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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. Hey Max, when you get your stwict rods you gotta let me give it a shot, I haven't tried casting one yet infact I don't think I have ever casted a switch rod before, however everything I have read about these rods I have yet to hear anything bad about them.
  2. Nice Photo steve, love those browns they look aswome.
  3. Personally I think you can not go wrong with the Pentex or the Olympus. I have many friends that use the pentex and they all like it alot, I have the Olympus 850ws which I like very much. I do find that at times my Olympus takes a more vivid photo then some of the photo's I have seen with the pentex (Might havce to do that I had a professional photographer set up all the setting in my camera) Either way I would look at the options for both camera and find out what YOU want in a camera and go from there!
  4. Here is how I see it, you say it really got you steamed, if it bothered you that much then why didn't you do anything at the time. You say that you couldn't get down there on your bike, sorry but to me that is not a good reason, just a excuse, cause if you could see him gilling the fish from the Southland bridge then you could get down to him, most likely he was just down the island which is in yelling distance, like I said if it bothered you that much then there is ALWAYS something you can do. Chances are if the person is gilling the fish then they are not part of the boards cause how many arguments have there been about fish handling, espically in photo's which alot of the lurkers are looking for (Pictures give away spots sometimes.......) Also your previouse two calls into RAP has nothing to do with what you saw those are totally diffrent cases and has nothing to do with the current one you were talking about, you also SUGGEST that he might of been keeping fish which when in doubt call RAP. Please Paul understand I do not mean to put you down but I see your post as meaningless........ But that is just my own opion.
  5. Here is how I see it, There are alot of people out there that were brought up one way or another with handling fish and that is how they were educated. Alot of people that I have meet on the river with poor handling skills just needs to be educated, nothing wrong with the personjust needed to be educated. It really burns me (no offence to PAV) when people come on here and bitch and complain aboput these issuse yet they did nothing about it. Next time I suggest doing something. Is it true some people are concern with approching others, sure but what I have found is that if you go with the attitude to help the person and not with violent intentions then everything is okay. Worst case, report it to RAP......
  6. *yawn* I see you still spouting out the same crap..............
  7. Why would it be a problem? As long as you are following the regs then there is nothing wrong with it in my books.
  8. Nah I don;t think you will see that, wishful thinking..... Big reason why I say Phaneuf will stay in calgary is the simple fact he was brent sutter all star defenseman when he coached him in Red Deer. I personally think all big deals for Calgary are done with. Who knows what can happen IN SUTTER WE TRUST
  9. Lynn, The flames are working on their goalies, they signed curtis for 2 years and if he gets to play more this year watch out I think he will be a bright star for us in the future. Also you will never see phenuf go cause he played for brett in red deer and was very good so watch out I think he will light it up this year. As for Bouwmeester, the flames have 11 million open right now so it is a possiblity to see him here and with rehguer and phenulf watch out. As for losing Camillierie that was seen a long time ago but the flames picked up ollie to replace him, look at camiliere's goals after we got oillie. I think for having no real big draft choices I think the flames came out of it pretty dang good, wanting to see this kid the flames pick up out of the sweedish elite league and see what he can do. With 5 sutters in the organization and a complete overhaul of the coaching staff I am very excited about see how the flames will do.
  10. Steve, Its okay they are just excited that they got a old has-been coach, all jokes aside, the northwest division is such a crazy tuff division.
  11. Man, I am upset that I can not make it due to staff quiting on me with no notice. Hope everyone has a good time I know I will be thinking about it.
  12. Steve that shot was freakin hiliroious I almost pissed my pants laughing, it really does look like the snake is smiling. Snake, aswome photo's can't wait till my two weeks off to spend some time in the mountains away from all the crap the city life brings.
  13. Dang that sucks man, but its all fun in the end. I haven't tried out the AEG Trout Bum Series yet but I know I absoultly love my 3wt Multi and my 6 weight multi. I diffently need to try casting one of them as I have been hearing alot of very good things about this line.
  14. Thanks for the info, I thought I read something somewhere but I wasn't sure of it.
  15. I could be wrong on this, but if we have a summer with low water (once high water is gone) and we have alot of weeds does this not choke out alot of the oxyegen that the fish need?
  16. Hey rick, You have had a new toy for like a month, a certain reel you just haven't picked up yet. LOL
  17. Honestly there is not enough FACTS, what I see is mostly speculations on what could happen, it also states that there has been a ban sinc way back, so if that statement is true how do they know what will happen. Not to sound rude but all it sounds like to me is a bunch of tree huggers looking for something to complain about.
  18. Thanks for the location Chris, now I am going to go out with my long line and destroy the run then come back to the forums and complain about how slow it is, hehehehehehe Anyways nice photo's we need to get out one of these days and do some mountain fishin.
  19. The past two weeks for me has been very productive. Thinking about the water level in some of my high water spots the river is at the same level while other spots are lower. Not much mud at all when comparing it to the last three years. Most fish I have been catching this year is between the sizes of 16 to 21, I have caught a couple of beast this year, I know my sizes as I put eletrical tape at certain messagerments on my rod so I can quickly check. Personally I don't need to have to post sizes cause like everything else here, someone ALWAYS has a opion and what to tell you diffrent. Personally for me when I post it is about the experince and not a ego trip, I'll leve that to my facebook.
  20. Correct me if I am wrong but is a blood worm not a auquadic worm? I goodled it and it states that it is. Here is the link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycera_(genus) Bloodworms are poor swimmers but good burrowers, living on the sandy or silty bottoms of the intertidal or subtidal regions. Though usually marine, they can tolerate low salt levels in the water, and also poor oxygen levels. Bloodworms and all water worms have adapted to life in the sand and silt for the protection it offers.
  21. Throwing kindling on the fire but honestly who is anyone to tell anyone else what they can or can not say? Last time I checked we lived in a country that had freedom of speach. I have taken out people from the boards in the past to honey holes I have discovered only to have them tell everyone they now and so forth and so forth. At first I got mad but over the years I just shurgged my shoulders and found new spots. In the end if you don't want anyone to know then don't say *hit, but if someone else says something then it is just something that you have to live with, does it suck, sure does but what else are you going to do about it, cry on a internet forum about it?
  22. I agree with this, as I have tried both and find that the Airflo 40+ shoots alot better and I can do all of my single hand spey casts with it, and the biggest thing is it is $60 cheeper so I can almost buy three 40+ shoot lines for the price of 1. However I do not know how the longivity of the two compare, I know with my hardcore addiction to fly fishin when I was using the 40+ I would go through 1 every 3 month or so. I also did not like the noise that the sharkskin was making (but that is a personal thing as I refuse to buy a reel that is loud, prefeer the silky smooth and extremly quite reels myself)
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