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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. Have been to Salt n Pepper before and in my own opion I think El Sombrao's kicks its ass. You should try it one day chris I think you will come to the same conclusion.
  2. When I use to manage Portage Seafood we use to make a Manhatten and New England Clam Chowder that would slaughter what boyds makes, even though it is good the stuff that we made was just that much better, I'll call my old boss (which just happens to be my good friends mother) and get the reciepite for you, note that it will be for a big huge gigantic pot so you will have to cut down on it. Oh and El Eombrero's is a bit on the expensive side but well worth it, and watch out for the pitcher of tiquilia margarities (I know my spelling sucks ass) as they go down way to easy and get you drunk pretty quick. Also hope you can speak or rerad mexican, as everything is in meixcan.
  3. If you want a real good deli sandwich then go to Keith's Deli, one of my most fav places to eat, next to burger inn. Bagolac Saigon is also my fav place to go for Veit. food I got some secert spots that make some of the most amazing donairs and Liebanis meat pies that are absoultly to die for. El Sambrao's (most likely spelled the name wrong) on 17th has some of the best mexican food The catch is by far one of the best seafood resturants around (however it is very pricy) or Boyds on Mcleod trail
  4. bhurt

    Deadly July!

    Sweet photo's max, I still have some photo's for you from last month that I need to get to you. Also where is my dang photo of my laker caught on the bow..... Anyways learned alot from fishin with you and taking photos, always aswome to see photo from your month expliots.
  5. My tilley is one of my most prized possessions (by the way I bought mine for $40 US about 10 years ago) I love the little trading card stories you get with the REAL TILLIES, the elephant story is by far the best story, also I love how they print the warrentyon the inside of the hat. My tilley has gone through hell and back and still in great condition. As for rods, you'll never ever pay for what it is actually worth. The same can go with anything you buy retail (I have over 15 years of retail experince) and almost everything we buy is marked up, that is just the business world and how things have been for a very long time. If you do not like the price it is simply do not buy it, if you want the newest and latest thing well ponny up the bucks and pay for it. Personally I have a 7wt 9foot SLT that I have only used 6 times and have broken the tip twice on it (most likely my fault as I probably hit it with streamers at night time) my sage rod is the only rod (with the exception of my TFO TRICX) that I have ever broken. But if I do that is what a warrenty is for, I got lots of rods so if I am down one rod I just pick up the other.
  6. Peter, The spot that you were in (The land not the water) is owned by Nature's Hideaway, and is a camp group, swimming hole and a well knowen party spot. Not saying the kids had the right to do what they were doing but I have been going to Nature's Hideaway for a very long time and its the same old same old, with the exception their are more people hopping the fence to swim in a very well known swimming hole, instead of paying the $5 for day use of the area. I have had a problem with people there in the past and all I have done is went to the front gates informed the person working there, they then go down to the river and start booting people outm if they have problems they then bring in the RCMP. I personally do not do anything but swim in that area as it is very well known as a swimming hole and a party spot.
  7. Wolfie, not trying to sound like a dick but this is how I see it, if you truly do not mind a post beeing removed then why even say anything about it in a public form? The only photo I have ever had removed was one that I figured would get removed but since it was my first of that particaular speices I thought what the heck. Any concerns I had about it afterwards, and one was diffently about notification, I did it in private messages as it was between myself and the mods, know what I mean. The one thing that I do not like about forums such as this is alot of time things are misread, now I do not mean word for word but interpetations into what the person was trying to say. Alot of times people take it word for word and do not read between the lines while at other times the post is half read and a reply purely based of emotion is made. Nothing wrong with either but it can cause some strife for a time but mature people get over it and go on. But back to the thread at hand, I understand that notification can be taxing on the mods, and can see where they would not notifie me about it cause afterall I really should know better. People that are new to the site, I can see where notification of a removal is benfitical. It really is a judgement call on the mod. Anyways time to start getting things togather for a fish.
  8. Here is my take on removing posts. Did I pay for this site? No I did not and it is a privilage to be able to read these forums and be apart of it. Alot of times it makes me laugh when I see someone get upset (myself included at a later point) when a post gets removed. Last time I checked this is a private web site run by people who the owner of the site has asked to run and moderate. Maybe if someone wats more of a voice to what gets removed and what doesn;t maybe they should shell out the money and start their own site? I think some people take for granted that these forums are everyones, well the simple black and white answer to this is HELL NO. When was the last time a member dished out money for the operational cost of this web forum? I can understand the sponser getting upset as they DO PAY a fee to be a sponser of the site. So in closing if you do not like your posts or topics or photo's getting removed without any reason maybe, just maybe you need to go out and start your own web forums.
