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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. Sensative subject for you rick? Usally its me give these kind of replies, hehehehehe, needed a good laugh this morning at work.
  2. You are correct, ignorance is no excuse but on the flip side to this I know when I first started fishing and I first looked at the regs I was completly lost and didn't know what was the west slops or east slops or what then trying to figure out everything was even tuffer. The fact that he had the regs on him tells me he was at least trying (still no exuse) and at kleast he apoligized when he found out he was wrong, people like that I can have more mercy towards, its the assholes that just don;t give a **** that pisses me off. For example I was walking to the good old *hit hole yesterday and came across a spin caster and got talking fish stories with him (yes I am nice to everyone regardless of what method they choose to fish) and he told me about him catching big browns by the carseland weir, I didn't need to say anything but he did express he thought it was sad he couldn't keep it but he did say rules are rules. Then I told him that the section he was fishin was closed because of the spawnning browns. He told me he thought the section was above the weir so I instructed him that he was wrong and the fines he could take he then told me that he wouldn't be doing that again. Just to be on the safe sided later that day I did put in a call to RAP to let them know about it.
  3. I agree and disagree with buying a high end vise. For some of us a $500 vise is just something we can not afford, even though I tie roughly 4 to 5 dozen flies a week, with all the other stuff I purchase and then fly tining material I just do not have the money to afford a high end vise. Would it make my life easier, most likely but as I see it, it is just something that I do not need at this time. As for people starting off tieing, I know if I could afford it and bought it then after a couple of months deceded that I did not want to tie then I would be out 500 vs 150. But having a high end vise when you really start tieing would diffently be a bonus.
  4. Happy birthday Paul, hopefully you can get some fishin in for your bday.
  5. Sunday was a great day even though it was a little bit brisk out but it was good to have a small gathering of spey crazy people, and it was great to see Joshua out there, learning something new and cool. I do enjoy these gatherings cause you get a chance to shot the *hit with some people that you normally do not get a chance to talk to. Thanks to Gregg (toolman), Doug??? (Hammertime), Neil (Cheeler), Chris (Wetduck), Andy (Flyon), Murry (Murry), Josh (Joshua), Tyfisher (Tyler), Mark (Headscan) for taking the time in coming out and sharing you spey experince with everyone.
  6. I coached minor football (Calgary Bantam Colts) for 11 years, stopped coaching about 3 years ago, I also coached for 2 years with the Calgary Bantam Falcons and was a Head Coach for three years with the Calgary and Area Pee Wee Colts (Was one of the orginal Head Coaches when this league was created) and have my level 3 NCCP (National Coaching Certification Program) and if you do not belive me on this you can always ask rickr as I coached his son personally.
  7. I have to be at work for a meeting at 6pm but I should be able to stop by for a couple of hours.
  8. whoops reread the thread and realize I missed one important word.
  9. He's just jelouse that "HIS" team isn't doing as well as "OUR'S" Its kind of like a sandbox fight.....
  10. 5-3 for calgary with 2mins remaining, looks like a good old butt kickin whoops ............
  11. Why do we catch it then, to see it in agony........... Great big egale with a sheep in its talons, baaaaaa, oh **** off
  12. We lived on one of the old cotton platations (Been in mty family for a long time) Your the first person also rick that has not asked me if I am french as everyone always says I have somewhat of a french accent
  13. Okay I will let the beans out on this. As a kid till the time I was 13 I lived with my grandparents (parents were always working) and lived about 3 hours olutside of Lafayette, Louisiana. Dave's comment was direct right at me, its more of a inside joke then anything, if it was you rick we would just call you the dumb texan, since most texans are dumb, oh by the way us folk from Lafayette are Hillbillies.
  14. Invermere, Take note of the porpotions of the fly, I like to tie my bodies roughly around 3/4 of the hook and the thorax, head, etc... is about 1/4 Not sure your level of tieing but one thing I have to keep on reminding myself alot of time is less is best, I can always add a little more dubing if needed. IN deep water I like to tie with a tungsted beed so it can drop fast and stay on the bottom as that is where the trout would most likely find the rest of the caddis larva.
  15. Chartreuse Ice Dud and Brown UV Ice dub (note this looks like it is purpule) I also rib it with yellow wire. Sizes 14 and 16 is what I usally tie them in.
  16. Jordo, I like it, can I get a dozen, hehehehehe. I diffently can see that fly beeing very productive on the bow.
  17. I practice alot of my single hand casting in my backalley
  18. we often hold gatherings and it is for eveeyone, regardless to weather you are experince or not. I'll talk to toolman and see if we can get one organized.
  19. LOL, I agree but how many of these past threads have been closed??????? Kind of hard to replie to a closed thread, eh... Anyways I agree with you marc.
  20. And what do you suggest? Easier to sit there and say *hit instead of giving a soultion, here how about this one, how about you make up a new and better logo, if not then SHUT UP, I just sayin is all.....
  21. The 'adventurers' are scientists, but they would hardly know as much as a perch fisherman from Lake Sundance. Your comments on 11 years being unfair to compare to 100 years is also interesting. You are completely ignoring the hundreds of millions of years we can extrapolate from the fossil record that shows that over millions of years...temperatures rise and temperatures fall. Where the Arctic is now was once forest. The northwest passage was open before the industrial revolution and now while ice is thicker this year...whose to say if mother nature will open it again. First year ice.....and it's not thicker, there's just slightly more ice than 2007. Again to reiterate, you can 1. trust the scientific community 2. you can look for answers from research done by firms contracted by Oil companies to prove something, or 3. you can listen to guys on internet forums. For me, 1 is the best option. Now, don't you have some drilling to do..? I have stayed out of this so far but I have a simple question for Supremeleader. I have noticed that if you do not agree with what the poster has written then it is the evil oil compainies that are paying for this wrong information. My question is quite simple, How do you KNOW if this is true and if so could you supply us with information to back up what you are saying, cause otherwise it just sounds like *hit distrubing to me, I would like to see soild information to prove that the oil compainies are doing this, and by the way don't bother to say something along the line of the oil compainies are brainwashing us, I hear you say that all the time, now is the time to show us proof to what you are accusing the oil compainies of doing, otherwise all your agruments mean crap. Also I thought you were done with this site???? Less then a month and your back..... Does make things some what intresting.
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