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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. Gil, The simple truth is that is your opion and poaching and litering is not the samething. I do not agree with litering, but can you honestly sit there and say that yopu have NEVER litered yourself, on purpose or by accident? I also can only go on the information that was provided and last time I check you werwe innoncient until proven guilty in this country and with the information that was provided there is nothing there that says they were poaching. By the way I took a $150 fine the other day for literiting by acciedent, I did not see my napkin fall out of my bag but the cop that fined me did.
  2. Very nice fly. I personally have always enjoyed looking at classic tied flies but wouldn't want to try and tie one myself. Good job Darrin.
  3. Not that I do not disagree with what happened to them but how do you know they were poachers? In the artical you posted I see nothing that states that they were poaching, all I can tell is that they were fishing without a licence. I find it kind of insulting just because someone fished without a lience or was fishing from a inflatable raft that they are now less then everyone else or where poaching, how the hell do you know if they were poaching? Is it because you are far more superior then them?
  4. I've been experimenting with a wide veriaitety (sp) of colors for sometime, and I found when you can match them close in color to what we find in the rivers it is usally good fishin, it is when I start to try some of my cracked out color combinations that not much happens.
  5. I have heard from a few people that egg suckin leech patterns work very well.
  6. Wolfie, I find the reason the blue/silver's work is cause it is close representation to a little bow and the greens/silver are close to browns. With my clousers I usally wrap the hook in some pink tensle (represents the pink slash found on rainbows) and others I use yellow (represents the yellow on the browns) I also wrap in silver and red. I haven't caught many bulls myself but I have seen tons of bulls caught and am surprised that the pink is a very effective color to use, I personally think they see it as a close repesentation to the little bait fish they could be feeding on. An experiment I have been doing this year with my clousers is looking at the color schemes used in repals and imitate the same colors to my clousers. I have been having great luck with it, even though I haven't really been using much clousers yet this year. Just my 2 cents tho.
  7. Well here I sit once again at work looking at FFC, well not much happening today and I feel like lighting something on fire, I would say my store but they would just ship me over to a diffrent store then. Well the weather looks good outside today, even if it is hot still a nice day and need to add some more color to my skin, and was thinking of all the lucky bastards that are probably out on the river enjoying the day. With still one more day of work left I am just biting at the bit to get out and do some fishin, hopefully everyone realizes the bow sucks and heads out to the east slopes for the next couple of day so I can have the bow all to myself. For any other degerate like myself, if you find yourself out on this shitty river just let me know, that way I'll bring along some of my hunting rifles and quads to ruin your day.
  8. Don't see many nice browns like that out of the elbow, very very nice.
  9. Well that would be a task in its self I'll grab the forklift and give you a hand buddy. My grandfather down south use to play the harmonica and was very good at it, when he died three years ago I never thought I would miss hearing it, but now that you talked about it I realize how much I actually do miss it, maybe one day when I am on the bow I will hear you playing yours FFW and it will return me back to the days of childhood.
  10. That looks like a pattern that could be very effective, cause its early and I am at work, what size is it, my brain just isn't working right now.
  11. You gotta remeber something about film is that with heat exposer or light exposer it will actually cause the film to strech thus getting poorer and poorer quality the more you reproduce, I dunno if you are reproducing from your negativies or if its the first time.
  12. Penunts, I use to sneak into that place when I was underage, Kings Head I would say is more of a club/pub never really cared for that place Bull & Finch a good choice, also Darbie Arms is a good place too.
  13. Spey Crazy Dutchie, need I say anymore?????? Is it just me or does Dutchie look like Mr Mieagie (sp) "Daniel son, Sweep right, Sweep left" *note* Tag at bottom left can be removed
  14. Basic river ediqutte is if you come up to someone, go introduce yourself and ask that person where they are fishin and if its okay if you fish up or down. Also when confronted with confrantation it is better to walk away and find other water to fish, not worth getting all upset. The river from the city all the way down to caresland is fishable so pick a spot and find us some trout porn to look at.
  15. Since I live in the South end for most of my adult life I would suggest the follow. Brewsters in Lake Bonavista Mall, about 5mins away from the 22x Boat launch Rat and Parrot in Canyon Medows Mall, Lake Bonavista again, On Lake bonaventure drive and Canyon Medows Dr. Dixions just off McLeod trail in Midnapor
  16. Considering where I am from that is probably one of the most racicist comments you can make, lol Brad
  17. bhurt

    The Bulldog

    I tie something very similar to that which I have been slaying with thm on the bow as of late, the only thing I do a bit diffrent is I trim my hackle a bit shorter and I do use lead wrap but it is underneith my dressing. I also use diffrent colors. I am working on a little thing right now that shows how I tie these and will be up on my facebook for all my friend to see.
  18. Don't you mean Urban Legand or better yet BULLSHIT legend, lol Birchy at times you just crack me up. And please remeber there are bulls downtown, SJW has the photo to prove it *wink* Hey Dave if you see this make a post and show your bull *cough* *hit *cough* trout again
  19. I would have to say mid teens, pretty hard to tell with the way the bow is positioned in the photo.
  20. I originally vote when this post first came out so as I became a better caster and learned more about myself and my likes I was converted over to the Loop line which I have been using for the last year and a half. For the price ofthese rods and the quaility of them I like them myself and think they are a good bang for your buck, as for warrenty, I have yet to break one so I dunno what the turn around is like, but have been informed by many people it is about the same as any other rod manufactures, I have heard however that Scott is probably one of the worst onesout there, please note this is just second hand info so don't quto me.
  21. Terry, If it is really loch ness and you want to know if it classifies as a fish, sure, but only if its on my plate..... J/K I would say it looks like a boat with a wake behind it like mentioned before.
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