  9. Wicked, Frankie B is a aswome guy to send the day with on the river, and hopefully I can find some time to have him work on my single and two hand cast or at least clean it up some more.
  10. I've been called a jerk many times and unforntantly I am still around, lol (just thought I would bring some humor to the table from once)
  11. My biggest ocncern would be getting my feet caught in something, I do not know how many times I have seen shopping carts in the river, infact I have seen them as far down as carseland. The thing about the rafters however is most of them have their feet out of the water or just barely in the water so not alot of chance of getting their feet caught on anything.
  12. Well who wants to come with me, I have absoultle no problem walking up to the establishment and knocking on the door, I will even bring a six pack of beer as a peace offering. When I go out painting landscapes me and a good friend has on numerous occassions knocked on doors and asked for permission and usally the reception is good, only had one bad experince where the owner threaten to let his dog, which he was holding back and snarling at me, after me, I looked down at the dog and then looked back at the owner and told him if he wanted to press the issuse and let his dog go the dog better kill me else I would burn his house down at a later date, end result he let me onto his land after he realize what he said and once I had a painting done I left it in his mail box with a small note saying thank you for letting me onto his property. Most land owners I have come across or have heard stories about have no problems with people on their land, the key to it as it was pointed out to me, is just to say May I please cross your land in a curtious manner so I can get to the river? Most of the time they all say yes, and as it was pointed out to me by another board member bring beer as a peace offering and every time you cross the land leave a six pack on their front door, its amazing what beer can do.
  13. Rick, I understand where you are coming from but is it still right for them to be so rude (Please not I am going off second hand iformation from previouse post) If I was running the place I would be alot more friendlier to the fishermen as I would want them to spend their money at my establishment. I still think the best route would be to go and knock on the door talk to the people that are running the place and explain to them that there was alot of concern about this spot on the forums and we did some reserch and came up with the following. If they say its bullshit and not true and start to threaten someone then I would bring in the local law enforcement. For me most people do not intimiade me, and those that have seen me on the river know I am friendly at first but if the bastard is arragont to me, well I treat them like I see them. And in closing rick I have a bone to pick, Bad Attitude why you no good piece of crap what the f is wrong with you (Just incase no one sees it I am just giving rick a hard time)
  14. If you want a real crazy bastard then I am in!!! Not afraid to tell people where to go. Better yet why not we go to their front door knock on it and inform them instead of beeing crazy calgairians, either way works for me.
  15. How so, they have all the channels grouped in their grouping, like shaw, you can pick your channels for your bundles if you want to customize them, so it is really pointless to group them any other way in my own opion.
  16. I went and checked it out and they are actually offering more then 200 channels, I took a look at their listing and channels and have most of the same channels that shaw offers. then 80 or so channels was for 25 per month and what do you expect for that cheap. Here is a listing of their channels, note page one is the galaxy channels (Music) th next page is their full listing. http://www.telus.com/imagineportal/Upload/....pdf?_region=AB
  17. Some days the water temp has been dangerously high, espically in the +30 days, I tend to aviod these days and fish in the evening when it is a bit cooler, I wish I could say I don't fish these days but fishin is like a crack addiction to me.
  18. How is that comparing anything to the traffic in the wildress by ORV's and Foot Traffic, all it compares is that some damage is done, now if you countine to read my post and not to try and spin words around you would of read the following. Now you asked me the following: My boot tracks and piss do little damage compared to ORV's Now here was my replie: Still is doing damage regardless to how bad, is it okay to do a little bit of damage as long as it is not on a large scale? Now that is comparing the two togather, but note I do not say that they do the same amount of damage. You say stop digging yourself into a hole, how so I have numerous times agreed that their is a problem but have stated that an all outright ban is ridiculous. Also it shows your mutrity when all you can say back is that my arguements is Weak like my spelling, what does that have to do with anything other then tring to make yourself feel better. Most people that are in a debate such as this that has lost or has no replie often uses the all and mighty spelling to make it like they are more superiory then the other, when in fact it is just covering their inability to answer or replie back to what someone has stated. Its funny how alot of the questions I have asked you, there is no replie back but I have come up with intelligent arguements to your replies (okay my spelling is horrible but everyone knows what is beeing said) remeber it was you that started with saying my arguments were weak with nothing to back it up, at least I can back up everything I say with an intelligent argument.
