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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. So let me get this right, if the "LEGAL" speed limit is 100 and you are doing 115 it should be okay? How come you can break the law and not expect to be fined for it? If you are new to the city and you don't know the speed limits well I suggest that you look for the speed limit signs. All you complaining about break the law, and yes speeding is breaking the law need to review what you are saying. I guess cause it is okay to speed in some areas then it is okay for me to poison my neighbours dog, cause if you can break the law why can't I and what makes a law breakable vs what is not?
  2. Not to sure but try Brain at whistler he might have some, I was looking at the Loop Swedish site so not sure if they have hit N. America. try the Loop USA site and see if they have them.
  3. The new Opti reels by the way are black and silver.
  4. Smitty, Remeber we have already beat Edmonton twice this year, so if we are a embarsement then what does that make Edmonton????? Oh and by the way we are still ahead of edmonton in the standings and tied with colorado for first in our division, 4th in the conference while edmonton is sitting in 8th in conference, real embaresment eh.
  5. Courtney, Nice reel you have there *wink* * wink*
  6. Blah blah blah, like I didn't see that coming. Come on Mike I thought you were alot more witty then that. I guess age has something to do with it, or just too much crown, I dunno which one but hey it sounds good. BTW yeah I had a couple of those just so lovely "But The Customer Is ALLWAYS RIGHT" I swear if I could reach across the counter and smack the *hit out of them, they would never be rude again.
  7. Here is how I see it, sometimes you have to take a look at it this way though. As I see it when the "Inccident" is not interfering with the play of the game, who gives a **** let them play, but if it effects the play at hand then call it.
  8. ahahahahahaha that had to be one of the funniest things I have ever seen, I think I peed myself when I first saw it. BTW, what the **** with all *hit *hit talk and political crap once again, **** you all I hate every single one of you all egually, and who gives a **** is my spelling sucks, **** you...................
  9. Okay here is the other caddis larva that I chuck
  10. I know a coupl of people out there that have the sharksin and they like it but when I tried their setups the noise of the line (which seems to be a common thing) to just absoultly drive me nutty. I am a guy that likes no sound period, more a personal prefeerence then anything else. As for lines I have been trying out a couple of diffrent lines. Rio Gold is a great single fly presentation line I found that I liked to overline it. Guideline Bullet, Aswome line for throwing things into the wind very similar in my own opion to the 40+ SA Nymph Taper for throwing big heavy nymph rigs with a inndicator on it.
  11. In MMA a refe can call the stopage to a fight if he deems it is nessassary. There are also penalities in profootball, intental and unintal facemasking which is also up to the zebra's. Both of these are professional sports.
  12. Got another dozen tied last night to add to my winter nymph collection will post later as I am currently at work. Nebc, nice flies dude, looks good and should catch something. wolfie, only one fly? Looks great and I would chuck that on the bow for sure.
  13. I switched back to the old skin
  14. Can't see why not, I know I sell pieces in a package but they are only 4x6 I would start by looking at electrical stores or maybe craft stores.
  15. A good story about my organized chaos. Anyways one day I go to work and here I am working away and I fell a pinch between my toes, thinking it is a small rock or something I wiggle my nose and what not, anyways I go all day like that and when I get home I pull of my sock only to discover I have a #16 Scud hook barried in the side of my toe. Came out easily in the end.
  16. Mike with that bottle of crown, I would never get anything tied.... I now understand you stonefly pattern you fished with me, diffently drunk induced.
  17. good question, to tell you the honest truth, I dunno...... I always do seem to be out of something. Does this desk win a award?
  18. Hehehehehehehe Anyways here is my organized chaos, how I find things I dunno.......
  19. Sweet bench wanny, but I dunno I like my organized chaos. Spun these caddis larva up today, one of two patterns I use in the winter time.
  20. Actually as a coach myself in minor sports the last 11 years I have alot of knoweldge in this feild. Lets look at the flames, in 04 sutter took them to the cup he was one of the soul reasons a team that could not make it into a playoffs all of a sudden becomes a cup contentender. When Playfair came in as head coach the team was still daryl's team and the players didn't do as good, then Kenean came in the next year and once again the team did alright. Now we have Brentt in which is very simliar to daryal in how they veiw hockey and the team is having one of its best starts in years and is looking good ontop of that. Brentt came in stired the pot in a good way and is taking the talent that he has and working them and developing them into a cup contenting TEAM. If you spent any time coaching in any level you will find that a team always is affected by the Head coach and the things the head coach does. Thus I think quinn making statements as stupid as he did could effect the team, espically with the media coverage and the fine handed out. Do I think Quinn is a bad coach, of course not, do I think his time is up diffently.
  21. Those boatmen should work very well. Nice tie.
  22. I like those ties quite a bit.
  23. I'm going out right now so I will let you guys know how it turns out.
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