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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. Here is what you originally said wolfie....... Where do you say anything about your "WOLF" doing something because a gun is pointed, you state pretty clear: after they witness what my Wolf has to say to their loud voices To me and I am sure to the police or any other law enforcement, this would be considered "UTTERING DEADLY THREATS" which is very illiegal. Last time I checked it was not illiegal to raise your voice, espically if you are on someones land illiegally or legal. As to the topic at question here, if someone does own the bed and stream and they want no one on the land then like smitty said they should then post a custom made sign with all the right documentation on it and post it for all to see if they really want people off their land that badly.
  2. I saw him take off up the back channels at caresland as we were pulling in.
  3. Most people that I have talked to that fish that area regulary didn't know either, I think they just saw the sign and kept on walking, and sorry the noticed was on the one that is posted on the washrooms doors.
  4. If you read the signs you would know that they are moving the parking lot 400 meters west of its current location, Bankside parklot and washrooms are gone. I was talking to some of the seryares (sp?) and was told basically they are taking the entire feild and turning it into settling pounds (I belive he said there would be 3 pounds in total) Right now this is just a test with them doing one in fish creek by bernsmead and the other test site is up Fish Creek in the section that runs by Canyon Medows. To me I think this is a great test project and with less setilment in the main river and alot less crap beeing washes in the river it can only be for the best, IMO.
  5. Personally I have no problem with the random camping AS LONG as it abidies by the law. 2 or 3 days (weekend) no problem, the sqatters are a totally diffrent story. The ORV debate is just like the jetboat, no problem if they are curtious but there are without a doubt a large number of jackasses that do nothing but tear up the land and DESTROY the natural habitat of animals that must SURVIVE in the area. I think a posbilble solution for the random camping is that the random camper has to purchase a permit, some small amount and the money goes back into conservation of that area.
  6. I am now the proud owner of a Loop GASS 6120 Unforntantly haven't been fishin much the two hander but just got home from the Crow and what a amazing place
  7. All I have to say is when you are innoncent then why do you have to settle out of court? P.S: I wouldn't want to mess around with Lynn cause she scares the crap out of me and I am 260lbs and played football for numerous years. Nothing is worst then a woman's anger in my own opion.
  8. whoops must be thinking of something else, maybe gettig back at that trin that *hit on me....
  9. If you ask me for my opion I would say take Jim's class. Jim is a legand on the bow and has written may books on the subject and has even had a Movie done about him (River Runs through, with Brad Pritt) Now out of the other two I would suggest the Fish Tales course. I do most of my shopping in this store and find the people that work there are extremly friendly and ALWAYS willing to help out someone regardless to their ability with a fly rod. I am sure the Country Pleasures Course is just as good as the other two but personally I do not know much about it so I would ask some people that have done the course through them and see what they have to say.
  10. Thanks for the post, so are sure some sweet browns there.
  11. I would second this as max is very good at teaching new guys what to do and how to approch the river. Max is on this board as Maxwell.
  12. Also if we submit photo's for this are we giving up the rights to the photo?
  13. How are you fishing the stone? Alot of times I like to Swing stones, some nights are good other nights not so good, need more info to help out, what technique are you using. Also like I said in a previouse post, have cofidence in what you are doing that way you are fishin and not fighting yourself.
  14. First thing you must do is change your attitude, when fly fishin you have to have cofendince in what you are doing, that way you are fishin and not fighting yourself. What type of fishin are you doing? More info and I might be able to help you out.
  15. Hey Mike, By any chance you know what type of action the rod is? Do you know if it is true if these rods are the old Loop Greys?
  16. Personally I use a 3wt 9 foot Loop Multi on the Bow for dries and on the small streams. The rod is a mid flex rod and is a bit forgivening, I also like it cause with the big brutes on the bow the flex in the rod is just absoultly amazing and can pretty much handle most fish on the bow also if your a experince fisher, but time and practice will bring you up to par. If you are looking for a faster action rod I suggest the Loop Opti Creek or the Loop Opti Stream, both are amazing rods.
  17. I think brookies taste good too, I mean..........
  18. Steve, Where you fishin the bow or somewhere else?
  19. Well my day is getting better and better, I thought I would have to work till like 1 or 2 and then I had my new person come in and said she was working also, with three of us in there is no point in me beeing here so I am outta here in like 15mins to go slam the bow with my 3wt and my new Hatch reel.
  20. FNG, What no dry action yet, man you really need to get out there. The biggest thing I have learned so far is that my casting grip needs improvement and I have to watch out that I am not cracking my wrist during my cast and lastly to go gentler on my set as I am pulling out alot of hooks. Never taken a course with Jim, but I do highly respect him and I am sure you will have a blast. When you get back PM me and we'll see if we can get out one evening to go after some dry fly action.
  21. Rehsiflylf, Last thursday night when I was out in about a span of 20 mins I had 6 hits (Too bad my reel I was using on my three weight just sucked ass) I would say a good 90% of these guys where bows and they averaged in length between 15 to 20, but I'll tell you that I am lovin it cause on my 3wt those 15 inchers that wer usally just haul in is such a great fight, don't know if I will be pulling out the spey or the 6wt for the next couple of months, only time will tell. BTW, the PMD's and PED's are working very well and the Skids are working extremly well during the day with the caddis in the evening. My boss just told me I am too wound up today and she is pretty sure it is because I want to get out of work so I can hit the bow and do some seriouse fishin.
  22. Darrin, At the end of the day that is what really matter, what are you really using it for and what do you want......
  23. As I sit here on a saturday morning I find myself thinking about what type of fishing and where I am going to fish the next two days. For the most half as I work I try and think of ways to get out early so I can hit the bow and start slammin fish, espically last week as me and max took out our 3wts and went out to do some dryfly fishin. It was alot of fun to take out my 3wt (even though I had to go out and purcashe a new hatch reel for it) and was happy that max made me take it out as I was starting to get bored of doing the samething over and over, now I find myself with a new challange and found that step in my walk that I had thought was gone..... With the dry fly fishin beeing epic last week I can not wait for this week and plan on beeing out on the river as much as possible. How many other people out there suffer from this just like me. I know when the dry fly starts its hard to keep me inside or at work. At time I curse this sport (I spend way too much money on things releated to fly fishing then I should) while other times you just can't remove the smirk from my face and the friends that I have made fishing is well worth it. Tight lines to all and let all take a step back and look at what we got.....
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