  19. Taco, I hear you about the BC Tel bit my mother has worked for Telus since the days it was AGT, and the biggest problem was when BC TEl bought up Telus they moved their head office and most of the work force there. Much of what Telus does is controlled by BC tel, so good tuck in losing that attitude. I was in the test area for Telus TV and found it to be very nice, I do not know if it is the way now, but you did not need a converter box as most tv's now a days go up to 999 and the only thing you need it for was Pay for View which I do not use that often. Here is a horror story about Shaw (There is one for every company if you look for it) I guess I had a old modem and they were doing upgrades and needed to change out my box, well I got a note in the mail about this with contact info, everytime I called I got voice mail and left numerous messages for a week with no answer. Then I called and talked to one of their customer support persons and asked if I could bring in the old moden to a Shaw dealer and swap it out for the new one thus I knew how to reconnect everything. The rep then told me no I could not cause they had to check for levels and what not after they installed the moden. So I told him I had been tring for the last week and had no reply, the rep told me that their onsite techs are contracted out and they would contact me and set up a date but it would be during work hours which meant I had to take a day off without pay to fix the problem. Well no one contacted me, then my internet gets shut off, so I call and ask this time to talk to a supervisor and explain everything and he told me I was more then welcomed to bring it down and change it at a shaw dealer. 2 weeks and a bit to get a new moden box, when my parents had their telus box changed it was shipped to them in the mail and a note inside te box said if it was not returned in the returned box (one that telus supplied) then they would be charged for the price of the equipment. To me I might change my telvision over to telus as I have seen it and liked alot of features, my shaw t.v seems to always be hiccupping, or freezing up on me, as for internet I like shaw more as it has been the only company I have used for a long time now.
  20. First of all where did I say foot traffic is comparable to ORV traffic, what I said was it does cause some damage, not as much as misuse of ORV's, please in the future do not misquote me. Second your rebuttle to me on my last post was very weak, what is that all you can say? Third, your link you added has nothing to do with what we were talking about. Point A, obviously this is BAD PARENTING for letting such a young child on a ORV regardless to the protections she was wearing she was way to young to be on it. And the second part was about a man that was on a legal highway that went into a ditch and was throwen from it. Both of these accidents could of happened in any type of vechicle, I see people going up the hill into parkland at the access point to fish creek all the time, so even people in cars do stupid things. What I want to know is how is this artical to do with causing damage to our wildress? Infact it has nothing to do with it cause netiher of these accidents where in the wildress or the deep backcountry. You say they are dangerous and can kill people, well how many diffrent type of vechiles are there out there that can kill someone if misused, once again WEAK. I also would like to see some sentific proof that backs up all your claims about ORV, please note I am not the one challenging the issuse your the one that is asking for complete bann so it is up to you to present the facts, just saying it does this with nothing to back it up is WEAK.
  21. Jason, This vid just goes to show that even Flyfishermen can be idoits too, does that make every fly fisher an idoit now? If not then why not the same for the people that use ORV, it seems to me that people just go out and look for the bad in everything and not see that there are some people out there that repect and follow the rules. It burns me when I see people make comments about ORV's and generalize everyone that uses one as beeing lower then them!!!!! I do agree that there is a problem but to generalize everyone that uses a ORV as dirt bags, low life, hillbillies, lazy, etc... is totally unfair ( to me calling people these names is just as bad as beeing a rasit, however it does not have to do with a race but with a group of people), do we really have to resort to name calling to get the point across. If it was me and someone was calling me names I would just ignore them, or worst get into a argument, thus the issuse at hand does not get solved. Just like the random camping *hit show there are some people that respect the laws and there are some people that do not, and this can go with anything. I for one am getting pretty sick and tired that every other post is about some complaining about random camping or ORV's, I think we all get the point, now my question is what are you doing to stop this. I wrote a note to a good friend of the family, which just happened to be a MLA expressing my concerns and I also called Fish and Wildlife and asked them what they are doing about these issuse? Once again what are you doing about it or are you just using the forum to vent out your fustrations?
  22. Hey Birchy, I kind of took some offence to your comment about not taking it to a shop cause you pay too much and get poor/slow service. The place I work we do very good work and $40 for a computer clean up is not bad and within a 24hr turn around time (depending on how busy we are at the time) isn't bad at all. My tech at my store is certified and is not some person off the street and has been in the IT depeartment since the old days of windows 3.11, has all the microsoft certification and has a++ and c++, also he is tainined in setting up main-frames and networks and is constantly doing upgrading so he is up to date with what is happening. Now you are probably asking why he is working for us if he has alot of certification, simple he's 50 years old and wants to get out of the house and away from his wife. Oh by the way I work at Staples, and I know how people on this forum like to slam big box compaines with no back-up to their claims, not saying you did birchy but it was sure close to it without saing it.
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