be a hard tournment for that goile.... I was shocked just like you with the defensive pick, you know the americans and the russians, infact everyone in the international hockey community have a gruge against the canadains so we need a strong physical core and instead they took the old men, didn't niedermeyer try and retire a couple of years ago *Sarcasm* and didn't pronger get caught cheating in edmonton and had to move away, and we want these guys representing our country, the quiter and the cheater............. I can honestly understand pheulf not beeing picked but bowmeester and Regear man give your head a shake... Almost makes me what to belive brian's conserpicey theories..... *Sarcasm* And not to bash sid, but I wouldn't of picked him even as a alternitive captain, I would of given it to Thorton (now he's a real hockey player) Say what you want to about wyane but I think he did alot for Canadain International hockey in the last couple of years.
  12. How is Beaduer weak, maybe this year but how many olympic gold medals does he have and how many World Series cups does he have and also how many stanley cups does he have? As for the Dmen they took, what a joke as mentioned before. Also I wouldn't make pronger or neydamier a captain I would of pick thortan before these two clows......
  13. well I have a dvd that was sent to me from one of the guys that I know and I watched it on my tv, there is a link (I have it right now at home I am currently at work) and can pm it to you but the quaility of it has been remaster for internet purpose so it just doesn;t have the same feeling if you know what I mean.
  14. Brian, Dang always holding the private lessons through the week when I am at work, well maybe we can get out for a couple of hours in the evening there is somethings with both my single hand and double hand I want to work on and I have some questions that I would like to get a answer for from a diffrent perspective if you know what I mean. Anyways next couple of weeks I give you a call or i'll see you at the expo.
  15. when we first moved to canada, the first job my father had was teaching defensive driving to cab drivers here in town. I have seen some video's that is absoultly scary. But back tot he original thread, drinking and driving is not a smart thing regardless to how far you are driving. We'll for the sake of argument take out the deaths that this causes and focus on the guity person, the crimial record alone is not worth the risk of drinking and driving. It follows you for the rest of your life and is always there when looking at your driving record. Now to put everything else into forcus, the pain it brings to people is not worth it, and really in my own opion only self centered people drink and drive as they are only thinking about themselves and not the people or families that can be hurt by someone else. All and all it is just not worth it, take a cab home, what I do with my buddies is I hide a $50 bill behind my id and what not so at the end of the night I pull it out and have a way home or better yet why not just have a designated driver instead. Alot of places I have partied on New Years Eve always gae free coffee and pop to those who where the DD, I think that is a good idea that way the DD can party with everyone else. Just my two bits.
  16. Jarred, You say no one has ever made a movie like this, how so I am just curious cause special effect and 3d have been in movies and tv shows for a very long time, for example the tv show Sancatry is 100% green screen, and 3d movies have been around for a very long time. Not asking for you to tell me the plot line or anything but why would someone go and see this in the threaters, just saying its good does me no good. For example I really enjoyed the story line and the special effects in Starship Troopers but for the majority of people out there they hated the movie. I'm not saying the movie is bad but all I hear is gotta see it, my question is why? What so special about it, could it have to do with the underlaying message the movie is trying to show (ie. a human company comes in and forces another race away, kind of reminds me of the USA vs IRAQ conflict) Is it the fact that it is beeing showen in a digital format vs the old film style (more crisp picture) in otherwords is it a visaul orgasim cause I have seen *hit that would make most movies look bad (just watched a bunch of independent 5min full blowen visual graphic shorts) The actors in the movie do they portray their characters in a realistic way? So in otherwords could you relate to the characters in the story line? I could think of alot better things I could do with my money other then going to movie, the movie has to be really good inorder for me to go out the door and spend the money. Oh and one last thing, Imax doesn't sell it to me, I find the imax to be way too much for me regardless of where I sit in the thearter. I saw LOTR Return of the King and found myself wanting to throw up during a couple of parts cause the imax was just way too much for me.
  17. James Cameron is great for huge special effects and great action but personally I would much rather watch a Guy Richie film more then James Cameron.
  18. THe case caddis is aswome dude I love it dude. I'll take a dozen of them.
  19. I would be surprised if stores such as Bass Pro and Wholesale is closed today, as for the smaller shop I would almost be willing to beat my paycheaque that they are all closed.
  20. Nah I'll pass on it. I am really huge into graphic for movies and have been reading up on it on the gnome workshop and cg society, so I already know about most of the graphic work that has been done into it, and surprising enough there is nothing new to it, alot of it was worked on with plates for the matte painting (most of the background computer graphics) I even talked to alot of the graphic artist that was invovled with the movie on deviant art.
  21. Sun, If you look at the bottom of a couple of them in the front row you will noticed it is a diffrent color, I think they are actually pissing themself scared.
  22. You would be correct in saying the intial purchase of the dvd would be more then the movie ticket, however I can veiw the dvd 1million times for the same inital price while a movie ticket 1million times is.......
  23. Gordie, Just curious but when you are working at the hatchery have you ever brought any of your rods and done a weeeeeee bit of fishin?????? BTW I thought scotish people had achole for blood?
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